Farm Anon… I hope you see this… Think for a moment… THE ECONOMY IS RESETTING… The Dollar is going away. The dollar has been manipulated A LOT. Precious metals have been manipulated A LOT. In particular Silver has been manipulated A LOT. Which way has it been manipulated? DOWN… What happens to the price when the suppression ends?? UP. Huge numbers have been quoted. Don't hold USD planning on buying land. Buy a suppressed asset that will become unsuppressed here soon during the reset. After the reset, when the new system is in place you will be well positioned to buy your land from some failed corporate farm that went out of business because they were leveraged 10:1 or more.
Look at what the BIIIGGG guys are doing… JPMORGAN… largest holder of silver on earth. CHINA? gathering huge quantities of gold. RUSSIA? Gathering huge quantities of gold… Get familiar with the most likely to fail farm companies in your area… Look up their holdings. Shark their employees and see if you can get a feel for how they are feeling… Constant layoffs? Lots of debt? Who is their banker… See what I mean. Start to learn how land auctions work after foreclosures. Who is more likely to foreclose on the land, the bank because of debt or the county because of taxes? Will the current owner try to sell the land to cover his debts? If his debt load is not that high he may try be willing to take a slammin deal. THINK about that. Don't be a fucking sheep, working, saving, paying taxes and buying at the top just to see the value fall. Buy your land when there is blood in the streets… Corporate blood my friend. Its coming. and don't jump too soon either. Let it bottom out. Let them sweat, then lowball the shit out of them and hit them with a million contingencies. You will get you land my anon… and take it from me, ITS WORTH IT. I did the above in 2010-2011. Its worth it.
Think about what I wrote.