Anonymous ID: f77426 Q Research General #3776: All Your Q+'s Belong To Us Edition Sept. 11, 2018, 7:11 p.m. No.2984230   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4526

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Tuesday 9.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/227 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- TOGETHER we WIN. ( Cap: >>2984055, >>2984053 )

>>>/patriotsfight/226 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Another wave of attacks coming? ( Cap: >>2982152, >>2982168 )

>>>/patriotsfight/225 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Timing is everything. Enjoy the show ( Cap: >>2981825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/224 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Steele req non_extradition to U.S? ( Cap: >>2981754 )

>>>/patriotsfight/223 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Bruce Ohr [in effort to save Nellie Ohr] testifying against Rosenstein, Yates, Lynch, and Comey? ( Cap: >>2982107 )

>>>/patriotsfight/222 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Lisa Page testifying against Peter Strzok? ( Cap: >>2982096 )

>>>/patriotsfight/221 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- James Baker testifying against Comey? ( Cap: >>2981672 )

>>>/patriotsfight/220 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Comey in communication w/ McCabe re: 'testimony' 'story'? ( Cap: >>2981649 )

>>>/patriotsfight/219 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- King & Spalding hired [last week] to represent Sally Yates? ( Cap: >>2981621 )

>>>/patriotsfight/218 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- [RR] req meeting w/ POTUS DECLINED ( Cap: >>2981591 )

>>>/patriotsfight/217 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you ( Cap: >>2981124 )

>>>/patriotsfight/216 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Pope Francis Breitbart Article ( Caps: >>2980941, >>2980950 )

>>>/patriotsfight/215 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- ( Caps: >>2980715, >>2980771 )

>>>/patriotsfight/214 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- We Will Never FORGET! We Will Never FORGIVE! PATRIOT DAY ( Cap: >>2977922 )


Monday 09.10.18

Compiled here: >>2982713


Sunday 09.09.18

Compiled here: >>2979201


Saturday 09.08.18

Compiled here: >>2979191


Friday 09.07.18

Compiled here: >>2966475


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: f77426 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:11 p.m. No.2984234   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


are not endorsements



>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes



>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -Theme)


#3775 Baker Change

>>2983603 Great Awakening Mag Volume 53

>>2983609, >>2983998 New POTUS

>>2983751 Stabbing Suspect Farzad Fazeli Facebook Rant About GOP, Trump: β€˜Street Gangs Have a Code to Clean House’

>>2983760 Spreadsheet update

>>2983571, >>2983791, >>2983852, >>2983879, >>2983879, >>2984022, >>2984106, >>2984163 Never Forget the Fallen

>>2983956 UPDATE ON (hurricane) FLORENCE

>>2984218 #3775



>>2983299 Sara Carter to release new Strzok texts tonight naming reporters

>>2983256 , >>2983342 Strzok & Page discussed writing a 'folksy' oped on Russia

>>2983162 More on King & Spalding

>>2983015 , >>2983041, >>2983132 Hussein, Hillary & Bill's 9/11 tweets

>>2982904 , >>2982998 Texas: Beto asked the VFW to take down American Flags

>>2983038 Trafficking of Aborted Baby Body Parts: Video

>>2983414 #3774



>>2982642 New POTUS #NeverForget

>>2982612 Washington Cardinal Wuerl going to Rome to discuss resignation with Pope

>>2982587 Panic: House Democrats accusing GOP of releasing FBI texts

>>2982470 Planefag Notable

>>2982467 James A. Baker (FISA & Bin Laden)

>>2982434 The Democratic Socialists, Trump Tower shooting threat and FlannelBoi

>>2982428 More diggs on 2001 Anthrax attack

>>2982426 Happening Con 2 - IT'S HABBENING

>>2982217 , >>2982229 King & Spalding

>>2982201 New articles on Q

>>2982682 #3773



>>2981774 Clockfag Update

>>2981423 [0:00] Delta: Q posts 9 seconds before POTUS

>>2981400 Trump to target foreign meddling in U.S. elections with sanctions order

>>2981350 Shooting threat at Trump Tower

>>2982028 #3772



>>2980762 Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of State - Foreign Policy

>>2980717 Q Decode Theory: NJMZa

>>2980556 Resignations in the news today

>>2980518 Suspicious Observers Weather/EQ/Solar site

>>2981185 #3771


Previously Collected Notables

>>2980365 #3770

>>2978038 #3767, >>2978835 #3768, >>2980350 #3769

>>2975674 #3764, >>2976460 #3765, >>2978045 #3766

>>2974181 #3761, >>2974165 #3762, >>2974960 #3763


Best Of Bread:

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Anonymous ID: f77426 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.2984245   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4326

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism


Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

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>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

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>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

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Most recent compilation β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€” >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)Earth Day.jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/966

Anonymous ID: f77426 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.2984247   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: f77426 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:13 p.m. No.2984254   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4329




post your memes and side by sides in the threads that compile them

for FISA memes, put them into the dedicated thread, then I’d suggest putting them into Memes29 to have a backup/archive of them also

Thread Specifically For DECLAS and FISA Memes >>2956097

Memes29: >>2946736

Side by Sides: >>93735

Anonymous ID: 80c820 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.2984269   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4371 >>4490 >>4656 >>4905 >>4995

Q post #2144 decoded.

Interesting post from earlier today.

I checked, this Site is private.


Think logically.

Q posts article about β€œdrinking blood”.

Why now? Let’s dig together.

Google β€œTwoofy Sangs” if you dare.

Modern day vampires are real.

Blood boys are real. (Silicon Valley?)

Hollywood normalization is real.

Q has cut off (their) young blood supply.

They are so thirsty right now.

They are weak without their supply.

They crave. Such strong cravings.

The Sangs are Twoofy. So Twoofy.

HRC was going to feed them our blood.

Angelina and Billy Bob. Dig.

Johnny Depp’s illness. Dig.

Severe pain from withdrawals.

Nerve disorders and iron poisoning.

Forced to use Chelation Therapy.

Forced to take Oxycontin for pain.

But, oh the health benefits.

No more age-related diseases.

Some blood tastes better than others.

Haitain blood is preferred. Why?

If β€œdonors” dry up, what do you do?

Go public and pay for willing β€œdonors”.

$8,000 for 2.5 liters of young blood.

Fresher = better.

Younger = better.

Scared = better.

Why stop at drinking human blood?

Why are they normalizing cannibalism?

Spirit Cooking. Katy Perry. Walking dead.

Red Shield = Rothschild (Blood Money).

Red Cross = Blood Supply.

Red Hen = Blood Meals.

Red Shoes = Blood Sacrifice.

Anthony Bourdain. Human meat chef?

Kate Spade. Human skin designer?

Don’t go too far down this rabbit hole.

Good news. God wins.

Anonymous ID: b7b408 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2984335   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4347

Seven separate shootings since Saturday night in Washington D.C., leave 10 shot and two dead.

Anonymous ID: 4f5f44 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.2984346   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4810

A family member heard this song, and wanted me to post it for night shift, kek

This line reminded them of our hive mind.

Melting minds instinctively

United in the center of the storm


"Heart Of The Hurricane"


Wide eyes, dark skies

Something's screamin' inside

So free fall into the night storm

Face your demons tonight


Oh there is no way to hide it

Now all the blood and pressure's rising


I can feel the thunder

Running through my veins

Running through my veins

I can feel the thunder




When darkness strikes

And all the hearts ignite

I can feel the thunder

Running through my veins

I'm the heart of the hurricane


Dark stars, burning hearts

You're not alone in this fight

Just breathe in, your electric skin

Will explode into life


Oh you know that there's no way to hide it

Now all the blood and pressure's rising


I can feel the thunder

Running through my veins

Running through my veins

I can feel the thunder




When darkness strikes

And all the hearts ignite

I can feel the thunder

Running through my veins

I'm the heart of the hurricane


Follow me, rescue me

Come with me to never let me go

Melting minds instinctively

United in the center of the storm


I can feel the thunder

Running through my veins

I can feel the thunder



When darkness strikes

And all the hearts ignite

I can feel the thunder

Running through my veins

I'm the heart of the hurricane

Anonymous ID: 3134f4 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2984358   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4394 >>4438

(Bread #3775)



Tribe faked your asses out. You think they didn't know this? You been set up. You fight their wars, you bought into their "Capitalism" game and slave after their money. They used you and now it's the Night of the Long Knives. You're going to be a problem in the next stage, so you got to go.

Anonymous ID: 45685d Sept. 11, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2984361   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Last of the resignation for today:


Chamisa orders newly-elected mayors to resign


Weld Magistrate Ryan Kamada tapped to replace retiring Judge Strobel


Montgomery County Precinct 5 Constable David Hill to retire this month


Rear Adm. Mark Balmert Suceeds Retiring Randy Bogle at SDMAC


Gaston commissioner Grant resigns after assault plea

Anonymous ID: e151f2 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2984368   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4589


I remember getting weirded out on a beach at Tahoe back in the day when I was a young post high school beach hanger outer (not doxing my sex anons just so you know i know the rules), slathering up with the suntan lotion, sipping beer or wine coolers, and I remember seeing all these young guys playing frizbee or b each volleyball and they had their shirts off and they had these nipples, these areolas, that have no function and are vestigial remnants of teven care and I look at those flat vestiges and I was kinda weirded out while these guys were jumping around playing volleyball and sure they were showing off these anomalies and they didnt even know. . Course back then I smoked pot so maybe that had something to do with it. he mammals that have litters and they didnt even care. haha

Anonymous ID: 51e49f Sept. 11, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.2984379   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4404 >>4594 >>4644 >>4721 >>4761 >>4863

Q+ Jesus


Listen faggots, I'm no Biblefag…but just did a DuckDuckGo search of Q+ & this is what the results are.


Is the Cabal fkng with us or is this Truth…?


I'm losing my mind here because when I clicked on this link & started reading it, I heard "you have it" in my head. Maybe I just became crazy!


Anyway, do your own digging but this is interesting.


Q please let me know if I'm on the complete wrong path please.

Anonymous ID: de4f12 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.2984389   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2815685 lb


>Anons are not divided.

>Anons are under attack.

>Recognize the difference.

>Trust the plan.




Good you are here. Welcome.


There is again a lot of shilling in here.

Currently much muhjew stuff, besides FE and other bs.


Please think for yourself if this is ok with Qs message.


A lot of cabal folks are from jewish families and also israel is involved in a certain way. That is no secret and was and is being digged on.

However, generally blaming all jews and using 'nose' images, saying 'kike' and 'goy' over and over, is not based on facts and just division shilling.


By that shills hide the fact that the leadership of every religion seems to be involved.

Many CEOs are involved. Many politicians, worldwide. Many advisers from thinktanks are involved. ...Β  Many are not jewish.


There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us. Some of the cabal activities have used beeing jew as a shield/cover to hide their activities and blame others.


Also, sacrificing children to moloch, getting high on adrenochome and gay mason stuff is not a jew thing.













>>2941990 lb

>>2822978 lb

Anonymous ID: 7cba3a Sept. 11, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.2984392   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4683 >>4818

>Communities in Florence's path could be without electricity for weeks due to downed power lines and flooded equipment, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Brock Long said.


>Crews also prepared 16 nuclear reactors in the three-state region for the storm. One power station, Duke Energy Corp's Brunswick plant, the closest to the area where landfall is forecast, faced a likely shutdown as a precaution. Shutdowns also were possible at two more plants in the path of predicted hurricane-force winds.

Anonymous ID: e56f10 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.2984398   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4434

State Senator, Pasadena Foundation to Host Fundraiser for Obama Highway Signage

One year after the Legislature passed a resolution to rename a portion of a Southern California highway after President Obama, community leaders are raising money to make it official.


In September 2017, state Sen. Anthony Portantino (D-La CaΓ±ada Flintridge) announced that the 134 Freeway between the 2 Freeway and the 210 Freeway interchange would be named the President Barack H. Obama Highway.

Anonymous ID: 8eac31 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.2984401   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4829

Do anons still jizz there pants when ole Mayor β€œof Mossad coverups” Rudy Giuliani comes on to defend the president? Or do they want him hanged for at a bare minimum covering up the 9/11 evidence. The

Anonymous ID: 044ce1 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.2984404   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4433


old anon. Qplus is just a single theological thought experiment reguarding lost books of the bible. Most do not subscribe to this thought experiment, and its not considered canon (if that means anything to you)


So far no link between Qanon and religious thought experiment Qplus

Anonymous ID: 94431d Sept. 11, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.2984405   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4504

Any progress on "Iron Eagle" yet? Last sauce I've seen was Qs "things have multiple meanings" with the anon who posted a Nazi bird.


I am convinced it has to do with the Roths, but my goog is borken.

Anonymous ID: 36b5d7 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.2984409   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4523 >>4716 >>4764 >>4918 >>4989

Today's updated list of the Infowars Influence Network


The scale of this is astounding, previous presidential candidates, the founder of Gab, and huge names on the right.


There are probably people you follow/trust on this list, further thoughts/digs always encouraged.


Best I can figure - we've been thoroughly infiltrated. This may/may not include Q team, but infowars network members have made frequent appearances in this ongoing saga.

Anonymous ID: 43d104 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.2984410   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


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NYMZA Aeros – The Airships of the 1850’s


NYMZA Aeros – The Airships of the 1850’s LATEST Posts POPULAR Posts HOT Posts TRENDING Posts


12 Sep











NYMZA Aeros – The Airships of the 1850’s


Olav Phillips

May 15, 2015

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by Jimmy Ward & Pete Navarro

dellschau-fig4 Have you heard of Schultz’ Hydrowhir Auto, also known as the β€œCripel

Wagon”? If not, perhaps you have heard or read somewhere about

Peter Mennis’ β€œAero Goosey”? How about Schoetler’s β€œAero Dora”,

which was built in 1858 and was destroyed in a fire which consumed

the town of Columbia, California that same year? Chances are you

never heard or read about any of the above or the many other

β€œAeros’, or aircraft that were designed and actually built and flown

by members of the Sonora Aero Club around the middle of the last

century in California.

These aircraft were navigable airships, designed and built at a time

when the only means of flight was the aerial balloon, which lacked

maneuverability and was subject to the whims of the wind.

According to C.A.A. Dellschau, a member of the Sonora Aero Club who

kept a secret record of all their activities and experiments which

they carried out in the vicinity of Sonora and Columbia, California

during the years 1850 to 1858, several of their airship designs were

built and flight-tested in the area which is now an airfield just

outside of the town of Columbia. It is conceivable that these

aircraft may have flown over the region as far as the giant redwoods

area of California for Dellschau states that one of their airships

became accidentally entangled in the branches of a giant California

redwood, resulting in the death of its pilot, who fell from the Aero

and broke his neck.

Dellschau referred to this aircraft model as a β€œflying trap”,

perhaps because it contained a device that was hung underneath the

carriage of the airship and served as a β€œballancier”. However, this

device was dangerous, as it could easily get caught upon any tall

tree or obstacle close to the ground.

dellschau6It is very possible that these aircraft were the progenitors of the

Mystery Airships that were observed flying over Oakland and other

points in California and in the Southwestern part of the country in

the 1890’s.





What leads me to believe that there was connection between these

aeros and the Mystery Airships is the fact that, although Dellschau

was an avid collector of news stories dealing with airships or

anything aeronautical; not ONE item concerning the Mystery Airship

sightings is to be found among his collection. Cout it be that he

was reluctant to show any connection because of the fear of

divulging matters of secret trust?

In one of his books the name WILSON is mentioned, and alludes to

Wilson and his CREW. Anyone who has read of the stories that

appeared in the newspapers of the 1890’s is probably well acquainted

with this name, for it is the name of the pilot of one of these

Mystery Airships, and it is very possible that Dellschau was

acquainted with him and his crew. But why all the secrecy?

It may be said here that members of the Sonora Aero Club were also

adjoined to a secret organization or society known only by the

initials N-Y-M-Z-A, which oversaw the workings of all its junior

members. They were all subject to strict obedience of the rules

imposed by this Secret Society and the divulging of its secret

operations was not permitted. It was for this very reason that

Dellschau kept all this to himself and eventually, when he finally

decided to write about it he did it secretly, and this in code and

in cryptograms and symbols, which only those with the patience and

willingness to spend time in deciphering his writings would be able

to read it and know what had been accomplished by them.

Anonymous ID: 5e112c Sept. 11, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.2984411   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2983709 (PB)


You think that's weird? Have any of you seen Don't Hug Me I"m Scared? That was nightmare fuel and six part miniseries from hell that just came out of nowhere and the creators haven't made anything on their channel since.


I used to think it was just a random, twisted video but with all the symbolism in it, I"m starting to think there was a lot more to it.


Here, see for yourself.

Anonymous ID: 224958 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.2984430   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Hey Q did you lost something?


On September 5, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered several weapons caches, which had been left behind by militants, during a search operation in the southern al-Quneitra countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).


The weapons caches included several rounds of the US-made SMAW shoulder-launched rocket weapon, one US-supplied Fagot anti-tank guided missile (ATGM), one launcher of Chines-made HJ-73c ATGM, a 107mm rocket launcher, two SPG-9 73mm recoilless guns, dozens of light machine guns and several night vision binoculars.

Anonymous ID: 562b8b Sept. 11, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.2984445   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


CalPoly. Last summer. It's the name of their housing program:


Quarter Plus | 2017

Campus housing is offered to incoming freshman students participating in the Quarter Plus Program, Aug. 17 – Sept. 14, 2018.

2017 Checklist


July 2, 2018: University Housing will email Quarter Plus students instructions on how to apply for Summer Quarter Plus housing from University Housing.

Anonymous ID: 489d2e Sept. 11, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.2984448   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Can you hook me up with one of those C_A Ice pellet Heart Attack Guns( ref: church hearings) and I’ll handle this?


You guys don’t seem to have the stomach for what needs to be done.


They have No problem doing it to us.

Anonymous ID: 045073 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.2984449   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


From here… This is the Source for the photo

Anonymous ID: 4ac694 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:26 p.m. No.2984455   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Why do elementary schools feel the need to post pictures of children on social media? Is there any legal action previously take. To prevent this? While we should be able to trust teachers why allow them to take and store photos of kids on their personal devices? The people we trust most turn into the predators and pedophiles.


Had to rant, rantfag. Fighting a school and told them I will uncover their teacher’s dirty little secrets and expose it all since they wrecklessly post to social media. Every contact I give them another article on social media pedophiles and child predators.

Anonymous ID: 076074 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:26 p.m. No.2984456   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

I knew it was more than just a original pic reference,


He wanted us to follow the origin and research the pic. another bread crumb.


cool. good going Q

Anonymous ID: 889982 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.2984471   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4546 >>4569 >>4648 >>4743 >>4837

Bill Mitchell has some very good / exceptional really / points in these tweets

I hadn't really connected the two like he did / many of the same people attacking Q are also attacking Sessions, including Posobiec who did an interview with Roger Stone last week demanding Sessions be ousted

Tweet 5 is just funny!

Anonymous ID: 9144a6 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.2984477   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4605 >>4642

FSA=Fake civil warriors andTarirAlSham=AlQeda, have been isolated to Idlib. Cornered and nearly vanquished, they have some Chlorine barrels to use.

White Helmets help/run shit for terrorists - one in the same. Kidnapped civilians are being gassed and filmed to look like Assad did it.

DO NOT Fall for the Fake Gas Attack !!!

Anonymous ID: 9b3f55 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.2984480   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4588


Mix high IQ parent with low IQ parent and the result is a lower IQ offspring relative to the high IQ parent (higher IQ offspring relative to the low IQ parent).

So I reckon it depends on your point of view who wins in the exchange.

Anonymous ID: d79d0d Sept. 11, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.2984481   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4543

I follow the news closely (on Twitter). It mostly predates the MSM news by a day or two; sometimes longer - True Pundit.


Q posts lag behind this. Yes, there are some coincidences from the past, but is there anything you'd really hang your hat on?

Anonymous ID: 89e615 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.2984485   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4654

Q team just means its NOT one person/entity.


It's a collaborative group effort that needs to coexist in order to spread Truth throughout the population.


Don't get lost. Not every post needs to be scrutinized.


Among the Complex also exists Simplicity. Everything has an appropriate time & place.


Learn which is which.

Anonymous ID: 3134f4 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.2984497   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

(Bread 3775)


>…euros didn't mate with the indigenous peoples….


Au contraire. I had a friend from Zambia, for all intents and purposes she was white. She said it used to be colonizers would marry in with the locals to take control, including in Africa. Until the slave trade took over. Business, ya know.


There would have been a lot more milk chocolate there, if not for that.

Anonymous ID: 5fac8a Sept. 11, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.2984501   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4523 >>4572 >>4716 >>4885 >>4918 >>4989

24 arrested in East Valley child sex crimes operation


MESA, AZ - A multi-agency operation to crack down on child sex crimes coined "Operation Degrossting," has resulted in the arrest of 24 suspects.


According to the Mesa Police Department, they partnered with the Tempe, Gilbert and Chandler Police Departments as well as the Attorney General’s Office as part of the undercover operation.


Over a recent six-day period, undercover detectives placed ads on websites commonly used by suspects looking to perform illegal sex acts, particularly with children.


Mesa police say all 24 suspects solicited or made deals for various sex acts with the undercover detectives before they were arrested.


Suspects in this case range from the age of 21 to 80 years old.


"Crimes involving children are of the highest priority and I appreciate our partnership with all the agencies involved in the successful removal of these dangerous child predators from our community," said Mesa Police Chief Ramon Batista.


To date, 42 charges have been filed against the 24 suspects. Those charges include luring, child sex crimes, marijuana sale, and resisting arrest among others.


Details on all 24 arrests can be found HERE on the Mesa police crime blog.


The Mesa Police Department is urging anyone who has information about someone being trafficked to contact your local police department or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888 or

Anonymous ID: 6a16b3 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.2984504   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4541 >>4716 >>4758 >>4874 >>4918 >>4989



There you go. "The reichsadler".


>The Reichsadler ("Imperial Eagle") is the heraldic eagle, derived from the Roman eagle standard, used by the Holy Roman Emperors and in modern coats of arms of Germany, including those of the Second German Empire (1871–1918), the Weimar Republic (1919–1933) and the Third Reich (Nazi Germany, 1933–1945).

<The same design has remained in use by the Federal Republic of Germany since 1945, albeit under the name Bundesadler ("Federal Eagle").


Very interesting.


Looks like the unification of germany in the 19s century is a central event in all of this cabal fuckery.

Anonymous ID: 4467b4 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:29 p.m. No.2984516   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4566 >>4591 >>4711 >>4854 >>4940

Got a theory mates


9/11 perpetrated by CIA/MOSSAD and allowed to happen by Bush/Cheney to further Israel geopolitical goals in middle east and secure USA energy. If that is true, our government, institutions and media are very much controlled by same power structure. I mean complete control.


Biggest prize in Middle East for Israel is Iran. So Obama team is "hired" to fake love for muslims and help butter up and set up Iran with all the Iran deal. In the mean-time CIA/Mossad is funding radical Muslims to kill and create havoc all over middle east. Flood terrorists into USA and Europe to get more in the west to be wary of Muslims.


So Obama did his job, his mission which means he won't be prosecuted for jack squat.


What is Trump's mission? Haven't figured it out yet, but I'm pretty sure he will finish off Iran. They put his likeness on the third temple shekel for crying out loud.


I danced around this theory for a while because I wanted to believe in Q and real justice for traitors and criminals in USA. But what sealed this theory in my mind is Trump reiterating 9/11 official story today and Trump/Q trying to get us PUMPED UP by rebranding 9/11 as "Patriot Day".


Sorry guys, we're through. Enemy is in complete control. Pretty soon they won't even hide it.

Anonymous ID: 45c78a Sept. 11, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.2984520   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

You can't make up this stuff. The TDS is strong with academia.


"Penn State Math Course Focuses on Hillary Clinton’s β€˜Strong Character’"


"A new math course at Penn State University this semester has a bizarre focus on Hillary Clinton’s β€œstrong character.”


"According to a report from Campus Reform, a new math course at Penn State University focuses on everything besides math. Professor Marc Fabbri’s β€œFinite Mathematics” course covers everything from Hillary Clinton’s β€œstrong character” to the β€œcultural intolerance” to President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s Clean Water Act."

Anonymous ID: 139640 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.2984521   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4533 >>4562 >>4623 >>4714

geoengineering today in the north east coast,

chemtrails and HAARP-like resonance…,MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,Reference_Labels,Reference_Features(hidden),Coastlines&t=2018-09-11-T00%3A00%3A00Z&z=3&v=-76.0392074886432,35.56833714646202,-64.7892074886432,42.85446995896202

Anonymous ID: 030f4b Sept. 11, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.2984527   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4550


I mean, it's good scare propaganda. And there should definitely be white-only countries, 14 words and all that, but white's OVERWHELMINGLY prefer to date inside their own race. Less than 3% white women even consider dating outside their race because, face it, most other races aren't as attractive. Who wants their kids to only have brown eyes and black hair? Boring. Whites are smart enough to know this too. Plus, it's just child abuse, having kids who don't know where they fit in, confused identities…most whites are smart enough to know not to do this either. Then there are all the medical issues that come with being mixed race (think bone marrow transplants etc). Really, there's not much to worry about as far as mixing goes. It's just the overcrowding part that will be an issue. Whites need their own space, their own communities to thrive.

Anonymous ID: a0ab37 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.2984534   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

I watched that video Q the 911 tribute and still to this day is angers me and saddens me at the same time it makes my passion for resolve that much greater

Give em hell Q please for all the patriots out there that want a better future for them selves there kids and grand kids and GOD bless POTUS anons and Q team for all you do and continue to do

Anonymous ID: 044ce1 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2984557   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4586


SB2 decodes are fun to listen to, but not worth actually believing. They are far abstract and inherently wrong in many assumptions. Its fun, but pretty much wrong. That being said, I still watch/read his content and enjoy it. Hes a MAGA patriot either way.

Anonymous ID: f4336d "60% Must Stay Secret to protect the Republic." Sept. 11, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2984558   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4802

"60% Must Stay Secret to protect the Republic."


The Republic is something very few of us has ever known, we know its here, but we are persecuted by a de facto (illegitimate but in effect) corporation, operating for maximum profit, posing as lawful governance.


Are you protecting the de facto corporation OR will you return us to the jurisdiction of the land, that which we were promised by our American forefathers and known as Common law courts("Do No Harm.")


No harm= No crime!

Not what we have currently!


Kangaroo Court=Jurisdiction of the Sea=Old Glory Flag Surrounded by Gold Frill=Admiralty Flag=Captured Nation


So Q! I ask again, will you return us to the jurisdiction of the land from the jurisdiction of the sea?


I'm all good on forgiving folks for lending a hand when a hand was helpful, but shall you truly free us from slavery?


And how do we know that the CRIME SYNDICATE is truly dismantled if you keep 60% secret.


What do you mean when you say, "The choice to know will be yours?"


Are you saying that "WE THE PEOPLE" will get to choose whether to make it all public? All the crimes?


For how shall we know the TRUE FACE OF EVIL if 60% remains buried?


How shall we know that wives, our children, and grandchildren are safe? If 60% remains buried?

Anonymous ID: 4e4f1c Sept. 11, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.2984575   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

UK Police Funding Cuts Put Britons at 'Terrifying Risk' - Ex-Chief Inspector


According to the National Audit Office, UK ministers do not know if the police system in England and Wales is β€˜financially sustainable’. It has referred to police funding as "ineffective" and "detached" from the changing demands faced by the police today.


This comes as the president of the Police Superintendents' Association, Gavin Thomas is expected to give a speech on Tuesday to the group’s conference stating that policing in England and Wales is β€˜on the verge of crisis’. Sputnik spoke to former Detective Chief Inspector Peter Kirkham, formally serving in the Metropolitan Police for more insight on the issue.


What do you think of the National Audit Office’s assessment that UK ministers do not understand the impact of funding cuts on the police?


Peter Kirkham: I think the National Audit Office report today is terrifying. The Home Office and successive governments with Theresa May as Home Secretary and Prime Minister have relentlessly cut the police and gone on and on about reform, and it’s having a devastating effect.


And to now find out that the Home Office and therefore the government didn’t even understand the impact they were having is frankly terrifying.

Anonymous ID: 0a6d30 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:34 p.m. No.2984590   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Was on Facebook awhile ago and saw this comment on a friends memorial for 9/11.

Between teaching our kids a false history, common core, transgendered bullshit, it's no wonder that we have a generation of tide pod, condom snorting, etc. idiots.

It makes me angry of how far and deep all this goes. When we fix it, I sure as hope there are safety measures in place to keep us from repeating history.

Anonymous ID: 48d7dd Sept. 11, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.2984599   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


any anons new to this note that Clowns in action whitewashed and lamestreamed the fuck out of this so wikipedia etc not very accurate to the traditional movement


also theres a funky rumor that navy seals stormed oval office made bill clinton sign executive order ← this is a hearsay example, my version is a retold retold version of a tale

Anonymous ID: 37f723 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.2984614   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


In deep red Cali now. But half the people I've made friends with have left the state or are looking to leave. Spouse refuses to leave so I'm stuck for now. It's so much better than it was anyway. Have traveled that stretch of fwy zillions of times.

Anonymous ID: 030f4b Sept. 11, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.2984617   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Sure, you can manipulate stats, but did you see how many multiple sources I provided that pretty much say the exact same thing?


Face it, every high school cafeteria even today, most races just stick to their own for the most part. Whites aren't going anywhere, especially when you can't provide them with a variety of hair or eye color.


Seriously though, are you just trolling or do you genuinely hate white people you want to see them all gone?

Anonymous ID: d79d0d Sept. 11, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.2984620   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

If there was ever a time to reclaim our country, it's now. I think we all would agree.


However, you would expect clear and verifiable results from this 'forum' to back up that mission.


I haven't seen it so far.

Anonymous ID: 96e535 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.2984626   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


That's what happens when you are used to making shit happen quickly,

and then having to deal with slooooooow D.C. shit.

Q could have ignored us for the last few months, but is still hanging with us,

really looks like things are coming together now tho.

I've been waiting a live time so I can wait a few more weeks.

Anonymous ID: b7b408 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.2984630   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Texas mother (32) attacks and bites 8yr. old for wanting to go to church.

Anonymous ID: b75111 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.2984635   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Anon you did a great job on the graphic.


Bosely, however, is a shitty writer. Lots of better (sauced) historical writers out there, especially recommend works by Azimov histories.


Not at all a fan of muh ancient advanced civilization stuff. Too much like muh aliens. Give me sauce or go home (not you, Anon. I mean Bosely.)

Anonymous ID: 68fadc Sept. 11, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.2984644   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I stumbled on this months ago and had my own a-ha moment. I'm not sure exactly the significance, but did think it was notable synchronicity. That voice speaking to you in your head could be what we call the Holy Spirit, don't discredit it just yet (although could also be CIA who the fuck knows these days). I think this whole movement has many biblical ties and when I stumble on one it often freaks me out.

Anonymous ID: 72b574 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.2984645   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


If you were following for that long you would have known that a long time ago.

No public reveal = no red pilling with Q crumbs


It is up to Sessions and DJT to make the big moves. Our role is to watch the show. And be ready to red pill once it begins.

Anonymous ID: ddf5b2 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.2984652   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4716 >>4918 >>4989


>Attorney General Jeff Sessions is exploring a potential investigation of social media companies and will be briefed on Sept. 25 by Republican state attorneys general who are already examining the firms’ practices, according to two people familiar with the matter.


>The meeting – which will include a representative of the Justice Department’s antitrust division – is intended to help Sessions decide if there’s a federal case to be made against companies such as Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. for violating consumer-protection or antitrust laws, the people said. They asked not to be identified discussing the matter because of its sensitivity.




>Last year, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley opened an antitrust investigation into whether Google manipulated search results to benefit its own products and whether it scrapes information without permission from competitors. A spokeswoman for the office declined to comment on whether it’s participating in the meeting with Sessions.

^^yet another reason to vote for Hawley


It's coming, anons. The algorithm laid bare.

Anonymous ID: 7d9320 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.2984672   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



POTUS confirms?

> pic related



> density matrix renormalization group

> pic related


POTUS tweet

> pic related


Quantum theory + Game theory


(((they))) lost before the game started.

Anonymous ID: 139640 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:40 p.m. No.2984690   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4959



2012, chemtrails on the north east coast during Sandy hurricane…,MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,Reference_Labels,Reference_Features(hidden),Coastlines&t=2012-10-23-T00%3A00%3A00Z&z=3&v=-75.46648754612376,38.277565662087014,-72.65398754612376,40.099098865212014

Anonymous ID: c57af1 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:40 p.m. No.2984701   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4850

Good listening on this day:

Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever

-Explosions in the Sky

-album released 17yrs ago (Sept 2001)


Also for number fags regarding the number 22, my physics professor back in the day said 22 was one of the most fascinating numbers - one reason being if divided by 7, yields 3.14285714….closest approximation to pi between two integers.

Anonymous ID: bda22e Sept. 11, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.2984711   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4727


I have a theory, Mossad and CIA have had both white hats and black hats, black hats are being exposed and removed, Trump is using Mossad and CIA whitehats to further his goals, doing whatever it takes for him to win the game that isn't

Anonymous ID: 044ce1 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.2984712   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4755


yeah we heard that few months ago with Syria too. Remember AJ crying and cussing out Trump? Remember everyone shitting themselves?


Now remember the actual Syria strike hit an abandoned building? Now remember nothing happened and Trump played it perfectly?


Remember that for this time around anon….

Anonymous ID: f77426 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.2984716   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4785

Notable update, anything missed?




>>2984304 The Q+ pic came from calpoly tech

>>2984409 Updated list of the Infowars Influence Network

>>2984501 24 arrested in East Valley child sex crimes operation

>>2984504 "The reichsadler"

>>2984551, >>2984625 Devin Nunes is an alumni at calpoly

>>2984652 Sessions Open to Probe of Social Media Giants


New Q this bread:

>>>/patriotsfight/228 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- It's hammer time ( Cap: >>2984597 )

Anonymous ID: 2787e9 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.2984718   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


From Q team's point of view, the job we are doing here is just one part of the fight. We don't have the whole picture, which is whjat I would love to see documented by them for us to witness in years/decades once the dust settled down.

Anonymous ID: 8eac31 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.2984721   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4841


Q+ means β€œoriginal source”.


There was someone a while back that was a White House staffer (mid-level). That said the rumor around the WH was that Q was Don Jr. and Assange. Maybe Assange is Q+, the β€œthe original source”. Just a thought.

Anonymous ID: d51a11 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.2984739   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Sep 11 2018 18:47:55 (EST)πŸ“

Another wave of attacks coming?

Nothing to See Here.



My response and yet to be published. Censorship????


Your article smells of the elitism that is typical for your rag. Nowhere do you disprove anything that Q has stated. Your misdirection parallels the democrats motto of deceive, deny, and deflect. Please list one example that Q has posted that has been incorrect. Not the chat rooms on 4chan or 8 chan but from an actual Q post.Of course you can't so you can only deflect and hope your readers will follow the bouncing ball. For the more curious of your readers I invite you to go to and read what Q has really said, not the garbage you have regurgitated here with attacks on anyone associated with your "conspiracy theory" bull stuffings. Read it if you dare, the world will be different if you do I promise.

Anonymous ID: 91fe31 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.2984749   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The FISA Court released a copy of the Carter Page FISA application to the SSCI. The SSCI then leaked the FISA Application to the media. The media then reported on Carter Page as part of the vast Russian Conspiracy (the insurance policy) based on the SSCI leak. The FBI and DOJ then used the 2017 media reporting from the SSCI leak to request the June 2017 FISA renewal.


Keep in mind, all of this happened under the current FBI and DOJ leadership.

Anonymous ID: ef6b80 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.2984755   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4786


>Now remember nothing happened and Trump played it perfectly?


Disagree. 'Playing it perfectly' would entail 1) calling out the FF for the bullshit it is 2) NOT tweeting about 'Animal Assad' 3) informing the American people exactly what the real situation is 4) pulling out all US troops as promised

Anonymous ID: 37cac1 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.2984775   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Interesting kwinkydink: Peter Boyle, the guy playing Frankenstein's Monster in this anon's picture, is a psychic on the X-Files episode I'm watching right now. Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose (S3 Ep4).

Anonymous ID: f1e18b Sept. 11, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.2984780   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4825 >>4838

NYT has a paywall and that sucks, but here is a shot of the article Q linked today


Fake News Incoming: Another Wave of Attacks on Q




11 Sep 2018 - 7:47:55 PM


Another wave of attacks coming?

Nothing to See Here.


Anonymous ID: 674567 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.2984781   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I'll never forget that morning when it happened. Later on my way to work I remember thinking why today? Then it hit me, of course, today is Jesus Christ's birthday.


The videos posted today on the chans re this date and the birth of Jesus Christ are good, but not a complete picture of this study in the scriptures.


I have heard a fabulous teaching done that ties in the scriptures (rightly divided) and astronomy (not astrology, big diff) and science and the seasons and historical references and ties them all together into this very date:

September 11, 3bc


A very significant date to the cabal.


I did learn that on this date in 1990, ghwbush hailed in the nwo in his speach. Then 11 years later his son, allowed 9/11/2001 to happen.


These people serve the very being that would know and was there when Jesus was born. They serve satan and we have seen multiple types of evidence of that - by their fruits ye shall know them.


We are fighting evil, and we will ALWAYS WIN against it - in the name of Jesus Christ! In His powerful and mighty name!


Shhhhhh! Guess what?…


They fear Him!!!


They fear (You) who are called by His name and who call on His name!


In Jesus Name!!


(pic related - "-2" in this software being used in the video = 3bc).

Anonymous ID: 64a714 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2984788   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Q has linked to this letter twice in 2 days written by Rep Mark Meadows to Rod Rosenstein Sept 10,2018.

Digging on Stuart Evans - Asst AG for Intelligence (DoJ)

Michael Kortan - FBI Asst Director for Public Affairs

Joe Pientka - FBI Special Agent

Anonymous ID: 4c56fc Sept. 11, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2984794   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


The Jews had mkultra victims trained to do tarot card shit on the way down to their deaths.


They love that shit. The media made sure they showed us that shit really heavy for a while. Wanting the people in the know to get to enjoy all the fuckery.

Anonymous ID: 4e4f1c Sept. 11, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2984795   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4918 >>4989



Chicago is associated with Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama. And Al Capone and Osama bin Laden and child abuse.

Chicago is one third Hispanic, one third White and one third Black.

Rahm Emanuel, who worked for the Israeli army in the 1991 Gulf War, became mayor of Chicago in 2011.

Reportedly, "The late FBI director John O'Neill exposed Emanuel as a Mossad agent." (Comment at dailymail.N web site)

Rahm Emanuel suits the big corporations, such as Apple, United Airlines and Boeing.

He no longer suits the Blacks who live in the South Side. He upset a lot of Black teachers and Black parents when he closed a number of schools in Black neighborhoods.


β€œRAHM EMANUEL WILL KICK ASS & TAKE NAMES” boasted a Jewish supporter of Emanuel to the Chicago Sun Times on November 6 2008, referring to Emanuel’s role as Obama’s White House Chief of Staff.

But the Zionist Jew, Rahm Israel Emanuel, who is a dual Israeli/US citizen, will do much more than β€œkick ass & take names.” Emanuel will act as an effective spy in the White House for the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency. With Emanuel running the White House, Mossad HQ will enjoy an unprecedented direct flow of America’s highest level national security information.

Emanuel’s connections to the Mossad began at birth in 1959. Rahm Emanuel is the son of Israeli-born physician, Benjamin Emanuel, who passed secret codes for Menachim Begin’s Israeli terrorist group known as the Irgun. β€œSecret codes” are the province of the Mossad, and the Mossad, only.

WORKING FOR THE JEWISH LOBBY in 1980, the youthful & ambitious Rahm Emanuel took an active role in unseating the Pro-Palestinian Illinois Congressman, Paul Findley, whom the Jewish Lobby wanted removed from office. Emanuel was installed as the Finance Director for the Democrat & Jew, David Robinson, funneling millions of Jewish dollars into his campaign, successfully unseateding the long-serving Findley.

Ever since, Emanuel has been among the insiders of the Jewish Lobby. One of Emanuel’s β€˜Gentile’ stooges is the former Special Middle East negotiator, Dennis Ross. The Pro-Israel Ross accompanied Obama along with Emanuel on his trip to Israel in July of 2008. In October of 2008, Ross endorsed Obama, an obvious prelude to a future advisory role for this Emanuel-sponsored careerist.

RAHM EMANUEL WAS FINGERED as a Mossad Agent by the late FBI counter-terrorism Assistant Director FBI agent, John O’Neill. Later, O’Neill was forced to retire after being set up in a smear operation.

O’Neil and another FBI agent, who still works for the bureau but must remain nameless, discovered that Emanuel, a β€œspecial adviser” to Clinton, acted as the liaison to former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in operating an espionage and blackmail operation against the Clinton White House.

O’Neill and the agent discovered that Emanuel had recruited Israeli Mossad agent, Monica Lewinsky, to enter the Clinton White House as an intern and then seduce President Clinton for the purpose of espionage and blackmail in order to sink Clinton’s proposed Middle East peace deal.

In sworn testimony before the Office of Independent Counsel, Monica Lewinsky stated:

β€œPresident Clinton suspected that a foreign embassy was tapping his telephones and proposed a cover. He told me that if I was ever questioned, I should say that we knew our calls were being monitored and that the phone sex was just a put on.” View Entire Story Here, Here, & Here.

The FBI investigation of Emanuel became part of a file code-named the Mega File. β€œMega” is a reference to a top-level Mossad agent in the Reagan administration who was said to have run a number of Israeli agents. β€œMega” also refers in FBI terminology to shared information between the Mossad & the CIA.

Anonymous ID: 9b3f55 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2984799   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Sure. He earned my trust in the months leading up to the 2016 election. Said Trump would win. He was dead on. Ever since then, if you read his tweets, you'll see who the man is. Then the trust will be earned.

Anonymous ID: 8ef477 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2984800   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Honest question, from what we've seen over the last few months with military planes being destroyed, is it possible the 9/11 planes could have been remotely re-directed & took over?

Anonymous ID: ddf5b2 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.2984804   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4830 >>4842 >>4848 >>4851

Large version of Q's image, if anyone's interested.


It came from a Cal Poly program called the "Q" card. Not sure what it was about–maybe on-campus meals or something, or a way for Freshmen to track funds. Sure it's about the specifics.


Cal Poly isn't just Devin Nune's alma mater–it's in his district.


Other possible clues: they have an affiliation with NASA, which allows them to launch cubesats from Vandenberg AFB once a year. The story goes that a long time ago, they'd made the request of NASA and got the cold shoulder…then they started asking elsewhere, until Russia agreed to work with them. That got NASA's attention, who gave Cal Poly a deal that last to this day on the condition that they stayed away from the Russian Space Program.


Its focus is on STEM majors, and is one of the very few colleges in a politically balanced region of CA. Voted best value ROI for colleges several times in the past, too.

Anonymous ID: fb94af Sept. 11, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.2984810   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4859


Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight -


I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord


Well, if you told me you were drowning

I would not lend a hand

I've seen your face before my friend

But I don't know if you know who I am

Well, I was there and I saw what you did

I saw it with my own two eyes

So you can wipe off that grin,

I know where you've been

It's all been a pack of lies


And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord


Well I remember, I remember don't worry

How could I ever forget,

It's the first time, the last time we ever met

But I know the reason why you keep your silence up,

No you don't fool me

The hurt doesn't show

But the pain still grows

It's no stranger to you and me


And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord

But I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

But I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord

But I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord

Anonymous ID: b7b408 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.2984813   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4918 >>4989

California ban on handgun ad’s is struck down by US Judge!


Finally one w balls to tell CA - FU. Kek.

Anonymous ID: 29e3a6 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.2984818   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



isn't 'shutdown' of a nuclear reactor such a bullshit term? I thought they never can just turn off, they need constant powered cooling (i.e. diesel generator) to keep them cool even when not actively in use. Someone has to be there and cooling has to be maintained 24/7, 365

Anonymous ID: a984ab Sept. 11, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.2984821   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4862 >>4882 >>4888 >>4929

Hiya Night Crew,


High school teacher Anon here. Have hardly been able to check in since school started. But wanted to tell ya'll that I'm seeing a fair number of Pepe's in students' profile pics on their school email accounts this year. Never saw any in previous years, so I'm taking the influx of Pepe profiles as a good sign, KEK.

Miss you guise, no homo.

Anonymous ID: 733272 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.2984829   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4977


>Do anons still jizz there pants when ole Mayor β€œof Mossad coverups” Rudy Giuliani comes on to defend the president? Or do they want him hanged for at a bare minimum covering up the 9/11 evidence.

Let's say you were in his position…hypothetically, what would YOU do if your family was threatened? Do what the threat said or say "fuck off"?


Just curious. kek

Anonymous ID: a09e7a Sept. 11, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.2984849   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4884


Now the truth of your ideology comes out. you're the racist here. I simply want a space for all peoples to determine their own destinies, the world is big enough. Nice selective time-frame and spun narrative version of history you got there thou.

Anonymous ID: 4e9da7 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.2984850   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25Whoever loves his life will lose it, but whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

Anonymous ID: 4ec69b Sept. 11, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.2984863   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4937


from: https: //


we get this information (a copy/paste):

"The Q source (also Q document, Q Gospel, or Q from German: Quelle, meaning "source") is a hypothetical written collection of primarily Jesus' sayings (logia). Q is part of the common material found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark. According to this hypothesis, this material was drawn from the early Church's Oral Tradition."


we've been down this slide before here.

Anonymous ID: d79d0d Sept. 11, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.2984876   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

If there's a greater purpose for this 'forum' (anons), it hasn't materialised yet. And many anons have been waiting I'm sure.


How much longer are you willing to wait?

Anonymous ID: bb7ce0 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.2984880   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Cal Poly Report 1983

Anonymous ID: ec8384 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.2984881   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>09/10/18 13:41:01


>>[BODY 1, 2, AND 5]


3, 4 missing.


34 (hours) + time of post = 9/11 11:41pm.


I can play fill in the blank too. kek. There's my guess at EO declassifying… watch Nunes, watch EO. T - 0:50

Anonymous ID: 6dddd2 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.2984889   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Q, false flag planned to send Devin a message?


Here's what I see: Democrat manager W (with, wants, Wasserman-Shchultz) false flag vs Army airborne (82nd) by 4x (house, helicoptor)

Anonymous ID: 82ebc7 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.2984896   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4930 >>4935 >>4950 >>4984 >>5002 >>5025 >>5051

Long time lurker and follower, sometimes contributor here..


Is there a plan I missed on the "economy" and "stock market" strategy of the great awakening ? Where are the clues so we can endure this administration's euphoric and gleeful boasting of the economy and stock market daily. It is getting harder and harder to listen to and quite honestly it is becoming very disingenuous. It feels like President Trump in this case is lying but I am conflicted because I also believe he would never intentionally lie. He has to know the so called Federal Reserve and financial data is manipulated? He even claimed when he campaigned the stock market was in a bubble. (see below) I would really like to know the strategy.


In case you don't know "The Richest 10% of Americans now own 84% of all stocks." (see link below). Every time he boasts about the stock market new highs I cringe and literally get depressed and lose hope again. It is pretty clear with new highs we are simply making the cabal and their bloodlines richer and more powerful. Literally 80% of Americans have little to no investment in the stock market. After living through 2008 who would be crazy enough to invest your life savings into it. We also know how extremely suppressed interest rates were the last 10 years and how this hurts seniors and older folks who can not take the risk.


In addition take a look at the chart below for the homeownership rate for the United States. I will give you 1 guess who were the "lucky" winners of the bulk real estate foreclosure give away's from our government institutions Fannie and Freddie after 2008 to well connected hedge funds and private equity companies.


Do you remember the Obama administration doing anything about fraud in the Real Estate Markets after 2008? Is this administration doing anything about corrupt Real Estate Market and the insane fees? The flippers and real estate brokers apparently felt it was their turn to extract what was left of the middle class after the private equity companies took the most. Of course assisted by Obama's open borders and welcoming of foreign money investments. Obama was able to extract half the stock of residential real estate away from middle class Americans and give it away to everyone else not American and private equity firms to charge exorbitant rent..


So .. what is the strategy? Or is this it? Consumer debt is at an all time high including student loans. College education is a scam for the amount invested but don't worry because the economy is doing better than ever? I have experienced a "good" economy before and this is no where close unless "uber contract" drivers is considered a job that is "better than ever"…


I know it takes time.. but why the disingenuous gleeful boasting of how great the stock market and economy are doing?


The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks


Donald Trump on the stock market: 'It's all a big bubble'

Anonymous ID: a32676 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.2984906   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4941

Much I suspect Anon…. The vial with the magic elixir (CSF or Adrenochrome), the cutting of the finger with the knife, drinking of the blood. Do the math. Think mirror - There are NO coincidences. All of Pedowood mirrors what they do, and their movies fuckin' rub our noses in their murderous, satanic, pedophilic flix. These people are sick, these people are stupid…..

Anonymous ID: 51e49f Sept. 11, 2018, 7:54 p.m. No.2984915   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Thank you Anon. I think I just had a moment. Whether Q+ is relevant to what I found or not, my heart just beat harder & it feels right deep inside me.


Sorry for the slide Anons. Maybe I'm on hopeium since it looks like Florence might turn towards my home in the next couple of days…but this was an Ah Ha moment for me.


Good night Night Shift. Happy digging!


SC Anon out….zzzz

Anonymous ID: f77426 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:54 p.m. No.2984918   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun





>>2984304 The Q+ pic came from calpoly tech

>>2984409 Updated list of the Infowars Influence Network

>>2984501 24 arrested in East Valley child sex crimes operation

>>2984504 "The reichsadler"

>>2984551, >>2984625 Devin Nunes is an alumni at calpoly

>>2984652 Sessions Open to Probe of Social Media Giants


>>2984813 California ban on handgun ad’s is struck down by US Judge!


New Q this bread:

>>>/patriotsfight/228 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- It's hammer time ( Cap: >>2984597 )

Anonymous ID: 044ce1 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.2984931   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4988

Check out new shill tactic anons


Very similar to Alex Jones (MOS) attack against POTUS re: Syria.


Guessing these attacks will multiply with tomorrows dayshift.

Crossover anons asked to take note for dayshift.

Anonymous ID: e56f10 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.2984932   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Mark Meadows


2h2 hours ago

Peter Strzok–the same guy who was caught on text message saying: "we'll stop Trump" (from becoming President)–wants you to believe he didn't leak damaging Trump stories to the media. He was actually the one trying to STOP the leaks.


You be the judge.

Anonymous ID: 10abdc Sept. 11, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.2984933   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4961

The guy served himself to his friends…


You think Angelina served her breasts to a special dinner party for friends? (or masters)?


Totally understood that these people are sick…

Just sayin!?

Anonymous ID: d1cd44 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.2984936   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2984165 (pb

2984094 (pb

2984177 (pb

2984191 (pb

>>2984293 (pb

Retard who thinks you have to be a pilot to figure it out, really has to go back.

Alright, it was a sophisticated con on some levels, but the fact the dude[s] [oh that's right they run in pairs] didn't figure it out by now makes me doubt his sincerity?

In any case, Doesn't belong here; Is not an Autist. Not even close.

It would be impossible to be on this board as an active researcher and not know that BS?

A bird will destroy a plane wing.

(I think they are just doubling - down, per the usual.

No choice. do they Hope they can fake out a few more?)

Otherwise, here's some essays to help you leave the matrix of the "19 highjackers with boxcutter" myth.


Here's a good one debunking Conspiracy Theorists.

"Watch out for Mad Conspiracy Theorists"



One most important fact is that the "9/11 Truth Movement" was owned and compromised for many years now. ["run by the government" as some would say]

Anonymous ID: ed196e Sept. 11, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.2984940   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Smartest post here. All the rest will cheer another completely unjust war in Iran. Then when it becomes obvious how awful this new war is, Trump will be voted out since his job has been completed. Then we’re fucked. At that point an angry non white left will enslave is and ensure that our children have absolutely no future. I’m not purposefully spreading malaise I am extremely blackpilled now. This society is complete garbage I’m going into the woods as soon as I can. I’ve had enough. Keep following zio-Q around. They will lead you right into Tehran. I honestly hope the Iranians give us hell. At this point we deserve it. No justice. Fuck Pence and fuck Sessions. Probably laughing it up with Hillary right now.

Anonymous ID: 2d741f Sept. 11, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.2984946   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4960

Can anyone tell me why this kid is somehow still relevant? Aren't his 15 minutes up? Who the hell does he think he is, encouraging foreign citizens to vote in the US elections..

Anonymous ID: 45c78a Sept. 11, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.2984949   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4963

Stop the world. Russia is colluding with China - to make pancakes.


Comey and Rosenstein - we demand you appoint a special council to investigate this dangerous development.

Anonymous ID: cc1aa5 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.2984958   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

(Bread #3771)



>…I saw the NOSE of one plane "emerging" for a fraction of a second on the side OPPOSITE of where the plane allegedly hit….


That was an attempt to cover up the missile shot from the Woolworth building with CGI.



>…just recently have i sunk my teeth into this fake plane stuff….


No planes.

Anonymous ID: 947a33 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.2984959   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


hard to believe we get to see this at the same time we hear lies about 911. on june 17th i was in newport and as we came out of Mass at St. mary's they were chemtrailing…drove down to Galilee and they were chemtrailing right over the beaches, I mean right on top. in cnetral mass i watch them doing it, right? literally see them doing it. easter sunday cape hatteras same thing just off the coast…9 // trails running se to nw.


no excuses for this. this act alone makes me want everyone involved killed.

Anonymous ID: 2d741f Sept. 11, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.2984986   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Is this the reason for the "anonymous senior WH official" story recently? More mind games to try to discredit Q?

Anonymous ID: f77426 Sept. 11, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.2984989   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



>>2984304 The Q+ pic came from calpoly tech

>>2984409 Updated list of the Infowars Influence Network

>>2984501 24 arrested in East Valley child sex crimes operation

>>2984504 "The reichsadler"

>>2984551, >>2984625 Devin Nunes is an alumni at calpoly

>>2984652 Sessions Open to Probe of Social Media Giants


>>2984813 California ban on handgun ad’s is struck down by US Judge!

Anonymous ID: 5f4bab Sept. 11, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.2984991   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Q you never mention the Bush (Scherff) family which gives me pause. If there isn't full disclosure and military tribunals you have lost me. History:


30's: Financed the Nazis

30's: Family pictures with Nazi's

30's/early 40's: attempted FDR coup

40's/50's: Who knows but I'm sure there is a lot out there

60's: JFK assassination

60's: Vietnam war continuation for no reason

70's: Nixon coup

80's: Attempted Reagan assassination

Late 80s: 1000 points of light and "new world order"

90's: Cabal hand-off to the Klinton Krime family

01: GWB WTC with children chanting disturbing stuff; WTC 7 free falls on it's own 20 minutes after BBC announces demolition

(To be continued.. Obama was basically the continuation of Bush/Clinton/Bush)

Anonymous ID: b7b408 Sept. 11, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.2985003   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

β€œWhat is the Meaning of Cannibalism?”

New York Times

Archives - 1986

Anonymous ID: a2d328 Sept. 11, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.2985009   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Ah, that would make more sense then, ty. I now feel like I need to qualify myself with, "I'm an oldfag, I've just never downloaded anything from anonfile before." Pic related = (me). KEK!

Anonymous ID: 9dd94a Sept. 11, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.2985010   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Hey Q?

Serious question if you are reading along. Im amazed you have never really mentioned Cheney and considering its 911 and the HUGE part he played in that I find it curious.

Dont get me wrong, Im a huge supporter of you and post all your drops, Just curious about this detail

Anonymous ID: ddf5b2 Sept. 11, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2985051   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


It's not just the stock markets that are rising, anon:


Unemployment is at record lows, yet more jobs are being added. That means that employers will have to compete for employees. That means increasing wages. Since the middle class largely deals with stocks via their 401k's, their participation in the stock market will increase while the increased cost of labor will decrease profit margins somewhat, which will primarily affect CEO fatcats and owners.


This is not a strategy meant to appeal to his friends on Wall Street. He's doing it for us, the forgotten Americans.

Anonymous ID: 1eb64b Sept. 11, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2985057   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The name of this program appears to be Project Hammer, a previously reported, multi-billion dollar covert operation, β€˜t

hird worldinvestment program’ whose investments remain shieldd.

Anonymous ID: 6280f1 Sept. 11, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.2985059   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




I saw a guy with a big one of these on his passenger side rear window today though. Probably means something besides sacrifice to some people though. IDK. He moved over to the far right lane and I couldn't get a pic

Anonymous ID: 15ff30 Sept. 11, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.2985067   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I get it, old SeiggHeil over here doesnt think europeans shouldnt breed non whites here tho, that's on him, all I said was he was able to choose who he could breed with , but could not dictate to other whites who they could breed with, and he lost it