Anonymous ID: 445a7e Sept. 9, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.2947370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7380 >>7406 >>7451 >>7581 >>7662

This is the full text of a sermon that has been making the rounds this past week.


Highly relevant to recent Q drops and hints, and old ones too, and some anon comments on sedevacantism.


Father Louis Campbell is an eighty-six year old priest who was

validly and genuinely ordained in 1961. He adheres to the Traditional Latin Mass and the traditional practice of the Roman

Catholic faith, who and entire.


His comments may help explain things to those confused about what is happening to what APPEARS TO BE the Roman Catholic Church. Non-Catholics and non-Christians will also find Fr. Campbell's perspective and comments on today's modernist scandals worth reading.



Knowing the Whole Story


Where is the Holy Catholic Church

we once knew? Today the Church is

beset by scandal and confusion as

accusations of homosexuality

within the ranks of the priests

and bishops increase. Worse than

that, many priests and bishops are

being called sexual predators, or

are said to be covering up the

abuse of minors by their subjects.

These accusations are reaching

even up to the highest levels at

the Vatican, where “Papa”

Bergoglio has a history of

covering up for his predatory

bishops and cardinals.


Those who are suffering from such

abuse deserve our deepest

compassion and our prayers,

because the damage done to their

minds and souls can last a

lifetime. The betrayal of the

innocent is a grave sin and a

horrible crime, as Our Lord

Himself points out:


“Whoever causes one of these

little ones who believe in me to

sin, it were better for him to

have a great millstone hung around

his neck, and to be drowned in the

depths of the sea” (Mt.18:6).


As a result of these stories of

abuse being published by the

media, it appears to the general

public that the Catholic Church is

an evil institution which has no

right to exist. They allege that

the Church by its very nature

encourages predatory behavior. No

doubt we will witness a backlash

of hatred and violence against the

Catholic Church.


But there is more to be told about

these things, and we must be aware

of the rest of the story. The

Church has always been hated by

the world. Its first enemies were

the Jews who refused to accept

Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

They persecuted the Apostles and

threw our first pope, St. Peter,

into prison.


Throughout the centuries the

enemies of the Church have sought

for a way to destroy her. Their

usual method has been to attack

the Church from outside her walls.

In more recent times, however,

they devised a more effective way.

They would infiltrate the Church

by entering the seminaries, and

then becoming priests, bishops,

and cardinals, and even popes.


A prominent French Freemason, Yves

Marsaudon, wrote that as of 1908

the goal is no longer the

destruction of the Church but

rather to make use of it by

infiltrating it (Ecumenism as Seen

by a Traditional Freemason). In

the 1920’s, the seminaries were

infiltrated by homosexuals and



Freemasonry being the “Mother”, as

Pope Pius XII called it, Communism

was a “spin-off” of what had

happened earlier in France. In the

year 1936 orders were issued from

the Communist Party in Moscow that

suitable young men be secretly

prepared to enter seminaries and

monasteries to be ordained as

priests. Manning Johnson, a former

official of the Communist Party in

America gave the following

testimony in 1953 to the House

Committee on Un-American

Activities (HUAC):


“The Communist leadership in the

United States realized that the

infiltration tactic in this

country would have to adapt itself

to American conditions… In the

earliest stages it was determined

that with only small forces

available to them, it would be

necessary to concentrate Communist

agents in the seminaries. The

practical conclusion drawn by the

Red leaders was that these

institutions would make it

possible for a small Communist

minority to influence the ideology

of future clergymen in the paths

conducive to Communist purposes…

This policy of infiltrating

seminaries was successful beyond

even our Communist expectations.”


An apostate priest named Canon

Roca wrote at the end of the

1800s: “The liturgy, ceremonial,

ritual and regulations of the

Roman Church will shortly undergo

a transformation at an ecumenical

council… the Papacy will fall;

it will die under the hallowed

knife which the Fathers of the

last Council will forge. The papal

Caesar is a host (victim) crowned

for the sacrifice” (Bishop Rudolph

Graber, Athanasius and the Church

of Our Time, p. 35).



Anonymous ID: 445a7e Sept. 9, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.2947380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7391 >>7598 >>7662





Mrs. Bella Dodd, also a prominent

member of the Communist Party, was

converted to Catholicism in 1952,

and began to reveal the tactics of

the Party a dozen years before

Vatican II began:


“In the 1930s we put eleven

hundred men into the priesthood in

order to destroy the Church from

within… Right now they are in the

highest places in the Church.” She

said that in the future “you will

not recognize the Catholic



I personally knew one of these

false priests who ruined the

Canadian division of the Order to

which I belonged, and had

considerable influence over the

Church in Canada. A short time

before he died, he boasted in a

television interview about his

secret homosexuality, although I

don’t think he was a predator. He

was an advisor to a Canadian

bishop at Vatican II, where he

played an influential role. Such

was his notoriety that he was once

pictured on the cover of Time

Magazine. If only a fraction of

the Church’s infiltrators were as

successful as he was, it’s no

wonder that the Novus Ordo

“church” would no longer resemble

the Holy Catholic Church founded

by Jesus Christ.


Is the Catholic Church an evil

institution? Certainly not! How

could it be, since it was founded

by the Son of God Himself, Jesus

Christ, who was born into this

world as the Son of the Holy and

Immaculate Virgin Mary. The

Catholic Church is the One, True

Church, and there is no other. The

“church” of the predators is not

the Catholic Church. Even now it

is falling to ruin, and will soon

be exposed for what it is.


The Psalms are the voice of the

true Church in these evil and

difficult times:


“Much have they oppressed me from

my youth, let Israel say, much

have they oppressed me from my

youth; yet they have not prevailed

against me. Upon my back the

plowers plowed; long did they make

their furrows. But the just Lord

has severed the cords of the wicked” (Ps.128:1-4).

Anonymous ID: 445a7e Sept. 9, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.2947561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7603



There are videoos of Fr. Campbell's Mass here:


Father reads this sermon on the link for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost 9/2/2018


God bless you all

Anonymous ID: 445a7e Sept. 9, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.2947840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7921



Agree with everything you say.


Fr. Campbell speaks of this often. I wish his sermons were more readily available. Maybe I will put up a public archive for them somewhere.


Many of the "rad trad" Catholics who post anonymously online (twitter etc) are not so traditional, still follow the hersiarchs to damnation, don't see the whole situation (or don't want to).


But there are a lot of us out here fighting.


There has been more data put in breads over the past two months, since July 4, but I am not sure how much has been seen, studied, and disseminated. Alarmed by how many of the old posts have 404ed.


So I'll pass some data and links here again:


  1. A good intro video to show people raised in the Novus Ordo, or who are not Catholic and are wondering what all this Vatican II talk is all about, is "What We Have Lost." This version is introduced by a professor at the US Naval Academy:


  1. "The Sword of Truth" was a Catholic newsletter from the early 70s by Mary Lejeune. It reads very relevant to today:


  1. Books by Hutton Gibson and others:


  1. The Dimond Brothers have made an interesting series of videos about current events and their relation to the Apocalypse, such as this:


  1. The Plot Against The Church

Anonymous ID: 445a7e Sept. 9, 2018, noon No.2947966   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thank you.


Hutton Gibson's site appears to be down today, but I can't recommend it enough. There are excellent, important books all available for free download. It should come back online soon:


Also is a site with much profitable information. Under "misc," pay attention to the documents for "Vatican II." These are the things the world needs to see and learn about.


The day is coming.