All you can say for SURE it that it seems as though Q team has some uncanny predictive ability. You do NOT know how they do it. Several ways NOT involving ayylmao have been suggested. Q has dropped some hints on it, also. If you want a plausible explanation not involving new technology, consider advanced simulation involving supercomputers and massive data. If you want to go a little further afield, consider how quantum computers might affect the timestream by calculating probabilities and actualizing possibilities as a result of measuring quantum phenomena. Do you really need to bring ayylmao into the picture? Occam's razor.
We HAVE a fuckton of redpill memes. Over 25,000 of them made over 9 months, most of them still relevant.
Wants us to SPREAD the memes, and make a few more.
Do you know where our 25,000 meme library is? It's available to everyone.
25,000+ memes and infographs (File names contain searchable keywords.)
I keep a local copy of the entire 7 GB of memes, and extract the ones I need by keyword. Recommended!
>>2824145 Yeah me too. It's a hot-button with the electorate, maybe even more so than improving the economy.
Chief Justice Roberts has authority over the FISA court.
(Excuse me for posting memes while you were talking, Boss; didn't see your post.)