trump may surrender if he himself feels that america is greater than anything else, a sacrifice is to be made .
before nov mids every1 will attach in every way, and no one can campaing before the election from R&D parties, all the campaing would be done by news media, internet social nets, aWAR because tried and tested way to get votes is doing something impulsive which sounds logically true, as it creates confusion then put up national sec before every1. else meke people plunge to history and remind that, as of now the media owns narrative to history, thats peoples habbjit. guysare going out to find another platform, may be they know that censorship is coming.
this is a warning for the core rt wing T supporter, remember casino royale >>2730947 only if trump wins nov
>>2730955 >>2730957
remember egypt protest mobillleconnection, hamradio??? a preparation!>>2730985!by5HVagC!KK-UaLWO_nvgQxXPtARtkw