Yeah I just sat down baker.
Confirming Handoff?
>could go another
Up to you, baker.
Next bread may go 4 hours.
If you do want to handoff now,
just say "Acknowledged" or similar
I'll start getting set-up in the meantime
And ty for baking for us!
>we might have a new ~6am baker
Oh good, cuz I have a pretty hard cut-off around then or I can't handle workfag duties.
And I saw that MetalBaker (prev 6am baker) had some trouble today.
We are a colorful lot are we not?
Hey has TZ been around?
He said it was his "last bake" a few days ago.
I'm hoping he's not gone-gone tho.
Thanks BO
Our bot mystery rages on I guess.
He's not GermanArchiveAnon, he's not you,
he's not me (yes, I had my turn at being accused)
Is he AI? A disgruntled oldfag? A helper in camo?
Perhaps we'll never know.
Blame it on the hardwired concernfag in me,
but unbridled chaos has always had strange appeal.
And this is why I can't help but love that bread-eating
foul-mouthed, most-times inscrutable bot.
Maybe because it makes these moments
stand out more in relief?
eBot poetry is best poetry
> I get bakers mixed up
Yeah it's a little harder w/ the nix on name/avfagging. Hard even for me now.
Don't worry about it, just thought TZ might be lurking. He and I overlapped most of all bakers and he always had my back so I want him to be okay is all. I was away awhile and he took up the slack, so I kinda feel responsible he hit a burn-out wall.
>took the bait, they got me
Happens to all of us.
Shills learn/target our triggers.
I won't say mine, (((they))) know kek.
Just shake it off, try to do better next time.
That's the name of the game around here kek.
I do not know what that means
but I bet it's the truth
Thanks for that.
That's what I thought.
>Hopefully he justs needs a few days to recoup
That's what I'm hoping too
Notes so far
>>2730943 South Africa’s Julius Malema: Trump’s Right, We’re Coming for White Farmers
>>2730890 DoD targets Trump-supporting Pentagon whistle-blower of campaign spying
>>2730854 1998 flashback: Tony Podesta, John Perry Barlow, Clinton-Gore in PA '96
>>2730798, >>2730811, >>2730903 Saber Rattling by UK/France/Syrian Terrorists, and Bolton
I think this was noted last night
but thanks for posting.
No, none of this is easy.
Watched a movie tonight, and you can't help but see the pedo references where it would never would have even crossed your mind
back b4 we made the choice to know.
It's not an easy one to live with.
Not sure what you're asking for here Anon. I didn't see this posted in earlier notes–or am I not seeing it?
I can't vet that kind of source w/o putting my computer at risk, Anon.
Basket of deNotables
>>2731329 No More Treatment for NoName's Tumor, says Family.
>>2731340 Forcing it? POTUS hosts "Promoter of 'QAnon' Conspiracy Theory" (Lionel Lebron)
>>2731212, >>2731113 UNSAUCED audio: Panetta & CIA discussing "termination"?
>>2731208, >>2731214, >>2731259 Digg: Clinton/Haiti-connected T.E. McCarrick, Alexis Herman
>>2731123, >>2731222 Water for Cali's Central Valley farmers, not Fiji water's Resnicks
>>2730943 South Africa’s Julius Malema: Trump’s Right, We’re Coming for White Farmers
>>2730890 DoD targets Trump-supporting Pentagon whistle-blower of campaign spying
>>2730854 1998 flashback: Tony Podesta, John Perry Barlow, Clinton-Gore in PA '96
>>2730798, >>2730811, >>2730903 Saber Rattling by UK/France/Syrian Terrorists, and Bolton
Thanks guys. I've included it in the 500ish notables above. If no one asks for it to be removed, I'll leave it in.
Are there any Morning Bakers lurking
Graveyard baker getting berry sleepy, don't think I'll make it to next bread
I love bad lip reading anyway, but this was one of the best.
Watched it earlier, had to watch again.
ty for posting (woke me up a little)
I'm gonna have to crash b4 next bread.
And there's no morning baker yet.
Would you rather me prebake next one early
or will you be around to Ebake?
Thanks (sorry I can't stay)
>>2731439 Soros, South Africa, Land Grab and the usual Fuckery
>>2731430, >>2731447 Did Brennan just describe the criminal conspiracy of his own posse?
>>2731357 AIRKEK: US Army aircraft R1778 tracked from Jackson to Andrews AFB last night.
>>2731329 No More Treatment for NoName's Tumor, says Family.
>>2731340 Forcing it? POTUS hosts "Promoter of 'QAnon' Conspiracy Theory" (Lionel Lebron)
>>2731212, >>2731113 UNSAUCED audio: Panetta & CIA discussing "termination"?
>>2731208, >>2731214, >>2731259 Digg: Clinton/Haiti-connected T.E. McCarrick, Alexis Herman
>>2731123, >>2731222 Water for Cali's Central Valley farmers, not Fiji water's Resnicks
>>2730943 South Africa’s Julius Malema: Trump’s Right, We’re Coming for White Farmers
>>2730890 DoD targets Trump-supporting Pentagon whistle-blower of campaign spying
>>2730854 1998 flashback: Tony Podesta, John Perry Barlow, Clinton-Gore in PA '96
>>2730798, >>2730811, >>2730903 Saber Rattling by UK/France/Syrian Terrorists, and Bolton
I took Anon's advice and pre-baked the next one for ya, so it will be waiting when you're ready. I left a notice over there that there was no baker on duty and one was needed. Until one steps up, you experienced anons can help by gathering notables.
Sorry I can't stay guys. My cut-off is usually 6am but we just lost our 6am baker. I held out as long as I could. G'night frens!
Ty anon, my pleasure.