When He gets here you won't be asking Him anything of the sort. You will be bowing in submission.
Drinking at a party? You've never been at a party or had your picture taken with people you disagreed with?
WRONG. and unless you repent you'll spend eternity regretting your foolishness. Just wait, you'll find out.
Other faiths are deception and will lead their followers straight into the pit of hell. Like Jesus Himself said: I am the way, the truth and the life. No once comes to the Father but by me.
Read the Bible, God wins.
This debunks this video as well?
Why do you post on a board that hosts PORN?
This board is full of porn, which is evil. You can post here without partaking in the evil that exists here, just like Q team can listen to music without partaking in the evil of the people that performed it.
Yes. They employ Jack Pubicsac