Anonymous ID: f4336d "60% Must Stay Secret to protect the Republic." Sept. 11, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2984558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4802

"60% Must Stay Secret to protect the Republic."


The Republic is something very few of us has ever known, we know its here, but we are persecuted by a de facto (illegitimate but in effect) corporation, operating for maximum profit, posing as lawful governance.


Are you protecting the de facto corporation OR will you return us to the jurisdiction of the land, that which we were promised by our American forefathers and known as Common law courts("Do No Harm.")


No harm= No crime!

Not what we have currently!


Kangaroo Court=Jurisdiction of the Sea=Old Glory Flag Surrounded by Gold Frill=Admiralty Flag=Captured Nation


So Q! I ask again, will you return us to the jurisdiction of the land from the jurisdiction of the sea?


I'm all good on forgiving folks for lending a hand when a hand was helpful, but shall you truly free us from slavery?


And how do we know that the CRIME SYNDICATE is truly dismantled if you keep 60% secret.


What do you mean when you say, "The choice to know will be yours?"


Are you saying that "WE THE PEOPLE" will get to choose whether to make it all public? All the crimes?


For how shall we know the TRUE FACE OF EVIL if 60% remains buried?


How shall we know that wives, our children, and grandchildren are safe? If 60% remains buried?