It says it right there..
Find the roll.
The roll of original film/the original (How it was said before the digital age)
1 of 4.
1 of 4 rolls (original pics total or from that angle/angles) taken by the photofag
Find the 4th.
The 4th original in that series taken
Find the film.
Again, the original
Not the capture.
Not the capture of the pic we see getting passed around like a Kardashian.
Raw Only.
The raw, original pic from the photofag is the only way we will see what was nulled out. Find the original. IF the photofag is a white hat it will be somewhere we can access.
Plus the original at one point was obviously uploaded to a computer for editing/sharing so does the GOV have to go over pics first before there released? Where would the originals get stored? Where or would they be displayed? I may not know the answer to those questions but I do know it's out there somewhere we must have access to, especially if Q told us to find it. My 2 cents.