That has been something I've thought about long and hard. I'll get 50K late Nov/early Dec and have thought about investing at LEAST $10K into silver as long as the prices are still under $20 an oz.
I saw the other day that someone said that we could no longer use silver for money because it's in such high demand for other uses now.
Thank you for confirming what I've already been thinking. I used to have $10K of silver from relatives who hoarded it and I sold it when prices approached $35 to 40 per oz but there are times I wish I hadn't sold it. Right now it's a huge bargain.
yep it's amazing how many precious metals go into cell phones and electronic shit.
thank you anon.
I've been watching the springfield MO craigslist for over 5 years now because that's the area that I'd like to be in. I've seen 10 acres with a decent house LISTED for $40k and I've seen 40 acres listed for $55K. Listed being the key word. I am out of that area so have only taken a couple vacations there in 10 years. Spent 3 months there in 2010. Beautiful area just hard to find farmable land for permaculture. A good friend of mine bought 8 acres with a cabin for $25k which we found by visiting about 20 realtors around Bull Shoals.
I don't keep spreadsheets because I'm not looking in a specific area but that's part of what I'll probably do once I drill down better.
Right now it's depressing because I've seen some really good deals go by and right now the market is high. But I have noticed that from about Nov-March the market just drops like a rock and April-August the market is sky high.
I just hope the cycle keeps repeating itself. Thank you anon for your suggestions.
Google really needs help