Anonymous ID: 950e56 Aug. 29, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2790615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Soldier Pleads Guilty to Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS

Anonymous ID: 950e56 Aug. 29, 2018, 5:47 p.m. No.2790634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0728 >>0877 >>0958 >>1106 >>1126 >>1265

Outrage follows this decision by judge in Muslim compound child abuse case


The judge in the New Mexico Muslim compound case issued another decision Wednesday that has resulted in public outrage.


“It’s beyond reason.”


Judge Emilio Chavez dismissed charges of child neglect against five suspects over a technicality that prosecutors failed to follow.


Judge Chavez said he had no discretion in the matter, since suspects have the right to an evidentiary hearing within 10 days of being apprehended in order to establish probable cause.


The three suspects to be released are Lucas Morton, Subhannah Wahhaj and Hujrah Wahhaj.


The other two suspects, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and his partner Jany Leveille, were immediately charged by prosecutors on new charges of child abuse resulting in death. Along with the eleven children found living at the compound in squalor, police discovered the body of a three year old who had gone missing and died in the care of the suspects.


The two suspects are accused of neglecting to provide proper medicine and health care to the boy, and other children from the compound allegedly told police that he was subjected to rituals to cast out demons.


The 10-day evidentiary rule was imposed by the state supreme court. Prosecutors now have the choice to refill the charges, or seek a grand jury indictment against them.


The deceased three-year-old, Abdul-ghani Wahhaj, was being sought by police since his disappearance in Georgia.


“Ought to be impeached”


Republican actor James Wood summarized some of the public reaction to the judge’s decision, saying, “This is so stunning, it’s beyond reason.”


Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee put the blame on the judge for following the law, instead of the prosecutors who failed to hold the required hearing.


“Judge ought to be impeached,” Huckabee tweeted. “Basically rules it’s okay to kidnap, kill, imprison, and train kids to be mass murderers.”


“Disgusting! Were the kids’ lives worth NOTHING to this jerk judge?” he added.

Anonymous ID: 950e56 Aug. 29, 2018, 5:50 p.m. No.2790667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0777

Democrats cave, handing Trump a major victory – and liberals are angry about it


Some on the left expressed anger and outrage as Democrats in the U.S. Senate showed that they put much more of an importance on one thing over defeating the legacy of President Donald Trump – their vacation time.


Here’s what happened


The Republicans controlling the Senate cancelled their scheduled August recess in order to pursue legislation in advance of Trump’s and their agenda.


Rather than stay and fight by using parliamentary procedures to stall and possibly block some of them, Democrats decided to cave on his judicial nominations so that they could go home.


Even progressive news outlet Huffington Post called it a “major win” for Trump and McConnell, whose “No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with conservative judges ― many of whom are incredibly anti-abortion, anti–LGBTQ rights and anti–voting rights.”


“It is pathetic.”


Brian Fallon, Schumer’s former chief spokesman, denounced the move by Democrats.


“Trading this many lifetime positions away for a couple days back home in the dead of August is a metaphor for how myopic the Democrats’ approach has been at this dark moment in history,” Fallon said.


An entire branch of government is being lost for generations, and Senate Democrats are willfully blind to it,” Fallon continued. “In the coming months and years, these same Democrats will issue outraged statements about the rulings issued by the very judges that they could not be bothered to try to slow down. It is pathetic.”


A top aide to former Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev.) also blamed the leadership of the Democratic party for their misplaced priorities, and explained why it helped Trump.


“This comes down to leadership,” tweeted Adam Jentleson, “Senate Dem leaders could take a stand and station one senator on the floor at all times to object, forcing McConnell to jump through interminable hurdles & produce 51 votes – twice – for each nominee, likely resulting in fewer lifetime Trump judges.”


Michael Avenatti, who gained fame as the lawyer representing Trump accuser and adult film worker Stormy Daniels, excoriated the Democrats for giving in to the president.


“This is exactly what I am talking about when I say Democrats don’t have enough backbone and fight,” he tweeted.


“Why would Dems help Trump take over the federal courts when we may be on the brink of a constitutional crisis?” he added. “We must fight Fire with Fire!”


Avenatti says he is actively looking into possibly running for president in 2020.


Republicans are happy


Republican Senator Marco Rubio, on the other hand, enthusiastically praised the advances on his social media account.


“Cancelling August recess resulted in the most productive Senate work period in recent memory. Today alone we confirmed seven more judges & 27 executive branch nominees,” he tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 950e56 Aug. 29, 2018, 5:56 p.m. No.2790745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch: Kanye West Says Trump Wants to Be the ‘Greatest President’ for Black Americans


Fashion mogul and Grammy-winner Kanye West told WGCI 107.5 Radio hosts in an interview Wednesday that President Donald Trump is going to do whatever it takes to “do the work” to be a great president for black voters.


“I know black people that voted for Trump that were scared to say out loud. Now that’s some 1984 though-control programming shit,” West said when asked about comments he made earlier this year about his support for President Trump and slavery being more a mindset in contemporary America.


West said he understood people who “would rather have a female president” and supported Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, “I just don’t agree with it.”


The “Ye” rapper told the radio hosts that the facilities housing illegal aliens and children separated from adults was “something that was happening through a lot of different president eras — but now we’re seeing it.”


West said Trump’s election gave black Americans the opportunity “as an entire community to see things that we weren’t seeing when Obama was in office. We as a collective wasn’t woke. Now everybody is woke.”


It echoes comments West made in April when he said “Obama was in office for eight years and nothing in Chicago changed,” adding, that “Obama was our opioids. It made us feel like everything was good.”


Asked if he thinks President Trump care about black people, Kanye West paused for several seconds before saying:


I feel that he cares about the way black people feel about him, and he would like for black people to like him like they did when he was cool in the rap songs and all this. And he will do the things that are necessary to make that happen because he’s got an ego like all the rest of us, and he wants to be the greatest president, and he knows that he can’t be the greatest president without the acceptance of the black community. So it’s something he’s gonna work towards, but we’re gonna have to speak to him.


“I got a direct line to ADIDAS. I got a direct line to the President,” West said, “so let’s see what happen with it and how I apply that to the city [of Chicago], because I’m going to apply it.”

Anonymous ID: 950e56 Aug. 29, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.2790858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1106 >>1265

FBI Refuses To Confirm Or Deny ICIG Warned Of Clinton Server Intrusion


The FBI won’t disclose whether it met with senior officials of the Intelligence Community Inspector General.

TheDCNF confirmed that the ICIG briefed top bureau officials on three separate occasions to warn the FBI of an “anomaly” they found 30,000 in-bound and outgoing emails.

The anomaly showed a code embedded in Clinton’s server was producing in real time a “courtesy copy” to a third party.


The FBI refuses to disclose whether or not it met with senior members of the Intelligence Community Inspector General on the subject of foreign intrusion of former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s private server.


An FBI spokeswoman refused to confirm if Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) officials — including Frank Rucker, its chief investigator — briefed top bureau officials about evidence of penetration of Clinton’s private server by a Chinese government intelligence operation. “We have no comment,” she told The Daily Caller News Foundation.


Earlier Wednesday, an FBI spokesman released what appeared to be a categorical statement about the Clinton server: “The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,” the FBI stated.


The statement does not address a central aspect of TheDCNF’s reporting, which was that the ICIG briefed top bureau officials on three separate occasions to warn the FBI of an “anomaly” they found 30,000 in-bound and outgoing emails. The report is based on an intelligence official with direct knowledge of the matter. The anomaly showed a code embedded in Clinton’s server was producing in real time a “courtesy copy” to a third party.


The third party was a Chinese state-owned company based in Northern Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C., and was part of an ongoing Chinese government intelligence operation, according to two separate sources with direct knowledge of the matter.


According to one source, the last ICIG briefing was held in June 2016 about a month before former FBI Director James Comey stated that he did not recommend any indictment of Clinton for mishandling classified materials.


Comey in that widely reported July 5, 2016 press conference stated he did not find “direct evidence” that Clinton’s email domain was successfully hacked.


He added, “we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence” and that, “We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account.”


“Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account,” Comey told reporters at the news conference.


Before the FBI’s statement, Presidential Donald Trump tweeted on the subject. The president posted his first tweet on the subject on Tuesday night:

Anonymous ID: 950e56 Aug. 29, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.2791020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1064

Russia's Shift to Gold Reserves Could Protect Sanctioned Economy - Scholar


Russia is renouncing the dictate of the dollar by purchasing gold and selling US Treasury bonds, according to an article published in Die Welt. The article cites the author and political advisor James Rickards as saying that President Putin had a strategic plan and gold was the perfect investment to protect against dollar sanctions.


Sputnik discussed the increase in gold purchases by Russia amid US sanctions with Dr Dan Steinbock, global economic and policy analyst.


Sputnik: How would you assess the increase in gold purchase by Russia? How could it help at a time of mounting US economic pressure?


Dr Dan Steinbock: Well first of all I think that it has been a very intriguing story; in the last four years, you know that Russia has been increasing its gold reserves. With another round of US sanctions, these gold purchases have accelerated. However, Russia has cut its US Treasury holdings even faster recently. In May 2017 the Treasury still peaked at $109 billion, by this summer there were barely a tenth of that — $50 billion, so Russia's shift from treasuries to gold will protect the Russian economy better against the new sanctions, that is a tactical shift.


There’s something else going on with the dollar, I believe that's strategic, the concern that Russia has steadily increased holdings since the global financial crisis in 2008, the US debt limit crisis of 2011 and several subsequent rounds of US sanction against Russia. Following his inauguration, President Putin warned about what he called the dangerous dollar monopoly, and I think that there are legitimate reasons for concern.

Anonymous ID: 950e56 Aug. 29, 2018, 6:26 p.m. No.2791210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dad, partner plead not guilty in toddler's compound death


TAOS, N.M. – The father of a 3-year-old boy found dead in a filthy New Mexico compound and his partner pleaded not guilty Wednesday to new charges of child abuse resulting in death after lesser charges were dismissed against them and other members of their extended family as the result of a deadline missed by prosecutors.


The dead boy's father, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj (see-DAHJ' IBN wah-HAJ'), and his partner Jany Leveille remained silent as pleas were entered by a judge on their behalf. The charges could carry life sentences in the death of Abdul-ghani Wahhaj (ahb-DOOL' GAH'-nee wah-HAJ').


Their pleas came after a judge dismissed child neglect charges filed against them earlier this month. Another judge made the same decision involving three other defendants earlier Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 950e56 Aug. 29, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.2791276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Embattled Pope Francis 'Has No Intention' of Stepping Down and Is 'Embittered' by Viganò Letter