Anonymous ID: fd5e83 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2882547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2568

>>2882407 LB


I haven't studied that but discovered the Americans get woefully less iodine than necessary. The Japanese get ~80 times per day of what we get. There's no iodine in sea salt, processed food salt, or restaurant salt.


Found this article shortly after my discovery.


If you look up iodine and fluoride together there's some interesting studies regarding how iodine protected rats' DNA, brains, etc. against fluoride in doses about what the Japanese take,13mg.


Make sure when looking at dosages that you don't get confused with mcg-microgram and mg-milligram. I've seen some bottles only have a total of 7mg in them as they were set up to dose at US RDA's and not Japanese.

Anonymous ID: fd5e83 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.2882672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2706


They get it naturally. I had just researched it in December 2010, which was right before Fukushima.


I told my family that I'd bet that there would be an announcement in ten years of reduced expected cancer rates based on the chernobyl disaster.


IIRC, they announced it in 3.


Look up Guy Abraham's writings. He was the head of obstetrics and endocrinology at UCLA. He even changed the pool treatment from chlorine to iodine.