Anonymous ID: e6302d Sept. 3, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.2857740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8184 >>8466


Could this Zika virus happening with the muesem be connected to something deeper?

Like traffick of children and disease testing to remove parents and create a humanitarian aid, child fund construct?


Apparently The Church is finding it more difficult to bring in children the way they have in the past. That elusive head of the Church has donated tens of millions of dollars to research against diseases, many of which adversely affect third world countries. It was during this process of trying to eradicate a disease that one of the scientists created a pathogen which can kill swiftly and effectively. When the head of The Church heard about it, he agreed to test it on a village in a country that was friendly to bribes. It worked really well. It killed an astonishing number of people which were mainly adults. The children of the adults were 30-40 miles distant at a boarding school. Now, with no parents, they needed to be adopted. The Church, along with more bribes to the government had a great way to get large numbers of children quickly.


With that success, they decided to try it again, but this time, the villagers didn't stay in place as they had before and some traveled to a neighboring village. The next thing you know, it has now started spreading to different countries and killing people faster than they can create cover stories. Look for them to spread the rumor it is an Ebola outbreak to give themselves a chance to destroy the evidence of what they did.


It wouldn't shock me if they come forward with a cure and make hundreds of millions of dollars. That might bring too much publicity for them though. Even they would have tough time watching thousands of people die though wouldn't they?



Missing CDC Doctor Cunningham (found dead in the river -suicide) Expert in Ebola.

Anonymous ID: e6302d Sept. 3, 2018, 7:28 a.m. No.2857993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8014 >>8045 >>8184 >>8466


How might [DARPA] aka GOOG play a role in the spy campaign against POTUS?

>Google feeds DARPA intel on how their propaganda is going based off googles search and email and trend information servers.

Think GMAIL.

>Gmail is used, tracked and archived.


>Used as a secondary form of 'secure' communications, also failure but proves googles complicity in this.


>Eric Schmidt resigned because he knew Google will hang for this, resulting in DARPA, 23nME, FB, Et all to hang.

It will [ALL] connect eventually.

>As stated above, all social medias in these circles will be abolished or face their crimes.

Anonymous ID: e6302d Sept. 3, 2018, 8:26 a.m. No.2858496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8506 >>8510





Remember that a symbol is not evil


And you cannot say that one symbol is evil


And therefore a similar form is also evil.


People say Y-heads are evil


and a rabbit with bunny ears is similar,


therefore rabbits are a sign of evil


That is not how it works.


The evil is in the minds of people


They use symbols to signal their evil


To other like-minded people


The cult of con-artists is particularly deceptive


And loves to pervert all that is good and wholesome


To make it into something evil


This is what happened to the rabbit


It is not an evil thing


It is not an evil symbol


It is NOT a symbol of evil


But evil people sometimes use a rabbit


To signal their evil acts and intentions


When hunting for symbols


Suspicions are not enough


You need to dig and find confirmation


And if you can't find it


Then your suspicions were probably wrong


And if your suspicion is about a whole group


It is almost certainly wrong


Because evil people like to hide


Among groups of nice harmless wholesome folk.


It's called camouflage