Bolton. Not a lot of Bolton's in Khazaria.
Tim Scott and Trey Gowdy walk hand-in-hand along the shore. It's disgusting. SC is all over this legislation. Matt Gaetz and Rubio supported it. These people are all snakes.
Trust non-one up there.
we do already know. we know about Israel doing it. we know about the mayo. we know about davis family heart center. we know about 23 and me. we know about family courts. we know the talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk
talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk
we know about Myra Hindley, we know about Fiona Barnet, we know about the Queen, we know about Dutroux and Dunblaine and Geoff Dickens and Jimmy Saville and Muslim rape gangs and rabbi sex perverts
talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk cover up cover up cover up
this is not a law enforcement issue it is only to be solved by military force yet it is being treated as one and the pedo media continues its cover up and all we hear is more talk talk talk talk talk