Wait. Q is just a huge "get out the vote" campaign? I fell so cheap and used. Like an 18 year old senior girl in high school dating a 24 year old and finding out he's been seeing other girls while I'm in AP chem. studying hard for our future because I'm the one with any promise and it's just hard for him to find a job and I know he's trying because he is a good person but its hard and his mom is mean and kicking him out soon and he's not a loser but I can save him, I know he'll change for me and won't leave me like my Dad left my mom for the Budweiser truck and got addicted to meth and headbanging music trampoline phone book dumpster fire. I'm still going to vote though. Best LARP ever.
(like) one . I am not one.
but there's tape over the camera
embed you fucktard