Anonymous ID: 11cf71 Aug. 26, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.2746006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6091 >>6146

Some thoughts on NoName:


If NoName was privately executed via military tribunal than this is not advancing the cause. There is a reason executions are announced to the public, and a reason they were once held publicly - to let everyone know what has happened…no confusion, no second-guessing, no conspiracies….to execute NoName secretly does not bring his crimes to light, does not let the public know that justice was served, and would cast doubt on proceedings if it ever DID become public.


For this reason I cannot believe that NoName was executed and am more inclined to believe that something major involving him (other than execution) was slated for this weekend and he chose an alternate way out. This keeps Q's post today and his post from 10/29/17 in perfect harmony. He had established a trail that allowed him to kill himself if he couldn't find a way out which he began laying down last fall, and he probably waited until the very end to see if he could weasel out…so when this weekend rolled around rather than face justice he ended it.


Perhaps white hats gave him a deadline for cooperation…and said info would be released or he would be arrested or something….so Q knew about this deadline and their psychological profile and/or intel indicated he was a candidate for suicide.