Bread 3509
Unexploded ‘device’ floating near Brownsville Marina – described as a mine – detonated by Navy
>Maybe they were sinking a sub. Awful weird for an ancient mine to just be non-nonchalantly floating in puget sound ffs.
It is suspicious to me
I have been posting the weird happenings in the Sound - most near Ketron and/or Kitsap Base
Today I heard what I thought were fighter jets [I am near Seattle] at about the time they were dealing with the mine / 3 02 pm PDT
I meant to ask a planefag to see if there were fighters over Puget Sound…but it was a busy day with Q
>The Cernovich thing was a hail mary for Ward
That subsection of MAGA [many fake MAGA] have exposed themselves
I see it more as people not wanting to be associated with any part of that group that is still hanging onto Bannon instead of moving forward
Cernovich and Posobiec were trying to recreate a new GOP independent of POTUS / they are seemingly Bannon loyalists
Failed super pacs, failed MAGA events
They are so toxic and divisive
I am sure people in AZ know who they are / as much as in any other state
POTUS leads the way
POTUS didn't endorse Ward and Cernovich certainly wasn't going to get her a win
Kitsap just has a large drug bust with NCIS from Kitsap base involved
Location Port Orchard / same location as the mine
Bread 3436
A lot of activity near Naval Base Kitsap and in Puget Sound lately / NCIS Involved
On Fox Now: Secretary Mattis to be pallbearer for NoName