The transponder issue:
I had an neighbor at the time of 9/11 2001 who worked at the Woolworth Bld. in downtown NYC - that bld overlooks the Trade Center area.
He said his family was in Naval Intelligence and some time after the event he went back to Virginia [kek].
Anyway, he said a few things that stuck with me.
He knew right away the event was done by State actors and not desert dwellers. That's because he told me an ordinary person absolutely can not turn off the transponder. You have to be an agent of some State. He was very adamant about it. Easy. Solved. He knew right away.
2nd, he told me that there was something shot off the Woolworth bld.
There were rumor to that effect that were quashed. But he thought about it, had been there that day, and told me he was certain something was shot off that bld.
I interviewed a few people who were in the area at the time of the event and who described a shot overhead coming from that direction.
For what it's worth
. I wanted that in the record in case it may help something
Pic related.