Anonymous ID: 29ee09 Aug. 25, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.2734145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4164 >>4207 >>4406

>>2733203 lb

A very close friend of a very close family member tried suing them. His brother, an attorney, and their firm went after Monsanto and lost big time.


He told me trying to sue them (in the past) was completely a waste of time and money. He said that they found out how they operated.


Monsanto infiltrated all organizations/govt dept. that are for organic and non-gmo foods. So they even control that side of the food equation.

Can't fight them at all he told me - they are so corrupt and are so protected at all levels, that you can't touch them.


No longer though with Trump! Looks like he's taking away all their protection.

Anonymous ID: 29ee09 Aug. 25, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.2734412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was watching this old episode of The Naked City called "Carrier" and they actually talked about RH negative blood type. This aired originally in 1963.


One of the characters, played by Sandy Dennis, has an infectious disease, very deadly, that killed both her parents, but not her.


She had RH Negative blood type. This kept her from getting sick, but she was a "carrier" of this deadly disease so if she came in contact with anyone she could infect them. I was floored when I saw this! Just was trying to relax last night and pick out an old black and white and what do I find!


Here's some more details:


A young woman, who is a carrier of an infectious and deadly disease that killed her parents, leaves Welfare Island (now Roosevelt Island) after a 14-year self-imposed exile as she heads over to Manhattan. NYPD is notified of her appearance and they must track down the woman before anyone catches the ‘Van Nortons Sawyer Fever’ from her. [JB]


4.29 [133] Naked City: CARRIER (60 min)


Written by Ernest Kinoy

Sandy Dennis ……… Lorraine

Anthony Zerbe …….. Phil

Bruce Gordon ……… Dr. Sorensteen

Sam Gray …………. Sol

Donald Melvin …….. Joey

Peter Morelli …….. Alan

Estelle Evans

John Horn

Bibi Osterwald

Anonymous ID: 29ee09 Aug. 25, 2018, 1:40 p.m. No.2734450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4527


Sounded almost like satanic chanting! Gave me chills when I first heard it. Can't believe this never came out at the time! I never saw it until I came here back in November.