Did anyone else have that underlying feeling on 08/20 that we were not going to hear from Q for a while? Very timely with the media on Sessions lately. Did Q take a hiatus until things could play out while everyone is questioning the Trust Sessions theory. It's very convenient to be absent at this time. You don't have to explain or answer tough questions. Will Trust Sessions turn out to be another Q confirmation in the long run?
Jusr love how they picked a couple of clowns for the Jim Jeffrys comedy show. Like Jordan Sther reps or speaks for the Q anon community. As of late he's so out of touch with his claims and statements about Q. Making claims about anon research as if he did the research. I wish we could excommunicate people. Just ones that are only chasing money and fame.
Traffic on the board seems slower lately. I fear the clowns and jew hate bots are having an effect.
Well I appreciate it. Just not sure what to do with it at this point. I feel like anons have done a sufficient amount of work. Enough to prove that something is going on and what that something probably is. Now we're just waiting. I feel like the net has been cast and now we just need the investigators to reel in the catch.
This image with the barbed wire, for some reason reminds me of this shot in the I pet goat 2 video.
Has anyone put out a meme on the Jim Jeffery's panel of clowns he interviewed with Sather and Mile high. That was good meme material.