Anonymous ID: c705d7 Aug. 30, 2018, 2:40 p.m. No.2804025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2803655These are my thoughts Anon… I will NOT say you are wrong though. I really won't. The only solace I can give you is that things have to happen at the right time… The stuff that would empower US could empower THE BAD GUYS even more. Get rid of the bad guys and boom… Then it can come out. Would you give your 7 year old a handgun just because he wanted it? Some of the "free-energy" systems like Zeropoint energy and LENR are probably easily made into weapons. Would it be wise to release stuff like that willy nilly? Think of that in the hands of the dictators murdering whites in South Africa? See its shit like that. Time will come is my guess. That said if we will NEVER go back to the same old boss… Not gonna happen. This genie is not going back in the bottle

Anonymous ID: c705d7 Aug. 30, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.2804048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4368

>>2803655 oops goofed that last one…

These are my thoughts Anon… I will NOT say you are wrong though. I really won't. The only solace I can give you is that things have to happen at the right time… The stuff that would empower US could empower THE BAD GUYS even more. Get rid of the bad guys and boom… Then it can come out. Would you give your 7 year old a handgun just because he wanted it? Some of the "free-energy" systems like Zeropoint energy and LENR are probably easily made into weapons. Would it be wise to release stuff like that willy nilly? Think of that in the hands of the dictators murdering whites in South Africa? See its shit like that. Time will come is my guess. That said if we will NEVER go back to the same old boss… Not gonna happen. This genie is not going back in the bottle

Anonymous ID: c705d7 Aug. 30, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.2804083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4202


You are not wrong… The only argument I could make was one of timing. Don't announce to your enemy what you will be doing.


>A republic that is built on lies or suppressed truths is one that is not worth saving.


That is going on my quote wall. Thankyou Anon.

Anonymous ID: c705d7 Aug. 30, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.2804392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4484






Thankyou Anons for this little thread. It really puts things into perspective. ANother thing to add, which I do not have, would the the John Podesta audio of the screaming kids and him saying that he is getting stronger… The hot shit dont ya video. Same tier stuff.


Then in the next breath, how to we stop it if we don't even believe it happened. How can we defend against an invisible enemy that no one will believe is real or is taking real actions? Its a hard road to walk, but there should be a road for those who choose to walk it. The choice to know should be ours.

Anonymous ID: c705d7 Aug. 30, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.2804598   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah… I got nothin' I can't argue with a word you said. I could see the gore and nightmare fuel-tier stuff being behind a series of "walls" so that kids and such can't blunder into it by accident. Maybe even a system where researchers could go to a Q Library in a building and research information. They Can't TAKE the information or put it on the Internet but they can view it and write about what they viewed. What about something like that. If I want to go research horrible mkultra child abuse I can do so then leave and blog about my research or findings. I can't take the hour long video of the llittle kid with bleeding sores and electrodes and such being murdered in the worst way but I can write about what I saw and experienced in my research.


The existence of something like that would let us hardened and intreped researchers do our work to the limit of our ability and if others want to argue with us and say it is a conspiricy we could simply direct them to the SOURCE of the info we wrote about. They could go sift through the nightmares and view the information for themselves until they are satisfied.


What do you think about something like that? I think that would be an excellent tool. On the flip-side it would simply allow this information to be USED in the real world. I mean, do you REALLY want some sick fuck out there to be able to get their hands on this stuff YET AGAIN? Perhaps like the Small Pox virus this fucking stuff should be DESTROYED and WIPED FROM EXISTENCE so it cannot come back. Fuck. What a horrible problem.