Doesn't this mean that certain arrests need to be made by then? Once in session, don't they become unarrestable?
Funny thing about #2: some supposed herbivores have actually been caught on video eating meat.
I got particularly angry the other day when the in-laws turned on CNN, and they were trying to tell us that there's no evidence of bias by Google. I see it every day in demonetized and deleted YouTube videos.
Seems to me this is what can happen when the police become complicit in the very crimes they're supposed to be helping prosecute.
It's been a weird month. But I actually did do some red-pilling while here. I told the father of the family what Q is about and how it isn't so much a political fight as it is about good vs. evil. He was surprisingly receptive. And these are people who have Green Peace magazines on their coffee table.
I'm looking forward to doing night shift at NIGHT again soon. (The sun is up right now.)
Speaking of which, maybe we can't retry the McMartin employees. But what about those they supplied? Do we know who they are?
You can say marijuana is good all you want, but that has not been my family's experience of its long term effects when my daughter began using it along with her chemotherapy. It could well have been part of a mental decline that brought pain to the whole family. So if you're considering it, beware.
I have no idea about that. The first funeral was yesterday.
Maybe the cannabis people play the same game Big Pharma does: making stuff up?
This official report is probably sanitized. For the dirt, one would likely have to go to a Wikileaks type source.
Maybe we need to fix the fact that chemo, radiation, and surgery are the only allowed treatments. Once that's taken care of, we can have treatments that actually work without poisoning the people.
#2 could be related to #1.
That is what my daughter ultimately died of as well. But the final treatments were forced by the court here. They thought she had become incapable of making her own decisions.
No. She died abroad. Long month. We'll be going home soon.