Anonymous ID: 9475fc Aug. 25, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.2735206   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"In our flag the red symbolizes the life-force, the martial

force, its clear bright shade representing all the higher pos-

sibilities of the courage, energy and power of Mars, the

masculine forces of the solar system and in humanity, as

well as the intensity of love that will fight for a principle.


"Also the red of Mars is alternated at equal intervals with

the white of purity, sanity, righteousness, justice and brotherhood.

This proclaims to the world that we will fight if

we have to, not because we seek to spill our brother's blood,

or for aggrandizement, but for righteousness, justice, freedom and liberty, for these must be maintained by the force

of Mars if necessary, else our flag is unbalanced and the

principles for which it stands are betrayed. But we should

continually strive to let the white so blend with the red that

they shall ultimately manifest as the pure rose-pink of


It also indicates that war is not the governing spirit,

but is blended and balanced in equal proportion with the

desire for peace honorably won and maintained by the higher

aspects of Mars.


"Blue is the color of the Great Mother-force, the power

which brings forth and which cherishes all that is beautiful

and lovable, as well as those things which the force of Mars


In other words, it represents the force of Venus

or Divine Mother-love.


"No other flag has the arrangement of these two colors

as found in our flag.

Others have the blue, but not in one

great mass like a sea of color on which the five-pointed stars

are arranged side by side in harmonious color.


"And because the white and the red are co-equal, our victories must be won as much by the powers of the white as

those of the red. If there were a large field of white it would

tend to symbolize peace at any price, but since it is equally

balanced by the red, it symbolizes peace, but peace attained

and maintained if necessary by a righteous warfare.


"Since the five-pointed star symbolizes man,' the white

stars, i. e., the purified men and women, set in their field

of blue, symbolize the gathering together of all humanity

into the lap of the Great Mother. They stand for the united

brotherhood which holds out its arms to all mankind to

come and become one of US. And if they come in love and

harmony and are willing to rest in the lap of their adopted

mother, each in his proper place and ready to obey her

decrees, laws and requirements, they are welcome.


But if they cannot take their places thus on the field of blue, the flag has no other place for them.


"In its emblem this country thus proclaims to the world

that it has conceived and set before its children the high

ideal and glorious opportunity of becoming the leader in

liberty and freedom in that it offers freely a home for all

God's children, a country in which to found the New Humanity.

The responsibility is great.


Will we as a nation live up to it?


"Each one of us should be glad that we have a flag with

such a wonderful meaning, and each should study its higher,

esoteric symbology; for it enables each one to say, I belong

to a new country and a new people. I will do all l can to

make this country and this people all that our flag symbolizes.


I will do my duty in all ways to keep the flag waving

over this country, and also over the whole world in the sense

of upholding the highest ideals of freedom, justice, righteousness and brotherhood