Anonymous ID: e438e0 Aug. 31, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.2818965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8981 >>9050 >>9079





While I appreciate the reminder to re-read the crumbs (which I have done once or twice since last year), the fact is that the crumbs are mutually contradictory – and, worse, they sometimes seem to contradict what Q says. The fact is that we (or I, to be fair) don't know for absolutely certain what the dwarves, corona, or big bird are.


For example, in the Q crumbs, row 1207 id 967, with reference to Godfather III, the crumb claims that snow white is Assange and the dwarves are NSA's datamining computers. You have to question why Q would have posted that last night's action involved taking down snow white and the dwarves. Meanwhile, row 1653 id 1368, in reference to Iron Eagle, claims that the dwarves is a reference to particular individuals (i.e., not computers), also in contradiction to the notion of taking them offline. Row 8847, in reference to Snow White offline, then says the dwarves are the clowns' computers.


The fact is that Q never has come right out and said, "Look, folks, the dwarves are X." We're making inferences.


To my intuition, the fact that Q still hasn't definitively, absolutely, entirely clarified the dwarves, snow white, corona, big bird, and other codenames is the most LARPy thing about Q. Granted, qproofs: I'm NOT saying that Q is a fake. But the continued lack of clarity about these codenames (1) comes across as fake and gay, (2) interferes with redpilling people, and (3) slows down our research. I'm not saying that Q is a fake. I am saying that more clarity and clarifcation would be helpful.