Anonymous ID: 674567 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.2984781   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'll never forget that morning when it happened. Later on my way to work I remember thinking why today? Then it hit me, of course, today is Jesus Christ's birthday.


The videos posted today on the chans re this date and the birth of Jesus Christ are good, but not a complete picture of this study in the scriptures.


I have heard a fabulous teaching done that ties in the scriptures (rightly divided) and astronomy (not astrology, big diff) and science and the seasons and historical references and ties them all together into this very date:

September 11, 3bc


A very significant date to the cabal.


I did learn that on this date in 1990, ghwbush hailed in the nwo in his speach. Then 11 years later his son, allowed 9/11/2001 to happen.


These people serve the very being that would know and was there when Jesus was born. They serve satan and we have seen multiple types of evidence of that - by their fruits ye shall know them.


We are fighting evil, and we will ALWAYS WIN against it - in the name of Jesus Christ! In His powerful and mighty name!


Shhhhhh! Guess what?…


They fear Him!!!


They fear (You) who are called by His name and who call on His name!


In Jesus Name!!


(pic related - "-2" in this software being used in the video = 3bc).