Anonymous ID: 0ee408 Aug. 26, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.2749170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9245

With the events that happened in FL today, we know there is going to be a push in the gaming youtube/twitch communities for gun confiscation.

There's nothing we can do about the bad actors pulling that shit.

That being said, we need to look at how the left influences people, in this case that cater to a center-right audience.

The left does this with outrage mobs on Twitter, Facebook, petitions, with phone calls and emails - all aided and abetted by the MSM. I would wager that a majority of those people are fake, "egg" Twitter accounts, but that is besides the point.

Today the left is going after the influencers. Tomorrow, maybe Monday they're going for the companies that make the games. Companies have fallen prey to them again and again, with Blizzard, Ubisoft and others banning players for saying nigger, or anything they consider "hate speech" in game. Some companies, like Valve, have stood staunchly in support of free speech throughout the pressure of the mobs.

We can effect what these companies do, as they have a legal duty to their shareholders to make the most profitable decisions. We need to fight back in the same way the left does - because it works. We need to start petitions somewhere that people will sign saying "I will not purchase another game from your company if you make a statement in support of gun control." If we get enough people, the companies will have to have a serious discussion about what statement to make (if any) instead of going further and further to the left.

Most of all, we have to FOLLOW THROUGH on the boycott. If company X releases a game you want to buy, let principle come over desires and do NOT buy the game. Hit em where it hurts, their bottom line.