Anonymous ID: 89047f Aug. 25, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.2731430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1447 >>1492



Former CIA Director John Brennan Outlines Criminal Conspiracy Case Against Clinton, Fusion GPS, DOJ and FBI…


In a rather interesting part of last Friday’s interview between former CIA Director John Brennan and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, Mr. Brennan outlined what makes a criminal conspiracy.


When you consider the issues surrounding Russian influence agent Oleg Deripaska and his centrality to many of the events, well, Brennan is actually -and ironically- outlining the criminal conspiracy of the DOJ and FBI. [Watch the part at 15:14]


Transcript – @15:14


Maddow: What would amount, in your mind, in intelligence terms, to an American being a part of that conspiracy; the one that’s been defined by Robert Mueller already?


Brennan: “I will leave it to the lawyers and to the courts to decide if something is criminal or not. In my mind, it requires someone to knowingly support the efforts of a foreign government to interfere in U.S. domestic politics and especially an election.” – “And so, any American who was working with the Russians, or working with an intermediaries who were working with Russians; and those Americans who knowingly tried to collude, conspire, and to work with them in order to advance their political objectives here in the states, I think that rises to the level of conspiracy.”


So let’s look at this – while keeping in mind that Oleg Deripaska is a Russian political influence agent, the source of some unknown amount of Chris Steele’s information, and a Russian operative the FBI specifically engaged with in their political investigative efforts.


“any American who was working with the Russians, or working with intermediaries who were working with Russians”.


That phrase specifically describes: the Clinton Campaign, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Stephan Halper, Christopher Steele, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, James Comey, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, Adam Waldman, and Senator Mark Warner.


…”and those Americans who knowingly tried to collude, conspire, and to work with them in order to advance their political objectives here in the states”…


The distinction in that second part of the quote might remove Clinton or Perkins Coie; however “working with intermediaries who were working with the Russians” would keep them in.


Additionally, all of the media entities who engaged in the promotion, advancement, and distribution of the propaganda as an outcome of knowingly meeting with those foreign officials – would also be considered part of the “conspiracy”.




There you have it.


Essentially, in his own words, former CIA Director John Brennan makes the Criminal Conspiracy case against all of the central characters involved within the 2016 political operation to influence the 2016 election and frame candidate, President-elect, and later President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 89047f Aug. 25, 2018, 4:43 a.m. No.2731540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1552 >>1564 >>1565 >>1569 >>1574 >>1579 >>1584 >>1600 >>1608



Congress had to pass a special act to permit 2 more years of RM remaining at FBI Director.


Congress told the executive branch that this would NEVER happen again and this ONE time was only an extreme exception.


So RM meeting was NOT about that at all. Couldn't have been. There would be no other reason for Trump to meet with RM the day before he became special counsel…Occam's razor…apply to the situation…simplest answer. RM and RR ARE trapped and cooperating and setting stage for HRC and Pod bros.


Now —Mirror…think mirror!!!


What has Trump been doing for 18 months now? His personal attorney raided? What are they going to do to Obama's personal attorney? HRC personal attorney? What did they do to Trumps campaign manager? What will happen to HRC campaign manager? Do you see the precedents that are being set up here?


Legal precedents…..set the stage for a "NO PUSHBACK" legal excursion into HRC and treasonous others.


Patience as you are watching the movie BUT you are not seeing the vision and what has to happen. Brilliant setup is happening right in front of your and other Patriots eyes but your emotion clouds your vision.


Patience patriots….what is happening is SOOOOO beautiful…simply the best orchestra and ballet that one could ever had hoped for! Remember….what POTUS and Q are doing is creating a legally bulletproof wall around all of the DS players. In other words…."they did it to POTUS"……hence… legal precedence ….."they can do it to Hillary". That shuts up the MSM and gives them zero pushback which means the DS is silenced as they are taken down. Now do you see the mirror? Remember what Q and POTUS keeps reminding us to do….see it through a mirror. Do it to one….do it to all. Turnabout is fair play….See the mirror….see the plan…..see the vision. The plan is beautiful and magnificent at the 40,000 ft level. Not everyone sees it and it will only come in tidbits. Remember disinformation has to be used in war…..


Oh…Cohen indictment I will give you some crumbs to check! (check Cohen document…signed in April 2018….LOL Really?? Yes April!…little detail everyone missed! Cohen planned ?—- YES!!! Keep smiling you are getting it!) Really is a movie! Good actors huh?


Oh and go listen to Cohen and his attorney's comments. Cohen said candidate….he did NOT say POTUS..hehehehehe….everyone missed that also. Cohen also told the MSM via his attorney that Cohen would be happy to speak to the special counsel ….regarding the knowledge that he possesses regarding campaign finance violations. POTUS did not come up in testimony…."candidate" was the only thing mentioned!!! What "candidate" do you know? Not POTUS he IS POTUS! hahahahahahahaha….see it?? Lanny Davis is the attorney who just happens to be attorney to Clintons also!!! Ok take a DEEP breath…..Cohen tells RM in front of Lanny Davis all about the campaign violations and HRC issues!! RM can only prosecute specific breadth and width normally BUT RR has provided him the "carte blanche letter" to investigate ALL avenues and act on any information that he receives. Now see what is going to happen? See it all come together?


All the prosecutors, Lanny, RM are HRC Dem "friendlies" so there is no way that DS can claim "political witch hunt". Get it now? All the documents in Cohen's office and Cohen's testimony. Oh don't forget about Stormy Daniels either, Hmmm…wonder what will come to light there?? Hahahaha…How do you get evidence introduced into evidence without a trial? Uh uh.

Manafort? Hmmm…yes was a DS plant, planned, and sets legal precedent for past crimes of DS members from years and years ago! Again…past regressions can and will be prosecuted. See the mirror? See the precedent? Wonder what Manafort will say? Now realize why Flynn's sentencing has been sent moved back several times now? Yes…see it? More clearly? Be patient and be really proud because you care, you fight right beside the rest of us. Now is the time to stay vigilent and focused- Be proud, be diligent, stay on your toes, keep digging…..Patriots persevere…..Every Patriot contributes in their own personal manner and way. Just being here and reading is contributing. Just keep your chin up and keep smiling. You know what the DS doesn't!