Anonymous ID: a11f89 Aug. 25, 2018, 11:37 a.m. No.2733554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3591 >>3700 >>3737 >>3771 >>3912 >>3917 >>4000

Q said


Present/ past.


Kate offers to bring in the second guy to prove she is for real


Now Kate is offering to bring in the second guy who coincidentally is only 30 miles away from her. Whats the odds of that?


I do not believe K is an assasin or ever wanted to harm the President.

In fact I think she has a huge crush on him and wanted to meet him and be remembered as the hero that uncovered two deranged guys that threatened him.


Here’s the problem. Did she have contact online with both men and fill their heads with shit like CIA are out to get me. I think its possible the gentleman still on the run was the first target but somehow got off her hook. She is/has probably fucked every cop/LE officer in her small town (married ones too) and has them in her back pocket. The intention all along was to get these men to come to her and annenvironment she control so she could get her “friends” to help her set up her sting to record these guys threatening POTUS.

Saves and meets Potus and goes down in history and gets to be the VIP anon deluxe for Q. Understandable, noble even but sometimes the ends dont justify the means.


The guy still on the run didnt show up so she got Boyd to haul ass out there on a 22 hour drive and wait confused while she set her sting in motion in which she explains how she acquired the LE backup and friends assisting her in her response of why she met with Boyd and wasnt afraid.


Whats the likelihood of that in real life?

I think the people threatening her on twatter or thinking shes an assasin are idiots. I live far away from there myself and have no plan or desire to threaten her or drive over there. This is the authorities job not mine.


She is likely the has been the prettiest girl in her small town and has head cheerleader syndrome.

She just wanted to be the hero and get to meet Potus and also gain positive notoriety for Q.


But I think she manipulated and lied to these men using her good looks and their loneliness/conspiricy related state of mind to believe she needed rescuing.

She has local law enforcement in her back pocket and deleted the twatter accts she communicated with these men on and my hope is SS FBI DHS will properly investigate these matters and arrest her if she has broken any laws.

If she triggered 1 or both of these dudes and set them up that has to be illegal.

Its unlikely POTUS was ever in any danger as he is guarded by the best but it could have got somebody hurt and theses guys lives are fugged permanently.

Once again K I wish her no physical harm but if she Larped this fuckery come clean and tell the truth.

Its also undoubtable both these men need professional help and treatment but still….


I hope some LE that are not local and have appropriate investigative tools get to the bottom of this.

(Pics Related)