Cool, you want votes? DECLAS then faggot.
this guy keeps it 100%
Excellent question.
Shitlibs won't be swayed.
Muh Russia hasn't been discredited: "muh 17 intelligence agencies agree!"
They don't care about FISA.
They'll still think POTUS did some money laundering or whatever bullshit and they wont stop repeating all of it in the MSM.
The pub is where you go if you want to stick your dick where 4000 dicks have been stuck.
Only way to fix the demographics would be to get rid of the ones who caused the demographic issue in the first place.
We need more Patrick Littles to vote for.
Exciting how every aspect of our society – from politics to women's tennis - has become a battleground for racial conflict.
I'm really looking forward to the next couple of decades.
And there is nothing POTUS can do to change any of it.
>Living in a multiracial society is awesome, so long as you disregard ridiculous murder rates, politicians getting stabbed, and a politician in prison leading in the polls. But hey, we have carnival!
t.Brazilian guy