Funny how Puerto Rico has been on the news…now this planefag sees a DOJ transport leaving….any guess who's on it? KEK
Space Weather news…..sun seems fine as per this dude. Been listening to him for years. No reason to think he's been Compted.
But how would you explain ALL the amateur astronomers and Colleges/Universities that have big tellies pointed up in the sky?
Wouldn't they see something as well???
Sure I totally agree, but this observatory has been closed for days, no? A missing set of data wouldn't explain a closure like this.
My Guess- Something totally unrelated to the solar system…betting on some kind of illegal ops…
IF that's the case- it would have to be MASSIVE and visible from down here at night…..SMH
Yes, I know about it. We also know that it takes 2-3 days for a coronal event to reach earth… I still don't buy it's solar related. And if it was a solar event…these are unpredictable, and would effect the entire planet. I'd prefer to remain on the fence with this one…this anon isn't buying any fuckery just yet.