Executive Order 11110
Is Steve busy printing silver certs?
Executive Order 11110
Is Steve busy printing silver certs?
i like
cops did pretty good shutting down the over spill quickly last night. Fireworks but no fire.
"They were armed with rifles; carrying them with a pack of starving, Doberman dogs . I was informed a group of naked children huddled nearby were my responsibility, and so I was to flee and hide them and every child I failed to conceal would be killed and fed to the dogs; like dog food". They painted something on my back and chest, then released us. Tagged. The hunting party chased us…shots fired, children began dropping like flies; all around me. With hope lost trying to hide the other children, I ran for my life.
The hunting party. The bastards with those rifles, KILLED THOSE POOR CHILDREN IN COLD BLOOD!!!
https:// steemit.com/pizzagate/@thevoiceofreason/shocking-link-between-nicole-kidman-s-dad-and-pizzagate
anyone see this?
http:// www.fox5ny.com/news/officials-warn-against-sharing-disturbing-video-circulating-on-facebook
yep, just wanted to bring it back to the light.
bbbbuuutttt i been HERE for daze!