Anonymous ID: a81282 Aug. 25, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.2732934   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Start here….


Then research US Bankruptcy 1933 - HJR 192

ALL Anon's are tax / debt slaves used as collateral for the global banking cartel. The United States Inc is STILL in receivership. Your name in ALL CAPS on any govt documentation is your Legal Name Trust and you are the beneficiary NOT the Trustee. Then research when Birth Certificates were started…1933 anybody? When your parents applied for a birth certificate it actually created your legal name trust and the trust was loaded up with debt. Read the 14th amendment to understand US Citizenship and make note of the fact that it eliminated involuntary servitude but not VOLUNTARY servitude. You are a slave, time to wake up and do something about it….GET PISSED….THIS is what Q is waiting for Anons to discover….We The People HAVE the power! YOU have the power to take control of your legal name trust on the record and be treated as an American National.

Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity Marshall McLuhan