Which TX congressman mentioned Huber, I missed it?. Gohmert?
Thanks anon
Anon one more question. Sometimes I miss the easy Q drops, and get the very complicated ones right. Why did Q link to Victoria Toensing saying Huber "hasnt even <insert action>" and say "like clockwork"? Victoria is /ourgirl/. She is on board with the plan, which is confusing why she would negate Huber
Democrats will be destroyed in 68 days
Victoria is deep state mockingbird? or just ragging on Huber to get focus off him for now and discredit him because we still need him kept a secret? I figured for sure her and Joe were on board and /ourguys/
POTUS and Q team are absolute genius. Getting the whole country to back Mueller and Sessionsโฆ. and then BAM! They deliver the bombs
Victoria Toensing /ourgirl/?
Good evening boss. We pray daily for you and your teams safety
Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova /ourguys/?
Yes same with this symbol. Not a coincidence
https:// www.google.com/search?biw=1536&bih=715&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=RuKJW9n1Ic_IsQXF35nYCQ&q=american+flag&oq=american+flag&gs_l=img.3..35i39l2j0l8.48085.49356..49741โฆ0.0..0.53.616.13โฆโฆ1โฆ.1..gws-wiz-imgโฆโฆ.0i67.K9CNLCMIKug
Yeah where the fuck are they upside down??/
I was talking about the stars
Yikes, no knees
lol they look like a cow's legs no joke
good try anon. You googled upside down us flag, then just typed us flag in the bar
My mistake, that was really disrespectful to cows :D