“To preserve the republic some things must remain buried).
That is what they said about increasing gun laws
Enacting the patriot act and Obama care
Creating the CIA
Classifying the warren docs related to the warren report
The creation of the Fed Reserve by the banker Barron’s
When they “found” WMDs in Iraq and said we had to take them out
When we systematically unseated duly elected governments of sovereign nations because they were switching to a gold standard, had oil, gas or other resources we needed and replaced them with evil dictators who commit atrocities on their people but can be controlled by us and help keep the war machine churning
Not to mention all of the other shit I have forgotten or we never found out about.
The same damned secrecy and shitfuckery that got us here to begin with.
So spooky deception and secrecy is ok because it’s /our guys/ doing it?
What happened to disinfecting evil with sunlight?
Preserving the Republic = meet the new boss, same as the old boss and may keep us from falling apart for another decade.
I thought we were RESTORING the Republic, The Constitution and The Rule of law so we could walk in honor again. That is what many of us have been working toward for the last nearly half century.
Shoveling shit from one hole to bury it in another is not honorable.
I don’t give a shit about vengeance. It is a waste of time and energy.
Accountability? Yes
We are ALL responsible for what has happened. We allowed it.
If the FULL AND COMPLETE TRUTH cannot be brought to light, then all we have is the same shit in a new wrapper and our kids, grandkids, and further will learn nothing, repeat the same mistakes or have to pay the price for the blowback we generated.