Anonymous ID: 3a069d Aug. 26, 2018, 6:45 p.m. No.2749919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>BIS Warns Of "Perfect Storm" For Global Economy




Boo fucking hoo and Surprise Surprise: The fucking BANKERS don't want protectionist policies spreading…gee, i wonder why. Could it be that the bankers fund the globalized industry giants so they can vertically integrate and consume competitors? Where do the giant corporation's get the vast sums of money for mergers and aquisitions? And the banker/industry-owned lobbiests who OWN OUR LEGISLATORS (or used to) can't get laws changed and massive multi-national free trade deals so that industry can no longer resource their products/services from the cheapest locations on earth and sell them for premiums in the countries that pay top dollars anymore…so the jig is up and the globalist/jewish scum/cabal can't manipulate "free trade" and "market prices" because they will actually be driven by REAL MARKET pressures? They mad they can't steal shit anymore…i guess that's another reason they all hate Trump and will all stop at nothing to remove him.

And that is why i love him.

>Fuck the BIS and FUCK all the bankers and sold out prostitute congressmen and senators. May they all have their assholes gored with pineapples and swing from gallows.