Anonymous ID: 341612 Aug. 26, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.2748925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8951 >>8958 >>9184 >>9277

The "Secret Pardon Theory" is a eureka moment because of course this is what happened!


And then Hussein 2 (Hussein 1 was Saddam) would then file it all under State Secrets because that's as secret as it gets, even Trump probably couldn't do much about State Secrets… unless he decided to declassify the whole thing, which the QMAP implies he will….. tho it's tricky as it'll cause good guys problems as past administrations that weren't cult also used State Secrets to hide things that while just could be used by the MSM to crucify good people - that's why declassifying them is such a complex affair - especially as long as the plants of the cult rule the "news" industry and the tech industry.


I particularly like in that theory the idea of prosecuting these fuckers overseas like Hillary in Haiti!!! because due to the pardon we have to do it that way and I bet McCain was done that way, secretly executed somewhere far away yesterday.