Part One
Like all Religions - Roman Catholic, is a “Belief Construct” a way of understanding the Universe and the Earth reality into which we are born.
Those ‘raised’ in religions or ‘converted’ to a Religion Belief System (RBS) have a framework in which to organize their perception of Reality. Like Parents, they need it until they grow up and no longer need it. When someone’s RBS is ‘red pilled’ it can be disorienting - at first. One feels bewildered, lost in a very big Universe without a Navigation System. With honest seeking and maturity one can find a new more useful RBS or construct one’s own.
The Catholic religion which is the oldest, grandest form of the Christian religion, survived as long as it did because it is also a political system (government Construct). It became a political system in 325 AD when the Roman Emperor made it the official State Religion. The ‘Pope’ is the religion’s emperor, what he says is Law.
Sxx perversion in the Catholic religion was an infiltration about 1000 BC with the introduction of unnatural “Celibacy” for the Priesthood. The other component of the perversion was the exclusion of Women from the power structure of the Christian Churches. If Women and sxx ate added back to the power structure then Family eventually supersedes the Pope-Emperor and the entire hierarchy system flattens out as it has in Protestant religions other than Anglican which still has a King-Queen-Pope structure.
The myth of Celibacy and of Women being inferior to Men eventually devolved into the child abuse seen within the Catholic Church today. The public and the faithful are beginning to see how deeply woven the perversity is woven into the political structure that emanates from Rome and the Pope.
It will be disorienting to many - for awhile. Like ‘Neo’ thrust from the cocoon like familiarity of the Matrix pod into a cold reality. Some will reject even the Truths within the religion(s) until they get their spiritual feet planted firmly in the dynamic Universe.