Anonymous ID: 217753 Q Research General #3645: Sept. 4, 2018, 8:28 p.m. No.2882347   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2624 >>3063

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Tuesday 09.04.18

>>2881670 rt >>2881180 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-——– What are the odds of that? (Video link >>2881001)

>>>/patriotsfight/185 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Almost! ( Cap: >>2880853 )

>>>/patriotsfight/184 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- A Week to Remember ( Cap: >>2880776 )

>>>/patriotsfight/183 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- What are the odds?

>>>/patriotsfight/182 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- CLOCKWORK. ( Cap: >>2874615 )

>>>/patriotsfight/181 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Like Mother Like Daughter. ( Cap: >>2874466 )

>>>/patriotsfight/180 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Twitter and graphic post. ( Cap: >>2874312 )

>>>/patriotsfight/179 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Add to the list. ( Cap: >>2873755 )

>>>/patriotsfight/178 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- John Kyl news. ( Cap: >>2873697 )

>>>/patriotsfight/177 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- What’s at STAKE?


Monday 09.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/176 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Pages 33 & 34 ( Cap: >>2869160 )

>>2867109 β€”β€”β€”-----------------------------——– You've been a BAD boy [NP].

>>2866709 rt >>2866697 β€”β€”β€”----------——– Graphic post

>>2866658 rt >>2866631 β€”β€”β€”----------——– "Trump Blasts Sessions"

>>>/patriotsfight/175 rt >>>/patriotsfight/173 - Clickbait & opinions vs logical thinking. (Capped: >>2866103 )

>>>/patriotsfight/174 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)? (Capped: >>2865170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/173 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- FBI & DOJ CORRUPTION (Capped: >>2864694, >>2864785 )

>>2863534 β€”β€”β€”-----------------------------——– Magic Sword.

>>2863433 rt >>2863368 β€”β€”β€”----------——– With love comes trust. Schedule changes can be very painful.

>>2863057 β€”β€”β€”-----------------------------——– Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.


Sunday 09.02.18

Compiled here: >>2874949


Saturday 09.01.18

Compiled here: >>2874931


Friday 08.31.18

Compiled here: >>2863818


Thursday 08.30.18

Compiled here: >>2817974


Wednesday 08.29.18

Compiled here: >>2805444


Tuesday 08.28.18

Compiled here: >>2783629


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: 217753 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.2882362   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


are not endorsements



>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -Theme)


'#3644 (baker change)

>>2882322 Planefag Report

>>2882289 Nike supported HRC

>>2882162 The 5 Main Cultural Influences Controlling Your Subconscious Mind

>>2882149 The Club of Rome and their β€œWorld One” MIT computer model

>>2882133 Timeline of SpyGate, being continually updated

>>2882024 , >>2882054 Barry Snowden & noname digs. Dig

>>2882014 , >>2882261 Ned Price Digs

>>2881958 Q has posted 'NO MORE' 17 times. Graphic

>>2881867 , >>2882279 Bob Hass and his illustrious cabal / Levi Straus history. Dig

>>2881770 Q linked to Hillary's 17 tweets on Kavanaugh earlier

>>2882345 #3644



>>2880998 Updated Graphics on Hussein's Secret Pardons & Need For Military Tribunals

>>2881001 Killary vidya from deleted Qpost 185

>>2881051 Game servers having issues

>>2881085 WaPo transcript of Woodward call with POTUS is hilarious.

>>2881135 [HRC State Department] Suppresses Haitian Minimum Wage

>>2881209, >>2881259 20 year anniversary for Google

>>2881349 Here comes the storm updates

>>2881589 #3643



>>2880181 Resignations In The News Today

>>2880236, >>2880451, >>2880681 Head of Nike Comes from Disney

>>2880327 Facebook is building a physical 'war room' at its headquarters

>>2880390, >>2880476, >>2880504, >>2880553 Connections between Nike and Clintons

>>2880354 China, HRC, and CICIR

>>2880480 Justice.Gov News Releases for September 4

>>2880491 Arrest in Massive International CP Ring

>>2880252, >>2880610, >>2880808 Planefag Report

>>2880759, >>2880799 Levi Straus and the CF

>>2880830 Nike Also Involved in Haiti

>>2880880 #3642



>>2879416 Office of @FLOTUS wreckin #FakeNews with style. (lb repost)

>>2879448 @Jack Rejects Appearing Before Meadows, Gaetz, Jordan Committee (Shadow Banned Members) Appears at E & C Committee Instead.

>>2879464 FBI Whistle Blower Claiming FBI needs Restructuring

>>2879522 @Jack Fake and gay interview incoming.

>>2879635, >>2879750 Democrats Plotted to Disrupt Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Hearing

>>2879705 Parkland Father Fred Guttenberg "Hoped To Play A Role" In "Blocking" Kavanaugh

>>2879787, >>2879904, >>2880022 Planefag Report

>>2879809, >>2879876 Democrats Manufacture β€œGun Control” Propaganda Moment During Kavanaugh Hearing…

>>2879914 Levi Strauss launches million dollar gun control campaign

>>2880099 #3641'


Previously Collected Notables

>>2878538 #3639, >>2879310 #3640

>>2876190 #3636, >>2876992 #3637, >>2877749 #3638

>>2873875 #3633, >>2874611 #3634, >>2875386 #3635

>>2871618 #3630, >>2872375 #3631, >>2873121 #3632

>>2869265 #3627, >>2870048 #3628, >>2871339 #3629


Best Of Bread:

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Anonymous ID: 217753 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.2882367   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism


Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Wanna (re)tweet ~~LASERFAST?~~ Use on laptop or PC


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>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

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>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Qlockfag Thread #4


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Fresh update of first period EST maps β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€” >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)Earth Day.jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/966

Anonymous ID: 217753 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.2882372   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

QMap Mirrors





QMap Mirrors





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Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions


Anonymous ID: d230d7 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.2882469   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

We need to remind ourself not to get lured into the ego/division trap.


Keep it cool.

Keep it clean.

Keep it awesome.


And most of all


Look at that glorious baker and say thank you <3


Homo no homo.

Anonymous ID: ceb921 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.2882474   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2482 >>2494 >>2502 >>2594 >>2618 >>2790 >>2938 >>3082 >>3107


MH370 plane spotted in Cambodian jungle on Google Maps, man claims

Anonymous ID: 3b2381 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.2882477   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2495 >>2499 >>2577 >>2674 >>3194







I hope he's not a Freemason.

Anonymous ID: b332cf Sept. 4, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.2882480   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3116

>>2882374 lb


Especially not when you were born on a boat

In Lake Victoria where the lake flows into the Nile

positioned right on the border of Uganda and Kenya

Once the umbilical was tied off

He was placed in a basket

And set into the water to float down the river

Where he was fished out on the Kenyan side

By a princess of the British royal family

She handed the baby to her servant

Ann Dunham

To look after him on her behalf

Anonymous ID: 8c108d Sept. 4, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.2882488   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2507

>>2882417 lb

<why does Q call Obama "Hussein"

To emphasize the fact that he's an Islamist and is in cahoots with some badguys who want to take over the entire world using satanic Islamists to do part of the dirty work.

Think about the billions of dollars cash that Hussein sent to Iraq without Congressional oversight.

Anonymous ID: 9428f9 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:38 p.m. No.2882497   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2616 >>2654 >>2720 >>2731 >>2732 >>2749

The Squatter Man– Prevalent Symbol


The Squatter Man

The Squatter or stickman figureis a prevalent symbol which is found in every culture and is often confused with a distorted version of the human form. The Squatter Man image is an archetype that has been carved into rocks or petroglyphs by prehistoric man which has been recorded by almost all nations and civilisation on the continents in ancient times.


It was believed that the ancients painted colour rock art and started painting strange white shapes and figures where everyone started painting the same images at the same time. Many are speculating that these races were either in contact with one another or they were all inspired by the same event which could be the most likely way of having seen it, if the event was in the sky.


The Squatter Man which has been recorded across the world is: Australia, Northern Europe, the United Arab Emirates and Malta. These images were the same and so inspiring that they had to be recorded for the people of the future generation.


Petroglyphs – High Energy Plasma Discharge Event


The Squatter Man

The Squatter Man petroglyphs were mapped with their GPS location, orientation and its type by a group of scientist and their findings of 100,000s of Squatter Man petroglyphs had been analysed and it was found that it pointed to a location in the southern sky, One of the most leading high energy Plasma Discharge research scientists in the world, Anthony Peratt recognised that the rock art or petroglyphs, geoglyphs and pictograms were the same as the result of what he had seen.


Thereafter he carried out an extensive field study on cave drawings as well as rock art, all around the world. His discoveries were that these petroglyphs were a recording of a high energy Plasma Discharge event which was seen in the Earth’s atmosphere that was witnessed by the ancient people at that time.


Chances of Synchrotron Radiation Release


If one searches for the Squatter Man and Tree of life images from across the world, one would notice that everyone had seen them and these associated images had been carved into rock. It was noticed that rock art went from being colourful paintings of the world to suddenly white surreal images which were chipped and painted white or red line together with outline which seemed to have occurred often on a global event.


Besides, Peratt, Anthony van der Sluijs also investigated the Squatter Man images as well as the various other visual geometric patterns and both of them found that most of the rocks that were used for the petroglyphs had certain characteristics, with similar directions with mountain or hill ranges shielding those who created the rock art.


If the Squatter Man were of Plasma Discharge as seen in the heavens then there could be chances of Synchrotron Radiation release depending on the stage of the instability that would be harmful or even lethal to anyone who were exposed to it in the open space. Images of the Squatting Man as well as the Tree of life were also seen on the island of Malta which were carved and drawn on pottery as well as in limestone columns.

Anonymous ID: 1c37a8 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:38 p.m. No.2882499   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2520 >>2548 >>2562



War Pigs

Black Sabbath


Gen'rals gathered in their masses,

Just like witches at black masses

Evil minds that plot destruction,

Sorcerer of death's construction

In the fields the bodies burning,

As the war machine keeps turning

Death and hatred to mankind,

Poisoning their brainwashed minds

Oh Lord yeah

Politicians hide themselves away

They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?

They leave that role for the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds,

Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess,

Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah

Now in darkness world stops turning,

Ashes where the bodies burning

No more War Pigs have the power,

Hand of God has struck the hour

Day of judgement, God is calling

On their knees the war pigs crawling,

Begging mercies for their sins

Satan, laughing, spreads his wings

Oh Lord yeah


Songwriters: Michael Butler / Ozzy Osbourne / Tony Iommi / William Ward

War Pigs lyrics Β© O/B/O Apra Amcos

Anonymous ID: de57f0 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.2882506   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2534 >>2571 >>2607 >>2621 >>2850 >>2954

September 11 17th anniversary coming up


Trump: We can't show you 42K of Kavanaugh's documents, and they're not useful anyways.


Dems: [In view of American Public]: WHAT ARE YOU HIDING, SHOW US THE DOCS?


Trump: Okay fine, I'll declassify them all


>Documents are from when Kavanaugh was BUSH'S Staff Secretary

>Staff Secretary handles ALL docs in/out of WH but doesn't author any

>Shows comms between Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/etc & IRREFUTABLE 9/11 truth to the masses

>Trump Indicts REPUBLICAN Bush (before Deep State Dems) with massive public support

>FISA Memo pages declassified, breaking a dam of accusations against mostly Dems/Deep State

>Trump would now have better OPTICS, and indicts HRC clan without 40% of the public revolting




… Or is this going down the wrong path? Will the 20 pages of the FISA be declassified first or Kavanaugh docs, anons?

Anonymous ID: 18ada0 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.2882510   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Acquisition Date


Entity ID







pre 9/11 shanksville looks a little… off?

Anonymous ID: 971182 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.2882516   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2537

Go Elon Go

Go Elon Go


Elon Musk’s erratic behavior of late has worried investors and Tesla Inc.’s board of directors, and his latest tirade is unlikely to ease those concerns.


In a series of emails to a reporter published Tuesday by Buzzfeed News, Musk doubled down on his personal attack against a British man who helped in the rescue of a youth soccer team trapped in a cave in Thailand, calling him without basis a β€œchild rapist” who took β€œa child bride who was about 12 years old at the time,” adding that he welcomes a lawsuit. Musk also called a Buzzfeed reporter an expletive.


> worried investors and Tesla Inc.’s board of directors

>calling him without basis a β€œchild rapist” who took β€œa child bride who was about 12 years old at the time,”

Oh I bet

C_A must have planted a lot of easily manipulated p_dos and other sick freaks on Tesla board.


Is Elon Musk speaking out now because he has been unshackled and freed to do so by the Trump admin?

Anonymous ID: ff5a44 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.2882517   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2881001 (2 breads ago)

The whole video appears to be fake or staged; nobody is born with a potato for a heart, nor would they survive to be born if that's what they had. So I hate to say it but if the whole thing was staged, there is no achievement or luck to putting the Hillary character on the 17 yard line – even if 17 is significant.

Anonymous ID: 0f7fb8 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.2882535   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2549


You're welcome. Understanding the cause-effect cycle is critical to understanding what will work for treatments. Isolating environmental issues is also critical. Even your shampoo could be poisoning you. Fasting is also something else to look at- to give your body time to heal itself. I've fasted for 2 weeks before- after day 3 it's easy.

Anonymous ID: fba36f Sept. 4, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.2882543   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

HMM Break the Symmetry and you create MASS


The SU(n) groups find wide application in the Standard Model of particle physics, especially SU(2) in the electroweak interaction and SU(3) in quantum chromodynamics.[1]


The simplest case, SU(1), is the trivial group, having only a single element. The group SU(2) is isomorphic to the group of quaternions of norm 1, and is thus diffeomorphic to the 3-sphere. Since unit quaternions can be used to represent rotations in 3-dimensional space (up to sign), there is a surjective homomorphism from SU(2) to the rotation group SO(3) whose kernel is {+I, βˆ’I}.[nb 2] SU(2) is also identical to one of the symmetry groups of spinors, Spin(3), that enables a spinor presentation of rotations.

Anonymous ID: 04b969 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.2882544   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2880945 (lb)

Not quite that soon. The hearing will run the next 3-5 days. Then the committee votes to send it to the Senate floor for consideration with either a favorable or unfavorable recommendation.


The Senate then puts it on the schedule for 30 hours of debate. After the debate, the vote to confirm is taken with 51 votes needed to confirm. This will all take about 3 weeks. They want to get him confirmed before the beginning of the next session of the USSC on 10/01/18.

Anonymous ID: 560f0b Sept. 4, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2882545   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Save the breads I've watched bake.

(Rely on GermanAnon for the rest.)

Every once in a while I zoom past a number like #224 and think damn.

Old stuff was so chewy. This is cloud bread.

Anonymous ID: fd5e83 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2882547   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2568

>>2882407 LB


I haven't studied that but discovered the Americans get woefully less iodine than necessary. The Japanese get ~80 times per day of what we get. There's no iodine in sea salt, processed food salt, or restaurant salt.


Found this article shortly after my discovery.


If you look up iodine and fluoride together there's some interesting studies regarding how iodine protected rats' DNA, brains, etc. against fluoride in doses about what the Japanese take,13mg.


Make sure when looking at dosages that you don't get confused with mcg-microgram and mg-milligram. I've seen some bottles only have a total of 7mg in them as they were set up to dose at US RDA's and not Japanese.

Anonymous ID: 7a19f0 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2882553   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


& (((they))) have passed this on to the goy as a normal behavior. I see it in the unawake every day


>How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

>At what point does it become mathematically impossible?

>How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

>>What are the odds?

Anonymous ID: e75617 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2882555   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2658 >>2829

Okay, so Ds 187'd Scalia, to set up the Obama's Garland nomination to the SC,


BC / LL tarmac meeting Billy told LL they have a deal with RBG. If LL will exonerate Hilldawg, LL gets SC nomination for RBG seat.


Why so many tweets from Killary against Kavanaugh? Why so LOUD?


They thought she would never lose.

They would stack the SC in their favor, in the unlikely event their misdeeds went there……


Window closed when Trump won, and turtle Mitch held the line paving the way for Gorsuch.



Anonymous ID: 605d0a Sept. 4, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.2882556   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2606


The video on the "What are the odds of that" should also be noted. As it sits, you have to navigate to the 001 post to see what it is. If it linked, you could mouse over and see that it is just the "Potato Heart" video.

Anonymous ID: 0f7fb8 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.2882568   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2672


>Make sure when looking at dosages that you don't get confused with mcg-microgram and mg-milligram. I've seen some bottles only have a total of 7mg in them as they were set up to dose at US RDA's and not Japanese.


Good point, didn't know that.



I am not sure actually. They are having issues with Fukushima. and they have to take iodine to protect their thyroids I'm sure.

Anonymous ID: 605d0a Sept. 4, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.2882574   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2606

Suggested edit on Q's latest in dough:


>>2881670 rt >>2881180 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-——– What are the odds of that? (Video link >>2881001)


Baker, suggested dough change

Anonymous ID: 6fdd81 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.2882584   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2938 >>3082 >>3107 >>3159

Here is today's clock with the first connection done for you. New and wanna be clockfags can add to it.


Check for other connected posts at the following:

Relevant posts at the mirror (:01 time stamp)

Relevant posts at the reflection in the :55 to :25 line (:19 time stamp)

Relevant posts at the mirrored (lines from :00 to :30 and lines from :45 to :15) (:59, :29 and :01 and :31)

Relevant posts at the following +/- deltas (:15, :10, :01)

Any posts with the keyword CLOCK.


Also any news articles from today or DJT tweets can be added. Seems like the same few ClockFags are doing all the heavy lifting. Just add them to this graphic and repost.



Anonymous ID: 8c6939 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.2882585   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2857


Did these companies (founders) get rich and THEN joined the evil cabal… or were they members of the evil cabal which MADE SURE they got rich and successful? Kate Spade comes to mind too… not especially talented, plenty of same looking purses. Are all these people bloodlines and the cabal makes sure they rise above?

Anonymous ID: 376599 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.2882623   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2838



Lmao….try this one


And if Q posts anymore faggot 90's songs…i will seriously consider doxxing his ass (lol…that's if I were a woman, who primarily make poor decisions based on deception and emotions)

Anonymous ID: de57f0 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.2882628   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3121


I'm having my doubts, too. 9/11 will be involved at some point, I imagine. Would just be awesome if it happened after 8 hours of Democrats practically begging for their own indictments.


Q did say "FISA START", which would imply those FISA docs will be declassified first.

Anonymous ID: 8821c6 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.2882637   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I don't really understand the point of the video other than it being funny. Should I create 10 more videos of players with superimposed Hillary heads getting tackled on the 17 yard line?


If it would have been a haha from Q, alright I guess, but to say "what are the odds of that" and "they never thought she would lose" is pathetic. This is even worse than the lamp picture.

Anonymous ID: 6a1119 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.2882644   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


β€œProduct or Someone’s Rich Imagination β€œ

Someone rich behind the fiction book of Woodward’s . Wonder whom that could be? Mattis calling β€œthem β€œ out , priceless

Stay the Course…

Anonymous ID: 570b9c Sept. 4, 2018, 8:49 p.m. No.2882650   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2733 >>2938 >>3082 >>3107

Iran's secret weapons-smuggling air routes to Lebanon revealed by intel sources


An Iranian civil aviation company is suspected of smuggling arms into Lebanon, destined for the militant group Hezbollah and Iranian weapons factories – and western intelligence sources said Monday they've uncovered the unexpected routes that Iran apparently took to try avoiding detection. The sources identified two rare and unusual Qeshm Fars Air flights from Tehran to the international airport in Beirut during the past two months. The first flight, on July 9, involved a Boeing 747 that departed from an air force base in Tehran, stopped for a short layover at the international airport in Damascus, Syria, and then continued with a rather β€œuncharacteristic flight path” to the Beirut international airport, where it landed shortly after 4 p.m. local time.


According to flight data obtained by Fox News, the route passed over northern Lebanon, not following any commonly used flight path. A regional intelligence source who asked to remain anonymous said: β€œThe Iranians are trying to come up with new ways and routes to smuggle weapons from Iran to its allies in the Middle East, testing and defying the West’s abilities to track them down.” Western intelligence sources said the airplane carried components for manufacturing precise weapons in Iranian factories inside Lebanon. The U.S. and Israel, as well as other western intelligence agencies, have supplied evidence that Iran has operated weapons factories in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Last week, citing Iranian, Iraqi and Western sources, the Reuters news agency reported that Iran had transferred short-range ballistic missiles to its Shiite allies inside Iraq in recent months. Tehran and Baghdad formally denied that report.


The second flight was conducted on August 2. Flight number QFZ9960 landed in Beirut at 5:59 pm, after departing Tehran's international airport two and a half hours earlier. This time, the plane did not stop in Damascus, but it followed a slightly irregular route north of Syria. Qeshm Fars Air is considered one of the various pseudo-civilian airlines used for arms-smuggling by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the elite Al-Quds force led by Qassem Soleimani. Back in October 2017, President Trump imposed sanctions on the IRGC and the Al-Quds force. The airline had ceased operations in 2013, citing poor management, but restarted under new management in March 2017. It is said to have two Boeing 747s in its fleet. Among the members of the company’s board are three IRGC representatives: Ali Naghi Gol Parsta, Hamid Reza Pahlvani and Gholamreza Qhasemi. The United States is Lebanon’s primary security partner, according to the State Department. Since 2006, the U.S has provided Lebanon over $1.7 billion in security assistance, in part to counter Hezbollah’s influences. Hezbollah is considered a terror organization by many U.S. officials and other western countries, and is backed and funded by Iran.

Anonymous ID: fd5e83 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.2882672   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2706


They get it naturally. I had just researched it in December 2010, which was right before Fukushima.


I told my family that I'd bet that there would be an announcement in ten years of reduced expected cancer rates based on the chernobyl disaster.


IIRC, they announced it in 3.


Look up Guy Abraham's writings. He was the head of obstetrics and endocrinology at UCLA. He even changed the pool treatment from chlorine to iodine.

Anonymous ID: 2dbe86 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.2882679   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Ramping up the "fake cideos" once again. Posted this late last night. They are touting their "plug ins" one specifically they tell will "save us" called "Reality Defender".



Anonymous ID: 403d9f Sept. 4, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.2882680   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2707

Real question… if Q couldn't reveal NoName's crimes because of the International consequences. Could he really reveal the truth of 9/11 for the same reason? Or the nuclear explosion/tsunami off coast of japan? (although I don't think that one was us… right? or is that one made up?)

Anonymous ID: b4ab5a Sept. 4, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.2882695   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

nike logos spelling out the work for their people they racist ALL BLACKS will now claim whoops now who will buy their shoes


NEW NIKE SLOGAN=gone do dat fa sho

Anonymous ID: de57f0 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.2882699   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Yes, I was that anon that posted that earlier. Saw it as a longshot. Having SCOTUS on lock was one reason I second guessed it. Also declassifying FISA first seems like the more likely option, but either are still possible.

Anonymous ID: d78139 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:53 p.m. No.2882704   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2711


Mueller is separate (but a result of) what Hussein, HRC, Brennan, etc etc did to set up POTUS and spy on him

from what I've dug on and from Q's crumbs, the redacted parts of the FISA (which is what will be DECLASsified) will exonerate POTUS from any wrong doing and expose the dossier/FISA warrant as illegal and illegitimate spying on a rival political candidate during a presidential election


Mueller will exonerate POTUS.. and Rudy thinks before the midterms, but its hard to see that happening that quickly imo

YET, Mueller just said (last friday, came out today) that POTUS can submit written answers, making it likely go quickly and with less risk to POTUS

Anonymous ID: edf8c6 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.2882709   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2811


β€œHeptadecaphobia” means fear of number 17. Some use the word β€œheptakaidekaphobia”, it has the same meaning; someone who fears number 17. * The flood described in the Bible started on the 17th day. Noah's ark also came to rest on the seventeenth day


Watch the water

Anonymous ID: 9a6b4a Sept. 4, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.2882720   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Thank you, anon. Just looked at Subud beliefs…looks like they encouraged followers to pursue their own beliefs. Perhaps this symbol held some meaning for young Hussein?

Anonymous ID: 649597 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.2882727   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

somebody out there has a large plane invisible to radar that can fly faster than airliners if it needs to. is it a friendly? this has never been solved.

Anonymous ID: 94d961 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.2882731   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Built by people on earth, supposedly the alignment of the 3 pyramids in Giza (resembling Orion) was supposed to indicate a greeting, as in 'hello'.


Almost like morse code or other signalling.


Squatter man was observed worldwide, so it may have a celestial event.


The location of the dots that are in different locations around the body seems to indicate a star alignment that was (maybe) moving in the sky over a period of time?


Cool stuff.

Anonymous ID: d230d7 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.2882736   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2756



Does not matter what lennght it is.


Lets say it is that plane. it is not… i repeat NOT that flight.




Wtf is the odds google taking a satelite picture.. of that flight.. during that time in AIR uploading it on their servers for us to discover it now?


No coincidences but excuse the f out of me that is not that flight.


It`s bs.


So the question becomes.. why is it on the news?

Anonymous ID: 5db0d1 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.2882740   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Was it the primer fields video?? That's some tasty Crumbs!!

Velikovsky is a key figure in the big picture!! He wrote a book that did a great breakdown of the Bible and various myths around the world… They burned his book and sent carl Sagan after him along with the rest of the establishment… They don't want s to know this stuff because we wouldn't need (((their))) systems of authority… ie. science, history & religion… :(

Anonymous ID: 1ea015 Sept. 4, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.2882750   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2886 >>2938 >>3082 >>3107

Trump's Efforts to Break NATO Bear First Fruit, Macron Floats European Security Deal With Russia Instead


But what exactly does Macron have in mind with that? A structure that replaces NATO or a deal to keep Moscow asleep until Trump leaves the scene and the US-EU war on Russia is resumed?


Cont. From images:

I’m betting Putin isn’t that stupid.

Anonymous ID: 403d9f Sept. 4, 2018, 8:58 p.m. No.2882759   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I agree. I just wonder if the general population will get softballs at first… like Hillary and financial crimes… Obama and birth certificate fraud… and then slowly work up to some of the more lofty crimes when people slowly get used to the idea of a criminal cabal. Whatever is best for the country is ok with me… as long as he keeps telling us the truth and we get justice.

Anonymous ID: a65f3d Sept. 4, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.2882765   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

No Name's dead.. I say Good Riddance. But, his actions are still felt WW. D's are losing control, Spooks are spooked.. Will they sacrifice everything in their desparation?


As the song says 'Two Minutes to Midnight!' I pray it doesn't come to that.

Anonymous ID: 8c108d Sept. 4, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.2882771   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



I'm out of it culturally and had to look up jiggy.




adjective, jigΒ·giΒ·er, jigΒ·giΒ·est. Slang.

nervous; active; excitedly energetic.

wonderful and exciting, especially because stylish.


Guess I agree. Kettle is simmering faster and faster.

Anonymous ID: 97f4df Sept. 4, 2018, 9 p.m. No.2882779   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2792

Watch the Water and 17:


In Greek mythology (according to Homer) Odysseus floated on a raft for seventeen days after leaving Calypso. Calypso was the beautiful nymph who had held him hostage.


The flood described in the Bible started on the 17th day.


Tarot Card 17 Hope/water


Chlorine has atomic number of 17

Anonymous ID: d230d7 Sept. 4, 2018, 9 p.m. No.2882784   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2922





So why in the news?

Are the "reporters" so retarded (sry for those consider themself retarded its not meant in a bad way unless for reporters errr lets start again.


Are the bots writing the artic… errr..


Are the journalis… err..


why is it on the news???

Anonymous ID: 64a121 Sept. 4, 2018, 9 p.m. No.2882785   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2802 >>2926 >>2938 >>3082 >>3107

Woodward and Bernstein are Frauds


  • Myth unraveling

  • Woodward steadily exposed as a chronically dishonest myth-maker

  • Iran Contra Woodward said he snuck into CIA chief William Casey's hotel room and extracted a death bed confession. Casey was comatose at the time.

  • Woodward and Bernstein did little investigation during Watergate. Just spokespersons for Deep Throat, Mark Felt.

  • Woodward's bio of Belushi was a travesty. All about Belushi's drug use. Belushi's agent - "It made you think Nixon might be innocent."

  • Article goes on to describe how Nixon was railroaded by the Deep state.


They are trying to do the exact same thing to DJT


'''DJT was prepared for them, though and knows the playbook"""



Anonymous ID: 8c3cd9 Sept. 4, 2018, 9 p.m. No.2882788   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2806 >>2822 >>2830 >>2867 >>2872 >>2920 >>2937 >>2971 >>3023 >>3092 >>3150

We weren't even familiar with the hateful symbol': US Attorney John Bash defends his Mexican-Jewish wife after liberals accuse her of flashing the white power signal at Kavanaugh's hearing

US attorney John Bash laid the hammer down on liberals Tuesday after they accused his wife of making an alt-right hand gesture

Mexican-Jewish Zina Bash was accused of signaling it during Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's hearing

Her husband slammed the claims and said he nor his wife knew the meaning

Zina was born in Mexico and her grandparents were survivors of the Holocaust

Trump's former associate counsel also called the claims 'idiotic and sickening'

He said his family does not take part in hate groups that 'terrorize and demean'

John's wife, a former law clerk for Kavanaugh, has not remarked on the matter

John Bash laid the hammer down on eagle-eyed liberals Tuesday after they accused his wife of making a white supremacist hand gesture during the hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.


The US attorney said on social media neither he nor his Mexican-Jewish wife, Zina Bash, had a clue as to what the hateful signal stood for until she was suddenly chastised on Twitter for allegedly making it.


Zina, who formerly served as a law clerk for Kavanaugh, sat directly behind him at the court hearing with her arms crossed. Her right hand was seemingly positioned in an 'OK' sign - which is commonly associated with members of the alt-right.


Her furious husband later slammed the claims and said they are 'idiotic and sickening,' and added he hopes 'people will clearly condemn' them.

Anonymous ID: de57f0 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.2882803   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2842 >>2938 >>3082 >>3107


The filename of the image is FISA[20]. Many discussion "20 redacted pages" of the Carter Page FISA application memo.


The post you linked spells "DECLAS" if you match the numbers in order with the corresponding letter.


DECLAS = declassification

Big week

declassification will be [20] pages of the Carter Page FISA Memo

Anonymous ID: 0b257c Sept. 4, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.2882816   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2843 >>2938 >>3082 >>3107

Press Release on Nike

"Since 2016, 381 cops have been killed in the line of duty. They believed in something and sacrificed everything as did the families they left behind. All of the men and women in law enforcement believe in something and are prepared to sacrifice everything"

Anonymous ID: 11c33e Sept. 4, 2018, 9:03 p.m. No.2882818   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2936

>>2882180 (lb)

>>2882270 (lb)


There was some doctor a hundred years ago that cured 16 or 17 patients

with sound frequency technology. Then he stopped his research

and nobody ever really talked about it again. Cover up?


Sound and frequency, in the physical world, seems to be a very important thing.

Have you ever looked at videos that show how sound vibrations create

INCREDIBLE patterns. Sound causes physical changes in the things around it.

Anonymous ID: 5b4ece Sept. 4, 2018, 9:03 p.m. No.2882820   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2987


I just realized… which i have realized before…. we are supposed to be agitated. Uncomfortable. Obviously.




I love you but pussies like you need guns in bars. Its all you have. "What is punching someone in the face…?" Makes it personal. You can see em falling with a great view. Best technique? No. Goo enough for pussies, though.


I still love you and know you were welcome to The Team. But… see how that works? I can say you are whiny bitch and still love you. My friend broke my jaw in like 4 places. I dont hate him.

Anonymous ID: 0f7662 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.2882834   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2861 >>2938 >>3082 >>3107

What a Twist - An interesting perspective from CTH. The whole Nike Kapernick media blitz is a RUSE.


Nike and Levis Strauss Political Business Strategy – The Much Bigger Geopolitical and Trade Picture….

The contracts for the manufacture of the Nike products are almost exclusively based on international agreements with Asian companies. Some are ASEAN countries; but specifically the most quantifiable risk stems from Chinese and North Korea contracts.


President Trump is likely, some would say predictably, about to levy a massive round of Section 301 tariffs on imported Chinese goods. Nike would be one of the U.S. manufacturing companies hardest hit by such a move. The current Trump administration objective toward renegotiated trade deals with China represents the most significant and mostly quantifiable threat to the Nike business plan.


This is the epicenter of the issue.


The hearings on $20 billion worth of Chinese tariffs ended today. It is not coincidental that Nike stakes out a political position in opposition to those pending tariffs.


But wait…. it gets worse. The Nike contracts with China have almost certainly been sub-contracted to non-publicized, generally secret, manufacturing facilities in North Korea.

Anonymous ID: d230d7 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2882848   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



I do that move all the time.


Meditation and stuff. A muscle memory for me to relax/zone in.


Also years ago we used that to display "i know ur game right now and you should stop. or else imma break it and make u loose."

Anonymous ID: 813fdc Sept. 4, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2882851   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


LOL!! It seems like Night Shift, as we were really forming way back, started around nowish. Now I'm here 8 hours before where we are now, and Anons are saying it's Night Shift from time to time. KEK!!


I'm glad The Black Sheep of QTeam have been able to play a part. An honor I will carry with me For FOREVER.


Shadilay Anons!!!

Anonymous ID: edf8c6 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2882854   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2865 >>2884


The Number 17


The number 17 is associated with victory, the restoration of all things, spiritual perfection, and perfect order. The first time the number occurs in the bible is significant.



Gen 7:11


In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.


Gen 8:4


Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.



Every bible student should be aware that God is very into numbers. And God chose to destroy the earth on the 17th day of the 2nd month. Then God chose to rest the ark on the 17th day of the 7th month.



On the 17th


God prevailed over the sinners of the earth


The earth was restored


God returned the earth to perfection

Anonymous ID: 1c2707 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2882855   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The vid is real nice and love the message it says.

FISA and umbrella surveillance will bring a lot of folks pain.


However, don't get the

>What are the odds of that?

part. An anon please lay it out for stupid.

Anonymous ID: 90b325 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2882856   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



didn't disney world have animatronics and shit by this point, did they really have to go wit the Spirit Halloween lookin ass shitty rabbit mask? Dear lordy the eyes make the mask, just like the eyes are the windows to the soul or whatever



Anonymous ID: 813fdc Sept. 4, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.2882864   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Hold the Fort. Make sure the correct MIL are in place. Help us to keep healing.


At this pace there won't be much. And the fact that it will be a Trump will be good for us. I'll weep the day POTUS leaves office.

Anonymous ID: 607447 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.2882868   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2892



BY WHO?? Who was the connection? That is the real question. It's not Frank Marshall Davis. We know mom and grandparents were Clowns, but there had to be an SA connection here. This is a looooong term strategy that WORKED. And it all ties back to that fake fuckin birth certificate.

Anonymous ID: 1ea015 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.2882869   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2913 >>2959 >>3210

As the New York Times attacks vitamin D, whooping cough – easily prevented with the low-cost nutrient – is making a comeback across America


The New York Times is on a mission: Get people to believe that at least 80 percent of them have normal vitamin D levels; that the nutrient is only important in the prevention of rickets in children and osteomalacia (a softening of the bones) in adults; that normal levels of vitamin D are anything above 20 nanograms per milliliter; and that one man – Dr. Michael Holick – has single-handedly convinced everybody that they need more of the hormone than they really do, all so that he can make lots of money.


Dr. Holick is a highly respected Boston University endocrinologist whose work has been published in multiple journals, including the esteemed New England Journal of Medicine. He was also responsible for overseeing the publication of a report published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism on behalf of the Endocrine Society, which is the group that produces the guidelines followed nationally by hospitals, doctors and commercial labs. Despite these credentials, The Times paints him as a quack on a mission to make money off scaremongering.


The Times quotes doctors and researchers who for their own reasons – no doubt linked to Big Pharma – insist that Dr. Holick’s enthusiasm for vitamin D is β€œextreme.” Yet, The Times fails to note that since vitamin D is a hormone, it is the Endocrine Society, and its leaders like Dr. Holick, who are the experts in the field and should be consulted when determining the necessary levels of this hormone.


Why does it matter? Well, because only one group can be correct. Either a large proportion of the population is deficient in a hormone and is suffering the health consequences, or the problem has been overstated by people who are simply in it for the money. If Dr. Holick and his colleagues are correct – and the science certainly backs them up – it would go a long way towards explaining why diseases which have all but died out in recent years, including whooping cough, have been making a quiet comeback in recent years.

Anonymous ID: 6505a4 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.2882871   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2960

Standing 'under' Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham is the ONLY president who..?

..Saved our Republic under Martial law.


When the Oct 30 op went down… Q wasnt sure if POTUS twitter would go down or what.



Anonymous ID: d0cdcd Sept. 4, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.2882874   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2888 >>2910


The shit the left is getting riled up about is nonsense. They take a screenshot of a video and make accusations. Just like the Kavanagh shaking hands thing. Watch the videos and in full context and it does not support their claims. This is the 4-6% that does it.

Anonymous ID: 376599 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.2882882   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2896 >>2980



If you don't eliminate the CIA….

As soon as y'all are out of office you will all be eliminated one by one…theres no way they allow any of you or your families for that matter to live….do you hear me….156

Anonymous ID: bef7da Sept. 4, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.2882889   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2900

>>2881771 (pb)

Talmud is like 10,000 volumes of rabbinical debate. Most Jews don't follow the Talmud. If they are Orthodox then they are more strict on following the rabbinical interpretation of the law. But most Jews couldn't tell you anything specific about the Talmud.

Anonymous ID: af2142 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:09 p.m. No.2882899   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2963

Spreadsheet is updated to post >>2881670


Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-










All images in these galleries are permanent, do no expire, no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)


All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.

Anonymous ID: 5db0d1 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2882903   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I love night shift!! :) I just hit 24 hours again in my day, but I suddenly feel WIDE AWAKE!! I don't think I'm allowed to bring up Earth Sat images, yet… I've seent some Sh!t!!

Everything has meaning!! When the people find out… it won't be safe for them to walk the streets… This rabbit hole gets deep!!

Anonymous ID: 7a5fbd Sept. 4, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2882904   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2923 >>2927 >>2997

Have no idea if posted already but goood fucking god


Topppppp KEK


Guys. You seriously have to watch this video of β€œHillary Clinton gets to run the first play in a Grant a Wish between the Washington Establishment and the Republican Rhinos. β€œ


Bitch gets KO’d at the 17 yard line.


Is this real life hahahaha. Man that is fucking internet gold.

Anonymous ID: 8c108d Sept. 4, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2882908   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2946


She's guessing, we're guessing.

Maybe they whispered something to her, maybe they didn't and she only knows what we know.


The possible hard stop is to not be accused of messing with elections within 60 days of the mid-term voting. That date is coming RIGHT UP. So many have suggested that if big things are going to happen, they will happen within a very short timeframe.

Anonymous ID: d230d7 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.2882916   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

We could go over it once more.


Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.

Where once there was [D-1]ARK

Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT



So ark.. along with number 1.





Why number 1 with ark?

and 4 with light?


Both c-3 - what is c-3?

And 5 members? members of what?


How many sessions is there this week?

6? 6 of what?

Anonymous ID: 217753 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.2882938   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3039

Notes so far

Anything missed?


>>2882518 Woodward had Top Secret CIA Clearance During Watergate & worked with Corrupt Alexander Haig

>>2882834 Nike would be hardest hit by Chinese tariffs

>>2882816 Press Release on Nike ref LEOs

>>2882764 , >>2882814, >>2882803 Q's image name: FISA[20].jpg : Will POTUS declassify the [20] soon?

>>2882750 Macron Floats European Security Deal With Russia Instead of US

>>2882650 Iran's secret weapons-smuggling air routes to Lebanon revealed by intel sources

>>2882584 The clock: 'CLOCKWORK' connection @ 31mins

>>2882647 , >>2882511, >>2882785, >>2882802 Fresh POTUS tweets, sauce & Woodward digs

>>2882474 , >>2882618 MH370 plane spotted in Cambodian jungle on Google Maps, man claims

Anonymous ID: 7b5963 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.2882939   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3002

A group of 121 former intelligence workers have come forth to expose what the intelligence community has been doing the last few decades.

Two of them went to the Trump campaign Nov 1, 2016 and told them that Halper and two others were spying on the campaign. They also talked with Admiral Rogers.

This week, they are going to do a document dump on a website and give POTUS special access to it to declassify docs in it and let it be available to the public. The public will be able to see the website this Friday at the latest.

Ann Vandersteel interviews them:

https: //

Anonymous ID: 499335 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.2882947   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2977

…. And it looks like my computer coincidentally crapped out AGAIN when I signed on saying I can bake.

>>2881997 lb

>fine here for a few hours

Great, Ty! Especially given the above.

>see you later?

Yup. I'll plan on being avail. till morning again. I'll have to call it around 7/8AM ET but I'm hoping DB will be back and can take it then.


>>2882063 lb

>Kitchen lookin' comfy

Glad to hear it.

I noticed the bakersR-MKultra shill got BTFO'd earlier today, lol.

I guess they figure they have to try, but they sure are pathetic efforts.


>>2882742, >>2882767

>You're doing just great, I'm honored to fight alongside you. I don't think you ever stop learning in this kitchen

Agreed on all counts. Well done, baker. Ty.


Ty baker, sleep well

Anonymous ID: af2142 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.2882952   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>FORMER top members

What happened, micro got kicked from hiz own liddle club?

Can Jackie explain that?

What a maroon, thinking no one would ask these questions. Holes big enough for Obama's ego to fly through!

Anonymous ID: e17067 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.2882954   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


This is a really good point seeings how they made such a big deal in the hearing of those blacked out days when K was in the Bush administration. Let's declass those. Let's all see what's there.

Anonymous ID: 6505a4 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.2882960   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



OCT 28–NOV 5

look close.




Trump talks about HRC/Podesta 29th Google/Twit on the 30th!?


Anonymous ID: bf0170 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:15 p.m. No.2882973   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3075 >>3151

TEXAS DOCTORS at Kavanaugh Hearing Say They Saw Liberal Protesters Paid β€œWith a Literal Bag of Cash”


Democrats and protesters interrupted the the hearing for hours.

Dozens of liberal protesters were arrested and dragged screaming from the committee hearing.


Screaming leftists continued to disrupt the hearing for several hours.


Several doctors from Texas attended the hearing today and told interviewer Adam Schindler that they witnessed organized activists with a literal bag of cash paying the rent-a-mob protesters.

Anonymous ID: 5a2740 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.2882980   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


What kind of a stupid dickbag comment is that?

Do you really think they aren't aware of the risks associated with the op?

Do you understand how many steps ahead they are in order to have even got Trump in?

They don't need your advice.

Anonymous ID: 8c108d Sept. 4, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.2882995   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3014


A large-scale crowd-sourced study of Vitamin D and breast cancer is also taking place. People are modifying the Vit D intake and having it measured, then looking at outcomes.


I believe the study will show that sufficient Vitamin D, not too much or too little, correlates with not getting cancer. We are taking that study as gospel from initial positive results and modified our diet and had Vit D blood level checked.


Dermatologists say block the sun from your skin. Healthy people say get plenty of sunshine on your skin, not enough to cause sunburn, but enough to raise your vitamin D level to what it should be. Or supplement if you can't get natural sunshine.


Worth researching. I'm already convinced.

Anonymous ID: f78d58 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.2882996   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3055


spiral out and shit kek


is it true that Maynard has 666 plantings at his vinyard?


Did you hear Maynard tell the crowd at a show… I think it was only a day or two after 911, he told the crowd that the US government did it and the crowd went into a USA chant, fucking hilarious!


Just because you listen to tool don't make you not a tool :D


This board will prolly jus write them off as moar commeese since they were HERE WHEN THE US WAS RAN BY THE NEOCON CABAL which started before Reagan left office so EVERYONE who rebelled at that time was a fucking patriot when it wasnt fucking easy to be one!


How bad was it? it was so fucking bad that 911 brought us "together" just like PNAC said it would and right into the war mongering rights killing trap we went… all proud and patriotic and shit… end result over 4000 of our boys and "liberal media" estimates of over 1 million Iraqis killed… and for what!?!


So many red pillers over the years who should get credit yet since they got lost along the way or do not currently align correctly fuck em!?


I just do not get that from Q as a matter of fact I get quite the opposite!


Some of them are simply turned OFF after 2-3 decades of constant shit from their government and they are stuck in what worked at that time and that was ANYTHING THE ENEMY WAS AGAINST!


Q understands this… sooner or later the smart ones at least will not be able to deny MAGA and they will convert!


Can you imagine a tool song that celebrates our most awesome nation when it is headed in the right direction?


oh glorious day let it be top pepe let it be!

Anonymous ID: 1e9be1 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2883001   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


John and Sara were the first to break into this . they both worked at at the time. John left for The Hill and Sara later became her own thing and Fox News. Hannity has had the President's ear since day one because he was the guy who did the Town Halls and believed in Trump when he was one of 16 on the Republican ticket. Judge J has known Trump for years since she was a New Yorker.

Anonymous ID: 813fdc Sept. 4, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2883004   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


POTUS would have told us LOOONG ago is SOMEHOW Q was fake or misleading us. And for some so full of bravado and bluster, he doesn't even know when the elections are.


So yeah, don't follow what Q says…

Follow what HE says.

Or you're a bad American, Lazy & Stupid.

And You're getting gas-lit.



See how "they" always do it??



Anonymous ID: 570b9c Sept. 4, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2883006   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3082 >>3107

Another Seagram’s heiress sued in Nxivm β€˜sex cult’ case


Two former students of accused sex cult leader Keith Raniere are suing an alleged Seagram’s-heiress disciple β€” and she’s not Clare Bronfman. Bronfman’s sister, Sara Bronfman-Igtet, is instead the target of the Brooklyn Supreme Court class-action suit, which claims that she β€œensnared’’ Isabella Martinez, Gabrielle Leal and others in β€œa fraudulent scheme nationwide” as part of Raniere’s cult, Nxivm. Clare has already been charged with federal conspiracy raps involving Nxivm. The feds allege that Bronfman provided hefty financial backing for Raniere’s alleged sick sex network while conspiring to commit identify fraud, among other things. The sisters are the daughters of late billionaire Seagrams CEO Edgar Bronfman.


The new suit claims Bronfman-Igtet β€œuniformly misled Plaintiffs and the Class that they would participate in classes that were equivalent to a β€˜practical MBA’ to achieve success in business and in life. β€œPart of the fraud committed to induce the purchase from ESP, was the claim that the program was developed by the β€˜one of the World’s Smartest Men’ – Keith Raniere,” the papers say. ESP stands for β€œExecutive Success Program,” the name of the series of workshops offered by Raniere as part of Nxivm’s teachings. Bronfman-Igtet lured in program patsies by touting Raniere’s own repeated proclamations that he β€œ1) was one of the World’s Smartest Men; 2) began talking in complete sentences by age one; 3) was an East Coast Judo Champion at age twelve; 4) tied the New York State record for the 100-yard dash in High School; and 5) had a very rare problem-solving ability that allowed him to create a curriculum to assist others with their business projects,’’ the suit says. Bronfman-Igtet failed to mention that Raniere has been sued by the New York state Attorney General’s Office for a prior business venture, which was deemed an illegal multilevel marketing business and for which he was fined, the suit says. β€œHe is not one of the world’s smartest men, he is not a judo champion,” said the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Omar Rosales. β€œIt’s all a lie, it’s all a scam.” Rosales said he even took an ESP course himself in 2009 β€œand met Allison Mack, and it was very benign. Talk about the banality of evil.” The lawsuit says the Nxivm courses were simply a scheme meant to β€œdefraud students out of millions of dollars with classes that had no end, no graduation, no certification, and no credential. β€œMoreover, the student-victims’ tuition was used to fund a criminal enterprise run by Defendant and her indicted co-conspirators,” the suit says. Martinez and Leal say they separately shelled out $2,400 for a five-day intensive set of Nxivm classes in San Francisco in 2016 β€” but never would have done so had Bronfman-Igtet not lied to them.


Bronfman-Igtet has not been charged in the criminal case involving her sister, Raniere and a host of others, including β€œSmallville” TV actress Mack, who face charges from money laundering to sex trafficking and kidnapping. Bronfman-Igtet helped secure her sister’s release pending trial on a whopping $100 million bond. Bronfman-Igtet, who lives in France, could not immediately be reached.

Anonymous ID: f015ec Sept. 4, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.2883020   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3036

>>2880853 I'm haveing a hard time beliving "ALMOST"

Huber is an Hussein appointeeβ€”-FACT

IG has no subpoena powersβ€”-FACT

Sessions DOJ has indicted no one except Trump supporters and now a couple of Rep. congressmenβ€”FACT

Hillary violated the espionage act—–FACT

Hillary is not indictedβ€”-FACT

Mueller's appointment was in violation of the special counsel policy written by the DOJβ€”-FACT

Hillary and the DNC conspired with a foreign actor to influence an electionβ€”-FACT

Sessions stated the incorrect law for his recusalβ€”FACT

Awans got offβ€”-FACT


Everything Else Is A DREAM

Anonymous ID: 64a121 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.2883022   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3046


What video am I supposed to be searching faggot? You mention two videos of different durations. There is no mention of their subject matter in the current bread. You made it seem like they were important. Probably not.

Anonymous ID: 47eaee Sept. 4, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.2883026   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3071

Mark Parker CEO of Nike has been a Director of the Board of Directors for Disney since 2016. Since Disney is know for their animation I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of art Mark Parker was interested in. Listing in this thread some of his favorite artists


This Mark Ryden guy is really sick.

Anonymous ID: 2eda9b Sept. 4, 2018, 9:20 p.m. No.2883032   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3045

People are destroying their own Nike gear in response to Kaepernick, Nike ad

Anonymous ID: 548920 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:20 p.m. No.2883034   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3082 >>3098 >>3107



Extra Woodward sauce:


Bob Woodward was an above top secret officer on a Navy ship that was designed for directing a nuclear war if Washington was nuked - is this the normal training for investigative reporters? or for being a conduit for semi-official leaks? After serving in an ultra-sensitive position on the USS Wright, Woodward went on to be a "briefer" for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This is not a good means to learn how to be a reporter (as shown by the fact that Woodward was first posted to a small suburban Maryland newspaper for a year to learn journalism skills before the Washington Post would hire him), but it is an excellent way to learn who is at the top of the military industrial complex.


Woodward - A Yalie and a Secret Society Member


Robert Upshur Woodward rose from obscure reporter working for the Washington Post to become one of the most famous journalists of recent times for his role, with that of Carl Bernstein, in "breaking" the Watergate story. Together, "Woodstein" broke one of the biggest news stories of all time: a chain of abuse by the Executive office of the Presidency that led to calls for impeachment, and the eventual resignation, of President Richard Nixon.

Anonymous ID: daf3d3 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:20 p.m. No.2883037   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2882666 that’s why he hired mueller and brought him to the office. He KNEW what was happening. Then the idiots back Mueller thinking he is against POTUS. So when the info comes out around midterms, it won’t look like POTUS had anything to do with the release date to sway the public opinion. Trust the plan. Timing is key with this. Chuck Todd stated that anything that comes out will sway elections and be deemed so- but not when the idiots support mueller and he decides to end the investigation and release the results.

The only option will be write in ballots, showing a win for GOP!

Brilliant plan, if I must say.

Anonymous ID: 461517 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:21 p.m. No.2883042   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Not so well known "Legal" Commander and Chief (not to diminish POTUS DJT)


But great day, what DJT and RJG could do working together. Wow!


Declared a sovereign, Postmaster General, a Vatican Keymaster, International Swedish Postmaster, and much much more.


Has mailed himself into the Vatican, rescued the American flag from capture, fined the FED 17 million tons of gold and forbade them from doing any more contractual dealings. Created his own Table of Elements, wrote his own banking charter and on and on…

Anonymous ID: 43eb6a Sept. 4, 2018, 9:21 p.m. No.2883048   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3166

Spouse- employed 25+ years says this is creepy, satanic (referencing 'spirit', background- on fire…) USPS union makes it nearly impossible to withdraw (certified letters requesting removal from union aren't even acknowledged/registered). USPS has always been solvent contrary to popular belief, but the government saw a golden goose egg in the retirees pre-funded pensions and stole these just like Social Security funds.

Anonymous ID: 731c70 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:21 p.m. No.2883050   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



21 Seconds

I believe in all of USA. I believe in the US Constitution!

This guy is a piece of shit!

His name should never be spoken of AGAIN!

We now have "no name" and we NOW HAVE "no name.2"

No way our HERO'S deserve any of this CRAP!


Anonymous ID: 5b4ece Sept. 4, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.2883064   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3101




Just had to get that one out. Past post vs ytube vid within less than a day. No coincdence. Just venting. I love Lionel…Maybe his new assigment is for new eyes… i need something else, i guess. I DO NOT really hate on him… just when youre friends says some shit you gottta call it out

Anonymous ID: 639aa1 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.2883075   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3151 >>3161




Adam Schindler posted a photo!


Real Clear Politics has a transcript of the doctors’ comments as offered to Schindler outside the hearing.


TOM SCHLUETER, TEXAS: Hello, I’m Dr. Tom Schlueter from Texas, we came here to participate in the hearings, to get in the line. They told us to be here at 8:00, 8:30 at the latest, to get in line to go inside and hear the hearings. We got here at about 8:15 and there was already 100 people in line, and most of them would be probably classified by me as β€˜opposing everything going on with Judge Kavanaugh,’ and so we began to see a process of things unfolding as we were standing in line that kept the line from going ahead.


One thing was there were people who had come along… who had a bag of money, and people would hand them a piece of paper, and then they would give them money. So we know money was exchanged for some of the people to be here, just to protest.


There was no depth to what their understanding, they were just here to be a disruption, protesters. They were actually told, we heard them say this, β€˜when you go in, we want you to yell, to scream, and even possibly to get arrested.’ So that was some of the processes we saw happening…


Liberal groups are out in force this week at the Kavanaugh hearing.


We’re in DC outside the Senate building where the #Kavanaugh confirmation hearings are being held. Find a protest near you this week at to #StopKavanuagh as part of building the movement to drive out the fascist Trump/Pence regime! #TrumpPenceMustGo


β€” #TrumpPenceMustGo (@RefuseFascism) September 4, 2018

Anonymous ID: 217753 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.2883082   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3151

Last call for Notables


>>2883006 Another Seagram’s heiress sued in Nxivm β€˜sex cult’ case

>>2882933 How The CIA Undermined Civil Rights

>>2882518 , >>2883034 Woodward had Top Secret CIA Clearance During Watergate

>>2882834 Nike would be hardest hit by Chinese tariffs

>>2882816 Press Release on Nike ref LEOs

>>2882764 , >>2882814, >>2882803 Q's image name: FISA[20].jpg : Will POTUS declassify the [20] soon?

>>2882750 Macron Floats European Security Deal With Russia Instead of US

>>2882650 Iran's secret weapons-smuggling air routes to Lebanon revealed by intel sources

>>2882584 The clock: 'CLOCKWORK' connection @ 31mins

>>2882647 , >>2882511, >>2882785, >>2882802 Fresh POTUS tweets, sauce & Woodward digs

>>2882474 , >>2882618 MH370 plane spotted in Cambodian jungle on Google Maps, man claims

Anonymous ID: de57f0 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.2883088   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3093 >>3109



Anons on 4chan stirring about a LEAKED Elon Musk email where he doubles down on calling the older trapped diver in Thailand a child rapist / sex trafficker.


JUICY, but real?

Anonymous ID: f78d58 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.2883091   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3133








Anonymous ID: 217753 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.2883107   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>2883006 Another Seagram’s heiress sued in Nxivm β€˜sex cult’ case

>>2882933 How The CIA Undermined Civil Rights

>>2882518 , >>2883034 Woodward had Top Secret CIA Clearance During Watergate

>>2882834 Nike would be hardest hit by Chinese tariffs

>>2882816 Press Release on Nike ref LEOs

>>2882764 , >>2882814, >>2882803 Q's image name: FISA[20].jpg : Will POTUS declassify the [20] soon?

>>2882750 Macron Floats European Security Deal With Russia Instead of US

>>2882650 Iran's secret weapons-smuggling air routes to Lebanon revealed by intel sources

>>2882584 The clock: 'CLOCKWORK' connection @ 31mins

>>2882647 , >>2882511, >>2882785, >>2882802 Fresh POTUS tweets, sauce & Woodward digs

>>2882474 , >>2882618 MH370 plane spotted in Cambodian jungle on Google Maps, man claims

Anonymous ID: 813fdc Sept. 4, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.2883156   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3179


And THAT sums up my 41 years here. I love them…I love life…I love Earth…And now I'm happy to party and rebuild. But this is my last rodeo. No more.


But for NOW…..Let's just keep WINNING.



Anonymous ID: 6505a4 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.2883159   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3206



hey clock guys…

has Q ever said anything about your clock?

maybe you should attempt to solve the 43 connections, HOT HOT HOT command/AUTH or the [1of22]


you know, the map? the guide? then we find future newsarticles that are literally MADE to fit the stringer perfectly??!


ya. that'd be awesome.

I think you'll find yourself doing much more productive task

Anonymous ID: 5b4ece Sept. 4, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.2883162   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



I Trust God, The Team, and POTUS… they has everybody by the balls… only way to do it… dont worry about Lionel…or anyone….. just annoying to me because… even though i am retarded… i am kinda like .017% smart

Anonymous ID: 461517 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.2883166   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Not if Postal Inspector General Russell Jay Gould has anything to do with it.


Hard to believe all of these "investigators" continue to trample the pearls beneath their feet. Ah yes, but it is beneath them.

Anonymous ID: 06011e Sept. 4, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.2883194   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



you're an idiot. Absolutely no reason to assume any of the symbols on the "Magic Sword" are evil.


Masonry is not evil. How the fuck could an Egyptian Obelisk be considered evil? The "All Seeing Eye" is an illuminated/opened third eye . Not sure how that's an evil thing. The rest of the symbols you think you have right are just you reaching and shouldn't be considered evil symbols either. You're a dumbass lol

Anonymous ID: 639aa1 Sept. 4, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.2883199   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

How The CIA Undermined Civil Rights



"Steinem’s acknowledged tenure with the CIA resulted in a number of high profile connections with individuals involved in various CIA operations. Research from the University of Missouri-St. Louis lists the Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank chairman John McCloy, OSS psychological warfare expert and senior executive at Time, Inc. C.D. Jackson and Watergate-connected CIA operative Cord Meyer as individuals who supported her work with the Independent Research Service. Although the CIA placed some degree of trust in Steinem, other agencies were wary of her. A few years later the FBI warned the Justice Department’s civil rights division that Steinem was a security risk and an inadvisable hire due to what they considered to be unacceptable far left associations.


Although the relationship between Steinem and the CIA supposedly terminated after 1962, her associations with high profile figures controlling public policy continued. According to Julian Assange, Steinem dated


Henry Kissinger


during his years working for the Nixon administration. She would also spend nine years in a relationship with


Stanley Pottinger,


the former Assistant Attorney General with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division who insisted that there was no evidence of FBI involvement in the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.


When Steinem founded Ms. Magazine in 1971, she chose Elizabeth Forsling Harris, a PR executive who helped with advance work for John F. Kennedy’s 1963 trip to Dallas, Texas as her co-founder and publisher. An examination of the effects and goal of her work throughout the late 1960’s and early 70’s gives the distinct impression that Steinem’s association with the CIA may not have ended, instead playing a role in the agency’s known attempts to undermine domestic Civil Rights groups during this period.

Anonymous ID: 0012cb Sept. 4, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.2883210   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Vitamin D influences every single cell in the body and is responsible for enhancing absorption of lots of important vitamins & nutrients (think calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, zinc…), as well as:


Organ repair

Bone growth and fortification

Immune system function

Insulin regulation (lowers insulin)

Blood pressure regulation (lowers blood pressure)

Neuromuscular functioning (boosts it)


Oh, and did I mention that it interacts with over 2,000 genes!


All of the above benefits prevent beastly health issues like osteoporosis, rickets, bad dental health and hormonal deficiencies. And, if you’re hormones are in balance, well, it’s not likely you’re going to be overweight. Which of course perpetuates the genius cycle of putting on a swimsuit, going out in the sun, absorbing Vitamin D , maintaining balanced hormones, and keeping your waste-line exactly where you want it.




Now, I know you might be thinking β€œOh, I can just take a vitamin D supplement and call it good,” but I’m here to tell you that’s just not the case. Don’t get me wrong, vitamin D from oral supplements can be helpful; but oral supplements just don’t deliver the entire nutrient-dense kit and caboodle like vitamin D absorbed directly from the sun’s rays.


You see, vitamin D from oral supplements is unsulfated. Unsulfated vitamin D doesn’t bond to the sulfur already inside our bodies, which means it can’t make vitamin D3 sulfate, an all important blood purifier that also helps protect us from bad bacteria. Read more about the vitamin D-sulfur connection via Dr. Seneff’s work, here. Also, there is some evidence, according to Australian researchers, that vitamin D oral supplementation may actually negatively impact gene expression by suppressing immune system function.

