Anonymous ID: b49d40 Q Research General #3804: We Are Winning Bigly Edition Sept. 13, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.3006399   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Wednesday 9.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/233 —————–—————- How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH? ( Cap: >>2998384, >>2998394 )

>>>/patriotsfight/232 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Trump tweet re: Draining the swamp ( Cap: >>2995995 )

>>2995423 rt >>2995106, >>2995190 -----—– Military planning at its finest.

>>2994981 rt >>2994458 β€”β€”β€”----------——– Main points of interest only.

>>>/patriotsfight/231 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- "SEXUAL MISCONDUCT" ( Cap: >>2994452, >>2994465 )

>>>/patriotsfight/230 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- AJ [TEMPLATE] WAS DESIGNED TO ATTACK/CENSOR 'QANON' [primary obj]. ( Cap: >>2994360, >>2994361 )

>>>/patriotsfight/229 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- How do you inflict MAX PAIN / DAMAGE? ( Cap: >>2994005, >>2994031 )


Tuesday 9.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/228 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- It's hammer time ( Cap: >>2984597 )

>>>/patriotsfight/227 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- TOGETHER we WIN. ( Cap: >>2984055, >>2984053 )

>>>/patriotsfight/226 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Another wave of attacks coming? ( Cap: >>2982152, >>2982168 )

>>>/patriotsfight/225 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Timing is everything. Enjoy the show ( Cap: >>2981825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/224 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Steele req non_extradition to U.S? ( Cap: >>2981754 )

>>>/patriotsfight/223 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Bruce Ohr [in effort to save Nellie Ohr] testifying against Rosenstein, Yates, Lynch, and Comey? ( Cap: >>2982107 )

>>>/patriotsfight/222 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Lisa Page testifying against Peter Strzok? ( Cap: >>2982096 )

>>>/patriotsfight/221 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- James Baker testifying against Comey? ( Cap: >>2981672 )

>>>/patriotsfight/220 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Comey in communication w/ McCabe re: 'testimony' 'story'? ( Cap: >>2981649 )

>>>/patriotsfight/219 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- King & Spalding hired [last week] to represent Sally Yates? ( Cap: >>2981621 )

>>>/patriotsfight/218 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- [RR] req meeting w/ POTUS DECLINED ( Cap: >>2981591 )

>>>/patriotsfight/217 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you ( Cap: >>2981124 )

>>>/patriotsfight/216 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Pope Francis Breitbart Article ( Caps: >>2980941, >>2980950 )

>>>/patriotsfight/215 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- ( Caps: >>2980715, >>2980771 )

>>>/patriotsfight/214 β€”β€”β€”--------β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- We Will Never FORGET! We Will Never FORGIVE! PATRIOT DAY ( Cap: >>2977922 )


Monday 09.10.18

Compiled here: >>2982713


Sunday 09.09.18

Compiled here: >>2979201


Saturday 09.08.18

Compiled here: >>2979191


Friday 09.07.18

Compiled here: >>2966475


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: b49d40 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.3006408   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


are not endorsements



>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes



>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines

>>2993403 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies):

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag.

>>3001747 BV: New board for redditfugees >>>/patriotsawoken/



>>3006350 Would Q use the number 12?

>>3006287 'Shameful' John Kerry slammed for holding unsanctioned meetings with Iran officials

>>3006273 Info on AURA: Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy

>>3006226 Dem Senate Candidate fought for loophole protecting men visiting child prostitutes

>>3006128 - Manhattan DA's office drops more than 3,000 open marijuana cases

>>3005979 , >>3006011 Confirmation Michael Cohen is a white hat?

>>3005978 List of sponsors of Elton John's upcoming aids foundation gala

>>3005973 Amazon linked to C_A via Warrenton Training Center in Virginia

>>3006401 #3803



>>3005502 New SubReddit: /r/Qpatriotsfight

>>3005464 Statement by AG Sessions on the Election Security Executive Order

>>3005351 Article on death numbers from the Puerto Rico hurricane

>>3005346 Google is a 'threat to the Republic,' says Trump campaign manager

>>3005323 , >>3005330 , >>3005339 Fresh Sealed Indictments Graphics to share

>>3005253 QClock on The Storm and POTUS Tweets

>>3005055 #WalkAway Founder Banned From Facebook, just before planned march in DC

>>3004978 , >>3005261 , >>3005063 Fresh POTUS tweets

>>3005615 #3802


#3801 (Baker change)

>>3004706 HRC & Google created covert server to hide Benghazi emails from congress

>>3004622 New POTUS

>>3004739 German Catholic priests 'abused thousands of children'

>>3004393 Skripol Interview of suspects - Timeline dosent add up?

>>3004335 Britain’s β€œBig Brother,” program violated citizens privacy and free speech: EU Court

>>3004319 Facebook's Rosetta AI detects offensive memes

>>3004155 Gaps in observatory records of Sun activity

>>3004153 List of live webcams readying for Florence

>>3004152 Info on EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse Weaponry

>>3004141 , >>3004279 NEW LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election

>>3004798 #3801



>>3003398 Explanation of skewed polls

>>3003409 'Catastrophic': EU Passes Copyright Directive Including Internet 'Link Tax' and 'Upload Filter'

>>3003421 Turkey's Latest Power Grab: A Naval Base In Cyprus?

>>3003431 Syrian Army Destroys Militant Fortifications And Observation Equipment In Northern Lattakia (Videos)

>>3003467 Fastest wind speed I found for Florence tonight at 3:10 a.m. EDT on 9/13 was 91 mph at 10 meters above ground

>>3004792 #3800


Previously Collected Notables

>>3001673 #3797, >>3002445 #3798, >>3004789 #3799

>>3000959 #3794, >>3000956 #3795, >>3000911 #3796

>>2996917 #3791, >>2997733 #3792, >>3000964 #3793

>>2994471 #3788, >>2995377 #3789, >>2996206 #3790


Best Of Bread:

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Anonymous ID: b49d40 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.3006411   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism


Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

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Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-β€” >>>/comms/1189

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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)Earth Day.jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” >>>/comms/966

Anonymous ID: b49d40 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.3006412   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 523aad Sept. 13, 2018, 8:22 a.m. No.3006441   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6490 >>6494 >>6495 >>6498 >>6521 >>6581 >>6771 >>6985 >>7262



Colin McRoberts is a lawyer and Stratfor employee, and he was one of the main users involved in the banning of r/greatawakening.


We have an investigation / dox thread here:



Anonymous ID: 0484d9 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:25 a.m. No.3006472   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6636 >>6920 >>6963 >>7122 >>7169

Ohio Issue 1


$4.5 million for this campaign was raised by:

Mark Zuckerberg

Nicholas and Susan Pritzker

George Soros


Convert felony drug crimes to misdemeanors with no jail time.


Prohibit judges from sending people to prison if they violate probation.


Cut prison time for current offenders.


Allow convicted felons to petition for re-sentencing.

Anonymous ID: e9b03d Sept. 13, 2018, 8:27 a.m. No.3006480   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6492


>Are any real anons replying to the muhjew shills?


If you count mockery as replying, then yeah


>Why are they here?


To ensure that these retards don't manufacture a false consensus due to the tacit approval of their bullshit ;)


Good day.

Anonymous ID: 9c6309 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:27 a.m. No.3006481   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6531

66 Million killed by Jewish Supremacists.


And that's just for starters…


If Germany was forced to pay, then Jewish wealth gets confiscated and redistributed to those whose lives, countries and communities were destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 9be25b Sept. 13, 2018, 8:27 a.m. No.3006482   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



sorry fer screaming, anons, but

so HIGH ENERGY aaaaand it's only going to get crazyer todayer


and don't feed da lame shills

Anonymous ID: 480dd7 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.3006498   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6578 >>6590


Is this apply to Reddit?


The Legal Rights of a Business to Ban a Person From Their Property

by Kay Bosworth; Updated June 26, 2018


A customer enters a fast-food establishment barefooted even though the sign says,β€œNo shirt, no shoes, no service.” At the other extreme, a fired employee tries to enter his former office, threatening to get even with his ex-boss. These and similar situations can test the civil rights of individuals against the rights of property owners.

Civil Rights


There were times in United States history when restaurants and other businesses refused admittance to people because of their race or national origin. To do so now would violate the federal Civil Rights Act that guarantees all people the right to "full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin." Those protections cover such private places as restaurants, hotels and motels, movie houses, theaters and sports arenas. Other protected classes include people with disabilities.

Property Owners' Rights


Private property is any property owned by private persons and not by the government or reserved for public use. Private property includes buildings and real estate as well as objects and intellectual property. People who own property have the right to manage it and control it. A store, for example, is private property. Offering merchandise for sale implies an invitation to enter, but the store owner is entitled to ban someone from coming in. The person could be a suspected shoplifter or a troublemaker, or he can be banned for any reason, as long as it is not based on bias against a federally protected class of people.

Violations of a Ban


State statutes describe β€œdefiant trespass” as someone entering or staying in a place where he has been told not to enter or has been ordered to leave. The charge also applies when a person enters property where signs or fencing are designed to keep out intruders. A property owner can tell the individual in person, preferably with a witness, that he is banned, or notify him by certified letter with a copy sent to the local police department. Violating the banning order could result in a disorderly persons charge.

Rules and Policies


Businesses are within their rights to establish their own rules for admitting or banning people from the property. A company can protect an employee by banning an abusive ex-spouse or stalker from the workplace. The owner of a bar can forbid an obviously drunken or unruly patron from entering. Casino management can identify and ban a card-counter or a known cheater. In any such case where an individual is prevented from entering the property, the prohibition cannot be based on any of the classes protected by federal laws.

References (5)


Legal Information Institute: Prohibition Against Discrimination or Segregation in Places of Public Accommodation

USLegal: Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation

Legal Information Institute: Private Property

TalkingRetail: Ban Someone From Your Store: Talking Retail’s How to Guide How to Keep Someone Off Your Property


About the Author


As a long-time newspaper reporter and staff writer, Kay Bosworth covered real estate development and business for publications in northern New Jersey. Her extensive career included serving as editor of a business education magazine for the McGraw-Hill Book Company. The Kentucky native earned a BA from Transylvania University in Lexington.

Anonymous ID: 9f2e52 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:30 a.m. No.3006500   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6510

Kathy Griffin Whines About Her Failing Career, Don Jr. Levels Her With Epic Tweet



I can't get a Netflix special because I once had the audacity to share that a Netflix executive told me that because they had Chelsea Handler, they didn't need other women…


Meanwhile, Norm Macdonald has a Netflix talk show….


Double Standard? I think so…


β€” Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) September 11, 2018


In response to her pity party, Trump Jr. absolutely leveled her:


The reason you don’t have a Netflix special isn’t because you’re a woman, it’s because you’re not a good comedian. It’s really simple.


β€” Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 12, 2018

Anonymous ID: 5449fb Sept. 13, 2018, 8:30 a.m. No.3006505   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6522 >>6524

Pretty sad when FEMA can't keep up with hurricane names…KEK!


FEMA's Brock Long mistakes Hurricane Florence for Hurricane Floyd in briefing

Anonymous ID: 373d86 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:30 a.m. No.3006506   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>3006467 (pb)

hmm...............interdasting, anon. i can see how closing down a clown-run sub that was actually ruining normie perceptions of Q, to encourage a fresh new, non-clown sub creation could be possible. i wouldn't want to speculate on the probability of that, but it is certainly a possibility. and even if Q team didn't... it may indeed still work out to just that end. very curious indeed.

Anonymous ID: f65b72 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.3006515   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6582 >>6609



Not sure what too think about this Amon?


Ann Coulter: Trump Should β€˜Lay Off’ Jeff Sessions and Go β€˜Against Mitch McConnell’


Ann Coulter, author of β€œResistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind,” called for President Donald Trump to β€œlay off” Attorney General Jeff Sessions and instead criticize Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). She offered her remarks in a Tuesday interview with Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Patrick Courrielche on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight.

Anonymous ID: a2c243 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.3006517   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

β€œOf all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – C.S. Lewis

Anonymous ID: 540f54 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.3006528   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>3006160 (lb)

As part of immigration reform; revoking immigration status should have some emphasis.

Thwarting a duly elected President of the U.S. as an rich immigrant should get your assets seized, status revoked, and charges of Sedition.

Make Hemp Great Again.

Anonymous ID: 8a1de0 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.3006539   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Osama Bin Laden lived in a cave fortress in the hills of Afghanistan, but somehow got away. Then he was hiding out in Tora Bora but somehow got away. Then he lived in Abottabad for years, taunting the most comprehensive intelligence dragnet employing the most sophisticated technology in the history of the world for 10 years, releasing video after video with complete impunity (and getting younger and younger as he did so), before finally being found in a daring SEAL team raid which wasn’t recorded on video, in which he didn’t resist or use his wife as a human shield, and in which these crack special forces operatives panicked and killed this unarmed man, supposedly the best source of intelligence about those dastardly terrorists on the planet. Then they dumped his body in the ocean before telling anyone about it. Then a couple dozen of that team’s members died in a helicopter crash


Its all bullshit and lies.


This mans story is just to cover the loose ends. Oh what a story he could tell us. Will he cooperate with Trump or will the Luciferians have to eliminate him? Tick tock


Not going to spam this all day just maybe once or twice more then I am done.

Anonymous ID: 4b5c62 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.3006542   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6557 >>6575


It is isreali mossad shit for brains jidf clowns posting all of that and the "don't divide or lock your doors at night otherwise you're racist" nonsense. Just keep an eye on each bread, and you'll see them over and over again. Plenty of links and memes and articles here with historical information for you to dig through and learn truths that, quite frankly, none of us are happy to report. This is a research board however and we report what we find, because this isn't google and we don't pretend to be able to choose what people see and do not see.


Unfortunately the Jewish Supremacist / Subversion issue, is one that you can see happening not only today but for almost 2000 years of history.


You won't dig two inches without running into it. So may as well not avoid it.


See the Jewish Question thread for more…i'm sure an anon will post a link to it any time now. Phone fagging.


They're scared to death of light being shined on this activities and are used to MSM covering it up for them. They cannot ban or shadow ban here or cry out to corrupt moderators. Cowards have no choice but to deal with it. A fire has been lit all around them and they're being smoked out. The public is learning the truth despite their weakest efforts to keep a lid on it. Enjoy the show.

Anonymous ID: 9f2e52 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.3006546   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

"The 6 th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals which consists of a three-judge panel said: β€œthe three demonstrators didn’t state a valid claim under state law and found Trump’s comments were protected by the First Amendment, since he β€œdid not specifically advocate imminent lawless action.”

Anonymous ID: 018329 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.3006548   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6565

EAM message heard this morning.


Broadcast Time:

12SEP2018, 0748Z










Sent By:



I hear "Sputnik21", but I'm open to other suggestions, as the poster on EAM Watch couldn't make it out.

Anonymous ID: dcea85 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.3006564   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>3006305 (pb)


Awesome video. I'm in MI and saw one of those fireball type meteors (nothing like this one, holy smokes) There were two planes I was goncerned about when it happened! I actually looked up and went Whoa...WHOA..WHOAAA!

Anonymous ID: bb7acb Sept. 13, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.3006567   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>3006467 (lb)

>heresy to say it here but it must have crossed minds that Q team are behind the Reddit ban themselves


its only "heresy" here is demanding that anons accept your word for something without providing the necessary facts and/or rationale that would allow someone to come to that conclusion on our own.


So, explain why you believe "Q team are behind the Reddit ban"

Anonymous ID: c6fd82 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.3006568   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6723 >>6866

When advertising drives communication what happens is that the standards of accuracy which prevail in the upstream controlling economic medium (advertising/marketing) are adopted by the dependent, carrier media.


Newspapers, TV the internet are all advertising dependent. "Standards and practices" in our entertainment industry where I work, are the standards of advertisers. Advertising is persuasion, and its standards of objectivity are extremely flexible. It's considered acceptable to omit vital information if it is contrary to the purpose of selling a product.


The standards of truth and the selective enhancements of marketing advocacy become the standards of communication adopted by the all media and set the course of our public discussions and interactions with each other. In the end what results is a distorted collective world view.


It doesn't have to be that way, but it is that way.


If we understand what circulates between us, what binds us together and pushes us apart, is information, we can begin to think about about ourselves as having two identities. One is as individuals with varying capacities and diverse cultural operating systems, the second our primary identity, which is collective.


It is not possible for a single human being to invent or create anything of value without the work of others. Everything we do, or use, or eat, or say, depends on the contributions or rests on the achievements of thousands others from Sumer to Palo Alto who have contributed new knowledge to the trans-generational store house of scientific knowledge, the collective memory which permits and defines civilization.

Anonymous ID: db6d69 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.3006569   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6605 >>6634

Hurricane Florence


These are bands of moderate rain. Not even red bands. If you look at the storm on mainstream media they will show the entire storm as a red blob. Liars. Still trying to instill fear.

Anonymous ID: a2c243 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.3006578   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6585 >>6703


Online forums like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc. are not simply "private property" in the sense addressed here. They purport themselves to be neutral public forums, and in exchange for this designation, they receive important legal protections and immunities.


Look into Section 230 of the CDA.

Anonymous ID: 373d86 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.3006583   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6696


those southerners are some decadent fkrs. everything they eat is slathered in buttery greasy delicious goodness… so many manners per capita too. but fk with one of their little kids, and it's all over.. the whole town will take justice in the night kek

Anonymous ID: 9f7694 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.3006587   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6599 >>6640 >>6687 >>6883



>>544701 (Q)

still digging here

there are 7 parts and much sauce

well worth the read/time invested , be warned , it's pretty heavy , oldfags won't bat an eyelid , but still . . . pretty heavy

These people are EVIL

These people are SICK


>sauce for pic

Anonymous ID: 0898ef Sept. 13, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.3006590   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Except those same business then have a liability for what happens on their property.


The online social media sites have generally enjoyed a safe harbor of immunity because they don't directly control content.

If they want to control content, then say goodbye to immunity, fuckers.

Anonymous ID: 2ef3f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.3006591   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

France's Macron admits system of torture during Algeria war

Anonymous ID: 6caa99 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.3006592   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6681 >>6830

>>3006459 pb


>>2815685 lb

>>2941990 lb


>Anons are not divided.

>Anons are under attack.

>Recognize the difference.

>Trust the plan.




There is again a lot of shilling in here.

Currently much muhjew stuff, besides concernshilling, muh timing, muh habbenings, FE and other bs.


Please think for yourself if this is ok with Qs message.


A lot of cabal folks are from jewish families and also israel is involved in a certain way. That is no secret and was and is being digged on.

However, generally blaming all jews and using 'nose' images, saying 'kike' and 'goy' over and over, is not based on facts and just division shilling.


By that shills hide the fact that the leadership of every religion seems to be involved.

Many CEOs are involved. Many politicians, worldwide. Many advisers from thinktanks are involved. ...Β  Many are not jewish.


There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us. Some of the cabal activities have used beeing jew as a shield/cover to hide their activities and blame others.


Also, sacrificing children to moloch, getting high on adrenochome and gay mason stuff is not a jew thing.


>>2990908 pb




>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days...


Simplifiying and dividing muhjew shilling is not working. Anons see it.



Anonymous ID: 6bda96 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.3006593   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6723

Maybe we need a get out the vote Meme campaign

Former Democrat Rep. Steve Israel Warns of Trump’s β€˜November Surprise’

For months now, we’ve been subject to media talk about how Democrats are energized compared to Republicans, and are champing at the bit to impeach President Trump once they’re back in power. Democrat leadership isn’t exactly tamping down on this burning desire either.

Anonymous ID: f65b72 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.3006597   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6920 >>7122 >>7169

Jeff Sessions β€˜Exploring Potential Investigation’ of Google, Facebook, Twitter


Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reportedly β€œexploring a potential investigation” of Big Tech social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

According to Bloomberg, Sessions will β€œbe briefed on Sept. 25 by Republican state attorneys general who are already examining the firms’ practices,” and will β€œhelp Sessions decide if there’s a federal case to be made against companies such as Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. for violating consumer-protection or antitrust laws.”


β€œThe Sept. 25 briefing will include the attorneys general from Alabama, Nebraska, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Texas,” they reported, adding that β€œa representative of the Justice Department’s antitrust division” will also be present.


Last month, President Trump criticized Big Tech companies for censoring conservatives and holding a political bias.


β€œI think that Google and Twitter and Facebook, they are really treading on very, very troubled territory and they have to be careful,” President Trump declared. β€œIt is not fair to large portions of the population.”

Anonymous ID: 9f2e52 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.3006608   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6674 >>6715 >>6720

Report: THIRTEEN Different Deep State FBI Agents Fed Information to ONE LIBERAL REPORTER (VIDEO)




"Rep. Jim Jordan: Remember Stuart when Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General, did his investigation he talked about the fact that one reporter had 13 different individuals at the FBI who were feeding him information. So, there was certainly a leak strategy going on. The most troubling aspect of all of this is that, remember Devin Nunes memo about what they took to the FISA Court. They cited media reports to buttress the dossier which we know wasn’t valid, wasn’t corroborated, wasn’t credible. But they used media reports to buttress the dossier. They were leaking information to the media that they were then using to buttress the document that they were using to then get the warrant to spy on the Trump campaign."


Anonymous ID: 2ef3f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.3006610   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6616 >>6631 >>6920 >>7093 >>7122 >>7169

The Latest: Paul Ryan Rejects Trump's Claim Death Toll Wrong


WASHINGTON (AP) β€” THE Latest on President Donald Trump's claim that 3,000 people did not die because of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico last year (all times local):


11:20 a.m.


House Speaker Paul Ryan is rejecting President Donald Trump's assertion an official government death toll for last year's hurricane in Puerto Rico is wrong.


The Wisconsin Republican says he has "no reason to dispute" a study that found nearly 3,000 people on the island died from Hurricane Maria last year.


Trump on Thursday tweeted "3,000 people did not die" in Puerto Rico and called the death count a move by Democrats to make him look bad.


Ryan denies the figure reflects poorly on Trump, saying, "casualties don't make a person look bad."


Trump's tweets came as the Carolinas braced for Hurricane Florence, which could drench the homes of up to 10 million people.


The mayor of Puerto Rico's capital says Trump is "delusional, paranoid, and unhinged from any sense of reality."




11 a.m.


Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello says in a Facebook video post in Spanish that there should no more questions about the number of deaths from Hurricane Maria and the process used to arrive at that number.


He says, "the victims of Puerto Rico, and the people of Puerto Rico in general, do not deserve to be questioned about their pain." Rossello says, "It's not a time to fight, to have political noise, to use these things for the benefit of one party or another. It is time to remember all those who lost their lives. It is time to acknowledge their pain and the sacrifice that everyone has made in the name of recovery."

Anonymous ID: 9893fd Sept. 13, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.3006615   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



12 Decipels


twighlight zone Number 12 Looks just like you... spoopy KEK

Anonymous ID: 018329 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.3006630   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Putnik21 was a Russian Satellite that fell back th earth as it didn't achieve orbit.


Venera 2MV-2 No.1 also known as Sputnik 21 in the West, was a Soviet spacecraft, which was launched in 1962 as part of the Venera programme, and was intended to make a flyby of Venus. Due to a problem with the rocket which launched it, it failed to leave low Earth orbit, and reentered the atmosphere a few days late


The designations Sputnik 25, and later Sputnik 21 were used by the United States Naval Space Command to identify the spacecraft in its Satellite Situation Summary documents, since the Soviet Union did not release the internal designations of its spacecraft at that time, and had not assigned it an official name due to its failure to depart geocentric orbit


Still digging on Sputnik21.

Anonymous ID: eef29e Sept. 13, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.3006632   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


In the eventuality of a reoccurance of a carrington event the only tech will be low tech I fully expect all those lithium batteries to burn the whole place down in the process. Better get your low-tech solutions ready while the gettings good.

Anonymous ID: 479c11 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.3006633   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>3005978 (lb)












English speaking world's PEDOVORE ALL-STAR TEAM.

Anonymous ID: 4b5c62 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.3006640   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6884



It was a great read so far. page 7 got a little too Philip K Dick for me with the gnostic sophia stuff BUT, we will see what else this person drops. Who am I to say what is or isn't true. If he is full of shit, it will show. The stuff reg the 'Demon Face' and FBCAN technology being used for live betting on mass casualty event's wasn't setting off my bullshit detector….


So much info coming out these days. A lot to process.

Anonymous ID: 715c07 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.3006642   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6732


Imagine you're watching a chess match between two grand masters. The master playing black is pure evil. The master playing the white pieces is our hero.


You're the stupid fuck that–every single time our guy is trying to think about his move–jumps up from the audience and shrieks, "Faster! Move NOW! Do it! NOW!"



Anonymous ID: 9f2e52 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:43 a.m. No.3006651   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6671

Violent Leftist Released on Bail After Attempting to Murder GOP Candidate with Switchblade




"Fazeli made his first court appearance on September 11. He was released on $55,000 bail for attempting to murder the Republican candidate, KPIX-TV reports."

Anonymous ID: 455a3d Sept. 13, 2018, 8:43 a.m. No.3006655   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6950

Wife died on plane on 9/11


Now he is a Saudi agent for Saudi

Anonymous ID: 864044 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.3006664   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6857 >>6913 >>7016

I, Speaking as and to White Men

There is an opportunity right now to understand our privilege in the society

I will, take the opportunity to go through the Bias-Busting Training

I will, read about privilege

I will, read about the real history of oppression in our Country

I will, wacth the movie 13th(Either here at Google or at home on Netflix)

I will, discuss the issues I am passionate about over Thanksgiving Dinner

I will NOT, back down and laugh it off when I hear the voice of suppression through metaphors

I promise to do this

Anonymous ID: e1b61a Sept. 13, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.3006674   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




27 Apr 2018 - 8:40:01 PM


Focus only on the FBI [for now].

Jim Rybicki, chief of staff and senior counselor - FIRED.

James Baker, general counsel - FIRED.

Andrew McCabe, deputy director - FIRED.

James Comey, director - FIRED.

Bill Priestap, Head of Counterintelligence and Strzok’s boss - Cooperating witness [power removed].

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence - cooperating witness [power removed].

Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].


Think about the above.

Only the above.

Get the picture?


Anonymous ID: 8a1de0 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:45 a.m. No.3006681   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


They take our language patterns….they copy and paste their crap.


Look we know okay. Get right with God if your dirty. Start today. Pray. Ask for forgiveness. And stop fucking sinning right now. Your going to have to work that shit off in the next life dude.


This life your pretty much done if your dirty. But maybe if you know some real big secret you can trade it to Trump for the right to breathe a little longer. Go ahead and try.


Call the Marines and ask.

Anonymous ID: eecaa4 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.3006686   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6712 >>6727

Making this go Viral…another awesome Anon posted it and the shill heads exploded…Pass it on!


This whole Israeli spy house here in the US needs to be decimated…cease to exist in the USA! TICK TOCK…..Mossad here in the USA

REDDIT Great Awakening was a Threat to them.




Colin McRoberts is a lawyer and Stratfor employee, and he was one of the main users involved in the banning of r/greatawakening.


We have an investigation / dox thread here:



Anonymous ID: 97cc84 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.3006689   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6920 >>7122 >>7169

Mockingbird media burning books. Death counts in Oct. '17 are very low.


10/09/2017 05:01 pm ET

"Death Toll Hits 39"


October 10, 2017 / 9:57 AM

"death toll rises by four to 43"


Oct 10, 2017 8:21 PM EDT

"Puerto Rico death toll rises to 45"


October 24, 2017, 3:36

"death toll from Hurricane Maria increases to 51"


Tue 3 Oct 2017 21.58 EDT

Last modified on Tue 11 Sep 2018 09.31 EDT

"more than doubles to 34"

Anonymous ID: 0b8f45 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.3006692   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Producers of The Creepy Line have released a trailer on YouTube, and added a description: β€œAn eye-opening documentary, The Creepy Line reveals the stunning degree to which society is manipulated by Google and Facebook and blows the lid off the remarkably subtle – hence powerful – manner in which they do it. The Creepy Line is a title taken from the words of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, when during a 2010 interview he explained Google’s code of conduct: β€˜The Google policy on a lot of things is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it.’ However, as Dr. Robert Epstein explains in the film, β€˜Google crosses the creepy line every day.’ Containing interviews with Jordan B. Peterson, Peter Schweizer, and others, The Creepy Line offers an explosive look at the meddling and intervening done by Google and Facebook on their supposedly β€œneutral platforms.”

Anonymous ID: ca4310 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.3006693   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6717 >>6742 >>6920 >>7032 >>7122 >>7169

Google's pathetic response to their Internal Video


"Nothing was said at that meeting, or any other meeting, to suggest that any political bias ever influences the way we build or operate our products," Google's statement continues. "

Anonymous ID: 9f2e52 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:47 a.m. No.3006699   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Obama vs Trump- A Personal Story





I told the audience when Obama became president, I was worth just under $10 million. By the time Obama left office, I was worth close to zero.


Do you think that’s a coincidence? It just so happened that my entire life, I was always able to snap my fingers and earn a big income and build successful businesses. But with Obama as president, I suddenly forgot how to make money?


And it must be pure coincidence that the same thing happened to almost every small business owner I know. I guess we all forgot how to make money under Obama. We all got dumb under Obama.

"And now that Trump is president, we’re suddenly all smart again. Things are rolling for me again. The same goes for every small business owner I know. I guess it’s a coincidence we all suddenly remembered how to make money again?"

Anonymous ID: 4fc6a9 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:47 a.m. No.3006701   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6708 >>6718 >>6735 >>6777 >>6778 >>6797 >>6838 >>6839 >>7036 >>7081 >>7103




Anonymous ID: 480dd7 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:47 a.m. No.3006703   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6710


>Section 230 of the CDA



Unless the Congress do something, I assume it is going to be a long fight? Reddit said "banned for inciting violence". That's right of private company. I guess the freedom of expression is something to argue about. Interesting how all these will play out.

Anonymous ID: 0b8f45 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.3006706   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Antitrust crusaders have built up serious momentum in Washington, but so far, it’s all been theory and talk. Groups like Open Markets have made a strong case that big companies (especially big tech companies) are distorting the market to drive out competitors. We need a new standard for monopolies, they argue, one that focuses less on consumer harm and more on the skewed incentives produced by a company the size of Facebook or Google.


Someday soon, those ideas will be put to the test, probably against one of a handful of companies. For anti-monopolists, it’s a chance to reshape tech into something more democratic and less destructive. It’s just a question of which company makes the best target.


To that end, here’s the case against four of the movement’s biggest targets, and what they might look like if they came out on the losing end. (Note: Apple was too much of a conventional retailer to make the list, but if you’re wondering what an antitrust lawsuit against Cupertino might look like, this is a pretty good place to start.)

Anonymous ID: 8772f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.3006707   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6911 >>7104

>>3006459 (pb

3002206 (pb

Arrogant assumptions are totally wrong.

Supposedly "I will have to deal with".....

No I won't

shill language

Check your assumptions.

I love Jews.

(And I pity "muh jew" /Jew - haters.

Jew haters are ignorant hicks [bigoted haters] or shills.)

And they also are boring since they won't stop repeating their scriptl

Maybe George Bush and Hillary Clinton have some Hebrew ancestors?

So what? retards. They aren't Jews.

POTUS daughter and son-in-law are real Jews. They attend Synagogue ,etc. they are religious Jews. That does not make them bad people. Stop pretending

"Jews" is not a monolithic group - The Neo-cons are not religious Jews, so stop conflating categories.

Anonymous ID: 2b84f5 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.3006711   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6802 >>7009

so Q why are your team let evil destroy life of millions by useing the weather warfear whit chemtrails geoengineering NEXRAD HAARP EISCAT EMF MW VLF LASERS and DEW?

why not take out the storm Florens but see they zaaappppp away Issac storm right now hmmm

Anonymous ID: 900faf Sept. 13, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.3006712   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>This whole Israeli spy house here in the US needs to be decimated…cease to exist in the USA!

not disagreeing about that

but my motivation for seeing that happen is NOT the banning of a subreddit


it goes back to things like 9/11 and other massive crimes

Anonymous ID: e1b61a Sept. 13, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.3006715   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Jeff Sessions Directing Housecleaning at FBI & DOJ



3 Sep 2018 - 5:01:25 PM





James Comey, Director – FIRED

Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED

Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED

James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED

Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED

Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED

Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED

Michael Steinbach -

John Glacalone -

Randy Coleman -

Trisha Anderson -

Kevin Clinesmith -

Tashina Gauhar -

Sally Moyer -


David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED

Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT

Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED

Nothing to See Here.




Anonymous ID: 1c46ea Sept. 13, 2018, 8:49 a.m. No.3006726   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6750


if Mitch wanted to fuck over Trump he would have done it way earlier then now, he is playing ball, his god damn wife is in the cabinet. Ann knows this, she is controlled opposition, she never thought trump would actually win, she abandoned him extremely quick

Anonymous ID: 9f2e52 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:49 a.m. No.3006736   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Lying German press made up story that β€˜neo-Nazis’ were hunting migrants



"Antifa showed up and blocked the march, a clear violation of German law, but the police did not attempt to move the crowd, and the march had to be broken up later on.


Although the solemn reasons for the march, the event took place peacefully despite the tensions. Many individuals decided to stay in defiance of what they perceived as yet another failure by the state to defend their rights and security as a people. There were, however, reports of separate violent incidents by the police later on.


A video was also posted online in which a local man can be seen chasing another man, who appears to be a migrant, for roughly 3 seconds, while yelling slurs at him.


This, coupled with interviews by Antifa members, were used by the media to turn the event into what the national and even international media called, the β€œChemnitz Hunt” on migrants."

Anonymous ID: ae46fa Sept. 13, 2018, 8:50 a.m. No.3006744   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6775

Active shooter drill in PA today.

Bethel Park HS

Article came out yesterday

Says blanks will be used to get students "exposed" to the sound of gun shots.


Was this in a past bread that I missed?

Anonymous ID: 811282 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.3006754   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



>Q has alluded to it multiple times. Select locations for select times. Hospitals have back up generators.

Sure they do, and sometimes those generators even work. But make no mistake, a majority of the patients in a hospital are too weak to live under normal modern day conditions. There will be casualties like in any war.

Anonymous ID: b15dfc Sept. 13, 2018, 8:53 a.m. No.3006766   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6780 >>6851




Several sun oberservatories around the world taken down.

Livestreams of the sun taken down.

What are they hiding from us?

And then they state it's because of a looming radiation burst from the sun. But actually the sun reaches its eleven year period minimum of activity. That does not match.

Anonymous ID: 48f719 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:53 a.m. No.3006767   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6814

I wonder if 'watch the water' meant that it was known the cabal would take advantage of hurricane season by purposely making them stronger, and that would be countered by technology able to reduce their strength.

Anonymous ID: 480dd7 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:53 a.m. No.3006768   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6779


Amen to that or something else. I am not into making more laws. Monopoly is the problem. Let consumers decide, but we have no other options if we only have one choice pick from. Either way, it is going to be a tough ride.

Anonymous ID: 1911e7 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:53 a.m. No.3006770   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


For years the Saudis have come to catalina. Always as a vacation and dressed as we would.

See MBS being taken out of Tropicana during LV event.

The harbormaster ALWAYS let the big boats in before the line to get a berth. Even if you called first they would let them in line ahead of you.

They also never seemed to have to send request for passage. No radio traffic but go ahead and cut in line and the rest of us have to wait for another hour while your water mansion is parked. Sorry….seen it a million times.

Anonymous ID: c1a030 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:53 a.m. No.3006771   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


If a business/platform/app/site runs out of storage space and deletes my stupid comments/photos, that's: 'Censorship', violation of 1st Amend rights, or their right to do business w/out Big Brother interference?

Should Big Brother and Big Government have the authority to force businesses/platforms/apps/sites to store data eternally?

Anonymous ID: 3f2e57 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:53 a.m. No.3006775   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6849 >>6925 >>6936 >>7122 >>7169




BETHEL PARK, Pa. - Active shooter training will be conducted Thursday at Bethel Park High School, and students will be exposed to the sound of gunfire, according to a letter to parents.


The A.L.I.C.E. Drill, conducted by school police and a trained A.L.I.C.E. team, will be a scenario including an alleged shooter in the school.


A.L.I.C.E. stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate.


During the drill, police will fire blanks in hallways to expose everyone to the sound of gunfire in the building. The blanks will not be fired at anyone.

Anonymous ID: 8cc834 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.3006778   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6828


I took a quick look at some of the images captured there. In-your-face, blatantly pedo.

Archived the thread

here β†’

and downloaded.

Maybe a few anons can also archive that thread.

Anonymous ID: 64424a Sept. 13, 2018, 8:55 a.m. No.3006783   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6813

NYT hitpiece against german alt media after protests against migrant stabbing


There where other propaganda hitpieces against the protests too


So THE new york times hits german alt media ("little" chanels with 50000 viewers) … afraid much? I smell fear!!!


the "sauce" ray serrato named in the article comes with a nice partnerlist (europian councel on foreign relations, soros and all the globalist left foundations)


i got the feeling that chemnitz will really be the breaking point to redpill german sheep… the lying and defamation is hilarious. they opened pandoras box with… how handy come the new cencorshiplaws from the eu (lead by a german)


latest published police reports lead to the conclusions that the "mob" was even antifa…. as usual.


Q please help this country… its a genocide against german people!!!!

People are slaughtered and raped daily!

Anonymous ID: 2ef3f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:55 a.m. No.3006787   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6816 >>6920 >>7019 >>7122 >>7169

You'd think this was something debunking QAnon


We gotta dig on this.




Hole in Sun's atmosphere amps up Northern Lights

Anonymous ID: f65b72 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.3006791   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6920 >>7122 >>7169

Donald Trump's hurricane tweets show he can always go lower

Chris Cillizza (Certified Faggot)


Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Updated 1513 GMT (2313 HKT) September 13, 2018


(CNN)On Thursday morning, Donald Trump tweeted:


"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000. This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!"

So … the President of the United States is suggesting that the Puerto Rican government – either in cahoots with or under pressure from Democrats – inflated the death toll of Hurricane Maria solely in order to make him look bad.

Anonymous ID: 6c2039 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.3006800   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6875


CNN had a twat using the same language as David Rothschild "without evidence" about a different person. I think they are communicating with each other again.


CNN Twat:

A House Republican, without evidence, suggests new texts show misconduct of former FBI officials

Anonymous ID: fec122 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:57 a.m. No.3006808   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I lived in that area as a kid for a few years.

The local govs and teamsters were bullshit then and they are still today.

And yeah, way to waste millions of bottles of water. No one should even consider touching that water to their lips. For real.

Anonymous ID: c3366e Sept. 13, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.3006824   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6858


Feel like I have to gather enough supplies for the extended family, since no one believes me anymore when I tell them to prepare. And we have to prepare ourselves for the fact that we'll probably have one or two family members in the 4-6 %…

Anonymous ID: 8cc834 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.3006828   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


pic 3

Daniel Johnson artist instagram


And this - pic 1, 2


Looks like halfchan is actively investigating.

I'm not digging into this, but hope a digger will pursue it.

Anonymous ID: 6bda96 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.3006829   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

There are alternatives,switch and help put google out of business

13 Alternative Search Engines That Find What Google Can’t

Anonymous ID: 6caa99 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.3006830   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6928

>>3006459 pb














>>2815685 lb

>>2941990 lb


>>2989385 lb

>>2989370 lb


Don't let shills divide you.


This is

good vs evil,

humanity vs cabal.




>Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).

>The World is Here.


>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.

>Peace through strength.


Anonymous ID: eef29e Sept. 13, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.3006835   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6989 >>7058




i know that one y'all said others in the world were also closed … which ones? aka where's the sauce

Anonymous ID: eecf33 Sept. 13, 2018, 9 a.m. No.3006844   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6864 >>6890 >>6915 >>6987

Hey anons,


Just had some thoughts I wanted to be sure to share. With the revelation that Facebook is building a new AI to read & filter memes, and knowing that the Clowns can't control memes I think it's important that we start focusing on creating memes that utilize NO TEXT AT ALL. The AI Facebook is working on is designed to read & interpret text on the images, but robots can't interpret images themselves or the concepts and themes they convey.


Focus on IMAGE ONLY memes, no text. This will be essential to win the next stage of the meme war.

Anonymous ID: 30e999 Sept. 13, 2018, 9 a.m. No.3006848   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Q 2170

"PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE?

Twelve moves ahead.

Suicide watch.



See Fire Hawks (all old bread)

>>2961700 >>2962257

>>2962277 >>2962330 >>2962500


Once the phenom is understood, the raptors can become the prey. Natural behavior draws them to frontlines of wildfires (controlled?) and this creates target rich environment.


Use their predating behavior as a predictive factor in mapping the terrain? Mysterious no more.


Does the analogy spark revisits to the Q Posts about what is a map?

Declas = Casdel = Scaled = Decals


Deciphering the firehawks. Using their instincts to turn predator into prey.


The Hunters become the Hunted?




Can you name each of the last three major storms? >>2963673

What is the name of each of the current major storms? >>2963995

Can you predict the name of each of the next five major storms?




The horizon is ahead, yes, to the sides, yes, and circles behind, yes?


Map the terrain, politically, legally, socially? We have more than we know, eyes fully opened?


Does a bird sing when it spreads fire? >>2964009

Where is it most quiet during a Cat 5? >>2963499



Allspeed, Anons

Anonymous ID: 8cc834 Sept. 13, 2018, 9 a.m. No.3006851   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6867 >>6876 >>6927



My conclusion this morning: Likely some kind of SpaceForce-type activity occurring in near earth orbit or where it could easily be observed as the spaceships transit the sun. Military activity in space, /ourguys/ need for it not to be seen/noticed by the public. Closure of observatories, although suspicious, will not arouse nearly as much suspicion as what would be seen if the observatories remained open.


It's on, anons. It's on.

Anonymous ID: 80e490 Sept. 13, 2018, 9 a.m. No.3006852   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Something different: I just realised, that 5G-Technology will go live in Switzerland till end of 2018!


Anons, Q - what can we do against this? They simply adjust the minimum values ​​and / or change the information so that it looks as if 5G is more harmless than 4G. What happens next? WHO will also adjust the minimums…. WTF!

Anonymous ID: dcea85 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.3006860   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Can't even lie I love the Devils Rejects movies…there's a new one comin out. I know, evil. Thing is Rob Zombie used to be a carnie from birth. He knows a lot, I wonder if he's an ourguy showing us the horror of it all.

Anonymous ID: 3e082f Sept. 13, 2018, 9:02 a.m. No.3006869   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6889



also dark to light..


If the lights go out…mass arrests…lights go back on..big reveal of what happened during the darkness..


timing is everything..Inevitable event coming.

The storm.

Prepardness month

sky event

solar facility taken over by fbi

fbi called to review their oaths by Q

POTUS - biggest storm ever

Anonymous ID: dcea85 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:03 a.m. No.3006880   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6930


My shoutout to the programmers. Thank you guys, I know you work hard, probably have eyeballs that are mostly sore. I tried programming in HS but never continued. It's very tedious work. WE SALUTE YOU! YES WE DO.

Anonymous ID: 359b7d Sept. 13, 2018, 9:03 a.m. No.3006881   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Yep, oh and look; Jonesfags are here, still:



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No.2601101 πŸ“

Aug 14 2018 17:46:46 (EST)

Ex 1.1


/ \

(Alt + US Media) (US Politicians)

/ \


Those who scream the loudest….

Find the connections.



Marching to the same beat?


Logical thinking.



Mossad is the source. Jones is a piper for the cabal, advertising their plans. Now, their plans have been disrupted. Jones doesn't really have a purpose any more.


Faceberg and Twitter FF against Jones to give him validity to fool people back into following his clickbait shit. Not working anymore.

Anonymous ID: f65b72 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.3006882   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6892 >>6969



Uluru, or Ayers Rock, is a massive sandstone monolith in the heart of the Northern Territory’s arid "Red Centre". The nearest large town is Alice Springs, 450km away. Uluru is sacred to indigenous Australians and is thought to have started forming around 550 million years ago. It’s within Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, which also includes the 36 red-rock domes of the Kata Tjuta (colloquially β€œThe Olgas”) formation.


Welcome to the gap Anon.

Anonymous ID: 9f7694 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.3006884   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



>If 1/3rd of that is true, Then people will go to the hospital.



>got a little too Philip K Dick for me with the gnostic sophia stuff


>The stuff reg the 'Demon Face' and FBCAN technology being used for live betting on mass casualty event's wasn't setting off my bullshit detector

thinking Las Vegas harvest festival

Anonymous ID: fec122 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.3006887   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6919


I'm still not burning, but I can keep a tan going just fucking around outside and being still for like 15 minutes or so a few times a week.

Which is pretty uh…..impressive.

I dunno a lot of my lineage but thank fuck for whatever's in my farther off family tree.

Everyone I know is hiding tf indoors. But then again I live at very high elevation.

Anonymous ID: 84f3b9 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:05 a.m. No.3006893   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6964 >>6986

Sure I totally agree, but this observatory has been closed for days, no? A missing set of data wouldn't explain a closure like this.

My Guess- Something totally unrelated to the solar system…betting on some kind of illegal ops…



Anonymous ID: 9a54c3 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:05 a.m. No.3006894   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7024


>It doesn't even look like him.

It does

>Different hairline around the head.

No, not really

>Different height.

Based on what comparison or metric?

>Pot belly.

I don't see it

>Way too baggy jeans for Podesta.

You know what is in Podesta's closet?

>May well be a sadistic establishment, but that aint Podesta in the pic!

Illogical conclusion


My conclusion: you are in damage control mode and trying to explain away this picture of a baby fucker. KYS shill.

Anonymous ID: ec186f Sept. 13, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.3006905   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Was reading old article about the arrests of the corrupt Saudi Princes and discovered that there was a cable in Wikileaks about the wealth of Saudi’s royalty.


> β€œWikiLeaks cables have detailed the huge monthly stipends that every Saudi royal receives as well as various money-making schemes some have used to finance lavish lifestyles.


Also, this


> The November 1996 cable β€” entitled β€œSaudi Royal Wealth: Where do they get all that money?” β€” provides an extraordinarily detailed picture of how the royal patronage system works. It’s the sort of overview that would have been useful required reading for years in the U.S. State department.


here is the wiki link to cable


The Huffington post article has a good summary of the cable. I found the following of interest because it shows how few of the royal family are actually β€˜businessmen’, how most of their money and businesses are outside SA, and how they have a large influx of foreigners into SA. I think all three of these are connected to human trafficking. The kids are brought in as workers, legally.


>The confiscation of land extends to businesses as well, the cable notes. A prominent and wealthy Saudi businessman told the embassy that one reason rich Saudis keep so much money outside the country was to lessen the risk of β€˜royal expropriation.’”


>Finally, royals kept the money flowing by sponsoring the residence permits of foreign workers and then requiring them to pay a monthly β€œfee” of between $30 and $150. β€œIt is common for a prince to sponsor a hundred or more foreigners,” the 1996 cable says.



>The U.S. diplomats behind the cable note wryly that despite all the money that has been given to Saudi royals over the years there is not β€œa significant number of super-rich princes … In the end,” the cable states, Saudi’s β€œroyals still seem more adept at squandering than accumulating wealth.”


In current news, this article shows how since MbS took control, the number of what the wikileaks cable calls expatriates are in DECLINE.

Anonymous ID: 41a252 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.3006907   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6952

Folks, dropping all pretense. If you don't know the significance of the red heifer, I suggest you read. If this heifer be the one, I suggest you make ready for He is coming. So to be blunt, if you've never received the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, I advise that you get on your face before God and ask Him to reconcile your soul and repent (which literally means to turn your flesh from your own way, and go His way) and confess that Jesus is Lord because He is coming. Whether you do or not, is no skin off my back, but you will be responsible for the outcome, one way or the other. All the prophecies given regarding His Coming have mostly been filled, save a few and this is one.

Anonymous ID: b49d40 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.3006920   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6925 >>6936

Early Notables

Here's what we've got so far. Let me know…


>>>>3006775 School shooter drill, students to be exposed to the sound of gunfire

>>3006610 , >>3006791, >>3006765 Responses to POTUS PR death toll tweets

>>3006787 Articles on the Solar Observatory evacuation

>>3006693 Google's response to their internal video leak

>>3006689 Articles on the P Rico hurricane death count: In Oct '17 very low

>>3006618 approaching 100,000 readers online

>>3006597 Sessions β€˜Exploring Potential Investigation’ of Google, Facebook, Twitter

>>3006503 Are millions of water bottles for Maria survivors still on the runway?

>>3006488 NBC begin to realize the hurricane and the storm are separate things…

>>3006472 Ohio 'Issue 1': Supported by Zuckerberg, Soros & The Pritzkers

Anonymous ID: 715c07 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.3006935   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6944 >>6962 >>6965 >>7011 >>7054

I kept asking myself how POTUS could declas the FISA warrant while retaining good optics.


The ONLY thing that makes sense to this Anon is that they're sitting on the Strzok/Page texts discussing [187] plan to assassinate POTUS.


Once that shit comes out, NO ONE could possibly blame POTUS for immediately declassifying the warrant.


Defense to pure, unfettered offense.





Anonymous ID: 3e082f Sept. 13, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.3006937   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Observatory webcams are going down


wtf is going on?!

Anonymous ID: 0898ef Sept. 13, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.3006938   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7122 >>7169

Puerto Rico report summary

I read it so you don't have to…


Basically says that they subtracted the reported deaths from their statistical estimate of what deaths should have been.

A large part of this estimate was further adjusted from average death rates because there was a huge migration after the storm, so they 'tweaked' the death rates to standardize the numbers.


Given the number is 3000 deaths, with a population of 3 million and a migration adjustment of 300,000… even a 1% error in the migration number could account for ALL the difference in the deaths.

Anonymous ID: c481dc Sept. 13, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3006942   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I posted the proof, dumbass. You didn't really want to see the proof or you would have gone and read all the articles/connections and you wouldn't have made this RETARDED shill post. But of course, your only POINT for being here is these retarded SHILL posts. We see you, we know what you are. You fool no one.

Anonymous ID: 9ea06b Sept. 13, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3006950   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Decided to move on after the not being abLe to explain youtube financially benefitting from hosting copyrighted material…

Anonymous ID: e9b03d Sept. 13, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.3006959   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Actually there have been partial grabs of MASSIVE flares… during the times that the scopes were being occluded. Only one or two frames slipped through…


Same as the SOP for when NASA becomes alerted to something appearing on a cam feed that is not convenient. The pattern is fucking obvious as fuck.


So you can eat shit.

Anonymous ID: 9be25b Sept. 13, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.3006962   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>I kept asking myself how POTUS could declas the FISA warrant while retaining good optics.

reluctantly/after massive, ongoing, relentless pressure

>The ONLY thing that makes sense to this Anon is that they're sitting on the Strzok/Page texts discussing [187] plan to assassinate POTUS.

we've known that for months, now. slow roll

Anonymous ID: 0484d9 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.3006963   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


It appears that 3 billionaires trying to influence a bill in a state where they don’t reside (Soros, Zuckerberg, Pritzker). This will increase the vote population for the left in a state that is usually important to POTUS election.

Anyone seen something similar in their state? Bueller, Bueller……

Anonymous ID: 2ef3f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.3006966   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Did we ever cover this here?


Outback Steakhouse Denies Satanic Cult Conspiracy Theory


It wouldn't be present-day America without at least one whopper conspiracy theory whirring around social media until it finally vanishes up what must be the voluminous orifice of the internet. The current winner comes from a tweet that suggests the Outback Steakhouse chain may be dabbling in the occult.


It's ingenious, actually. A Twitter user connected the locations of Outback on the maps of several U.S. cities, and what do you know? They formed pentagrams, the five-sided stars associated with Wicca, Illuminati, Satanism, Freemasonry and the occult in general.


What's up with that, Twitter user @eatmyesthetics wondered in a tweet that showed the pattern on maps from New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore and the Bay Area in San Francisco. Other Twitter users tweeted their own maps of metro areas in New Jersey, Arizona, Indianapolis, Georgia and other states, building a damning circumstantial case against Outback.


Wtf is Outback Steakhouse planning

β€” balenci-who? aga (@eatmyaesthetics) July 27, 2017

Though the current rage, the conspiracy theory isn't new, according to the website


Bloomin' Brands, the company that owns Outback, waded into the machinations with its own plot twist, a picture of the signature Bloomin' Onion appetizer plopped right on a large section of Florida, where the company is headquartered. "If the Bloomin' Onion is evil," Outback tweeted, "then we don't want to be nice."

Anonymous ID: 5449fb Sept. 13, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.3006977   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


This is how they managed to get the death count up to 3000.

After the hurricane hit, water went bad, and this much water just sitting there could have prevented such a higher number of deaths.

Anonymous ID: e1b61a Sept. 13, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.3006983   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Trump-backed bill to repair national parks advances in the House

Anonymous ID: 6caa99 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.3006991   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




WHY are [YOU] here on Q RESEARCH?


Obviously not to help research on the Q crumbs.

Instead you offend anons and post the same muhjew stuff over and over, every damn bread.


Do you think your 'facts' are helping?

Are they ever in notables?

Do real anons reply?


Why are [YOU] here?



>Anons are not divided.

>Anons are under attack.

>Recognize the difference.

>Trust the plan.












Anonymous ID: 8ca010 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.3006993   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Jonathan Borofsky, Hammering Man at 3,110,527, 1988, 1-3/4" thick COR-TEN steel with motorized aluminum arm. Collection Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Gift of Matthew and Iris Strauss.

Anonymous ID: 7611ca Sept. 13, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.3006998   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7073


Yes he does. Everyone has to always ask themselves if the person they're listening to is offering solutions or feeding fear. I'm wondering when Qanon and the Space Force is going to announce the space elevator as a 21st century infrastructure project financed by a system of public credit like we did under Hamilton in the old days.

Anonymous ID: 84f3b9 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.3007003   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Yes, I know about it. We also know that it takes 2-3 days for a coronal event to reach earth… I still don't buy it's solar related. And if it was a solar event…these are unpredictable, and would effect the entire planet. I'd prefer to remain on the fence with this one…this anon isn't buying any fuckery just yet.


Anonymous ID: bde515 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.3007023   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Panpages CEO, independent director resign after shareholders boot chairman and director

Anonymous ID: 8772f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.3007025   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Trying to bait for violence-talk

Wait til the shill partner starts talking violence

That what they need and desire to frame us for.

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6

Because that will give them their fabricated "reasons" for suppression.

They do the same routine over and over.

When you name what they are doing their "mirror" power is lost.

Name it.

Anonymous ID: 06906f Sept. 13, 2018, 9:16 a.m. No.3007032   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Hahaha do they really think anyone is going to believe that?



This will not age well for Google….

Anonymous ID: 9385e2 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:16 a.m. No.3007038   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7116

Hey Q, any chance we can get some common sense beat into the warmongers' heads? I mean, let's think about things for a second:


President Trump announces he wants to pull US forces out of Syria, BOOM, "Assad" gasses some civilians. We send in some rockets.


A year later, President Trump announces he wants to pull US forces out of Syria, BOOM, more gassing of civilians. We again send in some rockets.


President Trump sets up meeting with President Putin, a former British-Russian double agent gets poisoned with "military grade nerve agent." Except this military grade nerve agent doesn't even kill the target. And then it comes out that this "soviet" recipe is manufactured down the road from where it was used.


So naturally the "ebil Russians" decided to assassinate a spy, that they had in prison for a few years BTW, on British soil, using a nerve agent, that didn't even kill the target! And we're supposed to believe this shit?


So now, despite ZERO actual evidence put forth by the Brits that it was actually Russia that did this, WE are supposed to sanction Russia. Economic sanctions, might I remind you, are considered an act of war. So we're supposed to dive into WW3 over some British asset that Russia didn't even kill?


Help me out here, how does ANY of this bullshit make sense? I'd like to think there is some kind of plan behind this, but I'm having a hard time getting past all the NEOCON anti-Russian smell of it all.

Anonymous ID: da2279 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.3007046   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7062 >>7183


Thanks to BigImageAnon we connected those dots two days ago. He gave one pic of her hollyweird star and one of Carr Theater.

There has to be more to those photos than just random drops.

Guess if OBL’s brother’s property pops up in the front lines soon that’ll be confirmation.

Anonymous ID: f65b72 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.3007048   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7254

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Anonymous ID: e1b61a Sept. 13, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.3007049   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Boom times: 72% blue collar are β€˜optimistic about future,’ 67% β€˜happy’

Anonymous ID: b23648 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.3007061   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7071 >>7079 >>7082 >>7273

I decided to try to toss some red pills my sister's way today. It took a lot of courage to try and I was immediately insulted by her suggesting that I wasn't well informed. OMG I hate the MSM and I hate the Dems so much right now. My sister, sadly is a victim of the propaganda and likely thinks that her favorite news sources are gospel. I have more things to say to her but I don't want to ruin our relationship.


This is the same sister who said if you vote for Mitt Romney you must hate me because Obama gave me healthcare. She likes Planned Parenthood too because of women's health (and she's gone there for checkups before).


It breaks my heart because she's not dumb, she's just surrounded by people who all think that way.

Anonymous ID: 5e285e Sept. 13, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3007068   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7096 >>7238

The "insurance policy" had Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, etc.


The final stage was assassination of POTUS.


Normies will not care about Plan A, Plan B or Plan C. But when they are SHOWN through DECLAS that the final last ditch effort of the DS was to be ASSASSINATION – and then it is juxtaposed with JFK – they will finally get it and rise up with pitchforks and torches.


Leaving aside the children for now, which many normies might not even be able to process, this has to be the initial end game.

Anonymous ID: 0898ef Sept. 13, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3007069   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>Ive been saying to myself and a few others since the day the 'insurance policy' text came out, that that policy was to assassinate him.

The insurance policy seemed more like just the evidence trail to frame him.


But I wonder if they will refer to the 'sister agency' again in the context of assassination.

My guess is that it will be passed off as a 'joke' so not by itself hugely incriminating.

Anonymous ID: e1a19e Sept. 13, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.3007077   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


really ? you know who I am ! I am out in the MIddle of fucking Nowhere & you know who I am Junior? Oh I see your retarded Brain thinks I am Cabal ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT

Anonymous ID: 018329 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.3007083   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Could the 'Skybird' message, together with the observatories going down signal some sort of fake missile launch false flag event, a b#it like simulating The Day After or WarGames?


Could observatories possibly be used as projectors? That sounds stupid even to me, but stranger things have happened since last October..

Anonymous ID: e1b61a Sept. 13, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.3007088   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

FEMA chief Brock Long under investigation for use of government cars


FEMA Administrator Brock Long is under investigation by the inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security over his use of government vehicles while traveling to North Carolina from Washington, according to a new report.


The inspector general is scrutinizing whether taxpayers inappropriately paid for his travel back home to Hickory, N.C., on the weekends, Politico reported Thursday.


Long used a staff driver for the six-hour drives and his aides stayed in a hotel at taxpayer expense, an official told the news outlet. The department’s watchdog became interested in his travel after a government vehicle was involved an in accident.


Long and his boss, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen have also clashed over his travel habits. She brought up the issue of his absences from the office due to his long commutes with him in recent months, the report said.


β€œWe’ll continue to fully cooperate with any investigation that goes on and own up to any mistakes and push forward and keep going,” Long said during a FEMA briefing Thursday morning.


β€œI would never intentionally run a program incorrectly,β€œ he added. β€œDoing something unethical is not part of my DNA and it is not part of my track record in my whole entire career. We will work with the OIG.”

Anonymous ID: b23648 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.3007089   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7106


I would but I decided to talk to her a little about Google because this is something she has a big stake in (I won't go into why). She dismissed the idea of censorship being a thing (that's what the ill informed comment came about from) and went on to argue about how it's a private company and blah blah blah.


I replied to her that I was aware they are a private company duh. I love how easily people presume to know what you know once you dare speak ill of one of their sacred cows.

Anonymous ID: f65b72 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3007090   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7118


As all gnomes are vegetarian (except the Arctic gnomes, who can't find plants and eat meat from the Arctic fox's meat supply), the Bushman or African jungle gnome doesn't use the bow and arrow to hunt. They use it for picking berries in high bushes they can't reach.

Discover ideas about African Jungle

As all gnomes are vegetarian (except the Arctic gnomes, who can't find plants and eat meat from the Arctic fox's meat supply), the Bushman or African jungle gnome doesn't use the bow and arrow to hunt. They use it for picking berries in high bushes they can't reach.

Anonymous ID: 446b76 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3007091   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


On 28 July 2008, President George W. Bush approved the execution of Former United States Army Private Ronald A. Gray, who had been convicted in April 1988 of multiple murders and rapes. A month later, Secretary of the Army Pete Geren set an execution date of 10 December 2008 and ordered that Gray be put to death by lethal injection at the Federal Correctional Complex, Terre Haute. The military publicly released Gray's execution date on 20 November 2008. On 26 November, however, Gray was granted a stay of execution by federal judge Rogers.[2] In December 2016, a Kansas federal judge lifted Gray's stay, moving Gray one step closer to becoming the U.S. military's first death sentence carried out since 1961.[3]


That should say: "John McCain in 2018 was the first to be executed by the american military court since 1961"

Anonymous ID: 5343b0 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3007094   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7233


No, going after the reddit mods is, looks like more distraction bait faggotry. These assholes WANT retaliation from us ffs, all just to give them an excuse to axe this board. We're supposed to be strengthening our defenses right now and pushing awareness on social media, so what good is pursuing it going to get us? It's not something anons can halt from happening, that's gotta happen from Q's end and I trust it already is.

Anonymous ID: 2ef3f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3007095   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Ancient Church Hidden Beneath a Lake Could Be Hiding Another Secret


Back in 2014, Mustafa Şahin couldn't believe what was staring back at him on aerial photographs when government surveyors showed him: Evidence of ancient ruins he had been searching the shore of Turkey's Lake Iznik for years to find.


But they weren't along the shore. Instead, what Şahin was being shown was that the lake itself was hiding the ancient church he was looking to find.


"When I first saw the images of the lake, I was quite surprised to see a church structure that clearly," Şahin, the head of archaeology at Bursa Uludağ University, told Live Science. "I was doing field surveys in Iznik [since 2006], and I hadn't discovered such a magnificent structure like that."


β€œI did not believe my eyes when I saw it under the helicopter,” Şahin told the Archaeological Institute of America. β€œI thought to myself, β€˜How did nobody notice these ruins before?’”


(MORE: New Crack Found at San Francisco's Tilting and Sinking Millennium Tower)


The remains of the sunken church lie about 10 feet below the surface of Lake Iznik and about 160 feet from the shoreline.


The church was built on the shore in A.D. 390, and archaeologists think an earthquake was the cause of its destruction in A.D. 740. The remains would then sink below the lake's surface, forgotten until its rediscovery in 2014.


But Şahin's long-lost find has archaeologists believing that there could be yet another treasure beneath the surface in the form of a pagan temple beneath the church.


Fragments of an ancient lamp and early coins found at the site point toward an even earlier structure predating the church.


Şahin believes that the church could have been built on top of a temple to Apollo. Records connect the Roman emperor Commodus to the building of a matching temple at Iznik, then known as Nicea, outside city walls.


"Could this temple have been underneath the basilica remains?" Şahin questions.


The church is scheduled to become an underwater archaeological museum, according to Turkey's Hurriyet Daily News. If plans are approved, construction could begin as early as this year and open in 2019, Şahin said.

Anonymous ID: 8a1de0 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.3007104   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7145


My wife has had long talks with a very observant Jew. It does not matter what a Jew thinks about God or if they follow the rules of Torah Jewdom. They will always take you back. Your a Jew no matter what if you mom was a Jew.


It is why Israel is so fucking shitty about going back into the genetics to decide if they will let you marry. If not enough Jew is in you your not a Jew and you have to fly to Cyprus to get married.


Jew really at this time in history is not a religion. Its an ethnic crime group that has a decent origin story that they actually get the normie Jews to believe because the elite Jews need plausible deninablity. You need normie Jews to cry and look all innocent when bad shit goes down because lots of those Jews actually are innocent. Nothing more than the bottom rung of Jewdom…just a little above the Goy.


If a normie Jew stars showing promise and seems to not have a human conscience then they get promoted… high they go is up to their ability to not give a fuck about anyone and take their orders.

Anonymous ID: 35d95a Sept. 13, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.3007105   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Astrofag here, check out this Amateur Astronomy site, look for recently acquired pictures of the sun for anomalies. Oddly, most recent pictures of the sun appear to have been posted by the same guy. I check this site a lot, but don't normally check out solar pictures.

Anonymous ID: 8772f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.3007107   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7244


This shill tactic goes back to 9/11

I guess they've brought them out of retirement.

Or dusted off some old manuals.

"lying with pixels"

They pretend to be blind and are loud and forceful enough with it that they hope

  1. no one looks for themselves.

  2. they frighten the sheeples enough with their bluster and fake credentials that enough people never gather to make a consensus.

  3. Peeps back away out of fear, false modesty [ maybe I'm wrong - even when they are not] 4.It's enough often just to sow doubt.

"Everybody believes" blah blah or "nobody will believe you" so the vulnerable and isolated individual "goes along to get along"

And doesn't believe their own eyes.

"Those with the fake "conviction" are hard to rebut unless you call them "liar" - and people feel such a judgment is a very big step.

Most people balk at such an accusation because they don't understand the scale and the audacity of the lying which is going on.

Anonymous ID: b49d40 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:27 a.m. No.3007122   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Last Notables Call


>>3007004 Bishop Bransfield's resignation accepted by Pope

>>3006775 School shooter drill, students to be exposed to the sound of gunfire

>>3006610 , >>3006791, >>3006765 Responses to POTUS PR death toll tweets

>>3006787 Report & articles on the Solar Observatory evacuation

>>3006693 Google's response to their internal video leak

>>3006938 , >>3006689 Report & articles on the P Rico count: In Oct '17 very low

>>3006618 approaching 100,000 readers online

>>3006597 Sessions β€˜Exploring Potential Investigation’ of Google, Facebook, Twitter

>>3006503 Are millions of water bottles for Maria survivors still on the runway?

>>3006488 NBC begin to realize the hurricane and the storm are separate things…

>>3006472 Ohio 'Issue 1': Supported by Zuckerberg, Soros & The Pritzkers

Anonymous ID: 7db91b Sept. 13, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.3007145   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



They will happily throw the bottom feeders to the wolves. Same trick used in WWII while greatly exaggerating the amount of Jews persecuted. Turned around 200,000 into 6 million. Quite the trick. But remember our enemy is not exclusively Jewish. Yes many of our enemy is high level zionist Jews but our enemy is not all high level zionist Jews. Bill Cooper talked about this in great detail.

Anonymous ID: b23648 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.3007148   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Yeah I know. I had a difficult conversation with my dad awhile back. He's the most irrational person ever when it comes to politics and I hazarded a delicate conversation with him. That was a scary convo… if I mentioned ANYTHING that went outside his conceptualization of 'the narrative' he would immediately scream FOX NEWS! LIES!!!


It was scary. Fortunately he did not seem to hold a grudge. I gave him a hug afterward and decided to try again in the future. Maybe if Trump is ever exonerated of Russian collusion he'll come around but i doubt it.


I swear to you this is what actually happened and I don't wish this sort of experience on ANYONE.

Anonymous ID: 44194a Sept. 13, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.3007155   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7162

Sex services are offered to Iraqi men and other foreign tourists and pilgrims in up to 6,000 private accommodations called "travelers houses" in Mashhad, Khabar Online, the website affiliated with Ali Larijani, reported.


Iraqis bundling their pilgrimages…

Anonymous ID: c481dc Sept. 13, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.3007156   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7183


A similar idea occurred to me β€” this could be a journalist who cannot report this in the public domain themselves (think million bottles of water in PR and how the story came out). So they are dropping the photos here knowing anons can connect the dots and build the story accordingly. And THEN, as we are slowly seeing in mainstream media, they are reporting that 'social websites are all abuzz with…' - and that is how things are being exposed. Something to consider.

Anonymous ID: 9b6308 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.3007167   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


They're mostly screenshots (of originals on a device camera roll) and I don't believe anything beyond a bread filling / network congesting shill.

Either way I have them all archived in case they become relevant in the future. Until then I just scroll by…

Anonymous ID: b49d40 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.3007169   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>3007004 Bishop Bransfield's resignation accepted by Pope

>>3006775 School shooter drill, students to be exposed to the sound of gunfire

>>3006610 , >>3006791, >>3006765 Responses to POTUS PR death toll tweets

>>3006787 Report & articles on the Solar Observatory evacuation

>>3006693 Google's response to their internal video leak

>>3006938 , >>3006689 Report & articles on the P Rico count: In Oct '17 very low

>>3006618 approaching 100,000 readers online

>>3006597 Sessions β€˜Exploring Potential Investigation’ of Google, Facebook, Twitter

>>3006503 Are millions of water bottles for Maria survivors still on the runway?

>>3006488 NBC begin to realize the hurricane and the storm are separate things…

>>3006472 Ohio 'Issue 1': Supported by Zuckerberg, Soros & The Pritzkers

Anonymous ID: 2ef3f4 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.3007170   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7192 >>7199 >>7261

The solar/space cams that were shut down include:


AXIS 232D Network Dome Camera located in Sydney Australia.


Webcams located at SOAR Observatory –


The Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope located in Chile.


BRT Tenerife Telescope Webcam located in Spain.


Webcam located at Mauna Kea observatory at the University of Hawaii Hilo.


Webcam from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope observatory in Hawaii.


Webcam at JAT OBservatory in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania.




30 Aug 2018 - 5:36:22 PM

== >>2804815


Q ==



Anonymous ID: 5b6050 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.3007178   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7191

Salisbury twat:


The price of paper shredders on the East Coast is rising faster than any other commodity. Panic is gripping the conspirators. This Op has been kept so secret many have NO IDEA they're about to be arrested.


Anonymous ID: dbcc45 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.3007179   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Off the top of my head thought, so grains of salt must be applied:

I have a feeling that something YUGE happened BIGLY the other day wrt: the Sky.

I don't know where it happened, obvs. I do know that there have been some weird weather-y things where I live. Stationary clouds, weird lightning and rolling thunder (for lack of a better way to describe it), thunder sun, etc.

In short: I wonder if we have some "out of town guests".

Anonymous ID: f65b72 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.3007196   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7212 >>7245 >>7251


No effective EMP will every be used against the USA, the effects are so local and limited it's a waste of fissile material.


If any country did deploy an EMP it would Ie an act of Nuclear war, and that means the end and total destruction of that bad actor.


Mutual assured destruction works wonders when you are the most advanced country in the world :-)

Anonymous ID: b23648 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.3007200   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


It's funny because I don't think my sister even knew I lean conservative. I almost never talk politics with her. When we do I usually let her say whatever she likes and just nod or offer a few derivative remarks. I don't like to rock the boat because my father is such an insane person when it comes to politics.


So she said this incredibly condescending thing "well if you're going to be dipping your toes into this conservative thing, why don't you try these websites:" and gave me two links. I'm like OMFG you're going to tell me where to get my news from to be a proper conservative now? good lord.

Anonymous ID: 7186f7 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.3007217   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Here is a simplified version of the clock from the notable without the rotation.


Just for people who prefer them simple. Love the new message in the Trump tweet when you live out those four words.

Anonymous ID: 06d298 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.3007222   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7265


This is how muhjoo shill infestation looks like. When they are pushing other shit, or busy panicking and regrouping, the word jew appears less than 10 times per bread. When they are here - above 100. Also note they push new talking points each time.


Lets apply logical thinking:


>muh evil jews


Yeah. Whatever you say Brock:


>The survey, conducted for Haaretz newspaper to coincide with US Independence Day, found that almost half of Israelis β€” 49 percent β€” strongly approved of Trump (and 23% slightly approved), while only 22% disapproved of the US president.


>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.


>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"


Claims judaism is evil? - YES

Claims to support trump? - YES

trump has a jewish daughter and family in law? - YES

Does his "support" make sense? - NO

Posts shit that is against q's message? - YES

Stays on q research board even though he ia against the message and spams the hell out of it? - YES

Does it makes sense? - NO



Why is he really here? - MONEY






>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days…


Q #1822


>They want you DIVIDED.










Q #1263


>Think logically.

Attack the world?

Are the people of France to blame?

Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

Rise of the people.


Not understood?




Who benefits from your posts?

Who are you trying to hide?

Who is the real enemy?

Are you hiding the RULING FAMILIES?

is it jewish to cover yourself in gold? wear

y heads? show the eye of ra? Owls?


arm yourselves with reason anons. It is a death sentence for those paid actors

Anonymous ID: c7e084 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.3007227   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

so how long before new new twater acct gets the boot from my overly redpilled self posting truths?

fb i dont think is ever going to liet ehave a acct again i keep switching emails and making new ones. but 15 20 min in they lock me out for "usual activity" lulz

Anonymous ID: 0898ef Sept. 13, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.3007228   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7241 >>7260


I've been trying to see if the pictures have been sanitized in the same method.

But most of the Q pictures are screen shots to remove all the camera meta data.

These have all been processed through Photoshop or something.


Pic related - Q drop from Vegas.

Anonymous ID: e9c1a5 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.3007229   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7239


Haha omg there u sit in your mommie's basement with your milky white hands on your little noodle squeezing your butt cheeks together all tingly cuz you just posted a meanie, then you look down at your fat man boobies and you get angry.

Anonymous ID: c481dc Sept. 13, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.3007238   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


This. It has been apparent for a while now that there is a very distinct cadence to all of this. It took years to formulate, and I think that all variables and factors were taken into consideration. It really IS a movie in the sense that most of it is a foregone conclusion, or the events have happened before they are publicly revealed. I do not believe that true 'anons' are frustrated or posting any of those 'why is muh plan taking so long?' posts. We understand that there re reasons for each thing that Q posts/requests β€” it can just take a little while for those reasons to be revealed or to be come apparent. Memes come to mind -

Anonymous ID: 359b7d Sept. 13, 2018, 9:39 a.m. No.3007248   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Pride comes before the fall. It's not that they "can't" read Q, it's that they were too willing to dismiss it as a LARP. Too late. You didn't think all these posts were just for Q's humor, right?


Oh, an LOOK! 4Plebs down. LOL.



Anonymous ID: 5b6050 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3007250   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Avennatti twats



Appearing live tonight with @TuckerCarlson at 8pm. Get your popcorn ready.


Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson @TuckerCarlson: Do you truly expect people to believe that you have never viewed porn? When is the last time you viewed porn? You demean my client and me because of her profession, meanwhile you are an absolute hypocrite. Nobody likes a hypocrite.

Anonymous ID: dd45fc Sept. 13, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3007254   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Q Methodology


for the Scientific Study of Human Subjectivity






The most important marketing tool for your business is your responsive website. Fresh content, updated information and search engine optimization are required to give your brand the best search engine page ranking possible, so that customers can find you.

Anonymous ID: 6caa99 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3007255   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>2815685 lb

>>2941990 lb


>Anons are not divided.

>Anons are under attack.

>Recognize the difference.

>Trust the plan.













Don't let shills divide you.


This is

good vs evil,

humanity vs cabal.


>>2990908 pb

>>2990908 pb

>>2990908 pb



Anonymous ID: 0898ef Sept. 13, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3007256   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>This whole notion that millions of Q followers are in on some secret, and that the MSM and the cabal are incapable of reading Q is stupid.


They've been having Grand Juries for 6 months plus with McCabe, and that never leaked out from his lawyers? Come on. Use logic.


This 'sting' is not a secret from the people involved.

The only people still in the dark is the general public.

Why is THAT necessary?

Anonymous ID: c481dc Sept. 13, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3007257   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I don't church. But it isn't difficult to see what is in the Vatican. Not difficult at all. Pair that with the fact that the Rothschilds basically own it (easily proven, story is in public domain) β€” that's about how I would know, I reckon.

Anonymous ID: 0462e6 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.3007261   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Future proves the past

I think Q tells us, then a month or a year later it happens.

I think time may not mean what we think.

Q may be moving parts

We only see the results later

What if past tense means future tense.

What if present means future.

We may not have the full keys to these come


But the future will prove the past

Anonymous ID: b33a7d Sept. 13, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.3007263   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Anonymous ID: 545d75 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.3007264   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


A lot of this nonsense is coming from Antarctica. Look at what the photoshoppers missed and this Tuber found…structures over a mile long. Phenomenology…cuts both ways.


Disclosure is coming…no, is habbening!

Anonymous ID: 715c07 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.3007273   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


With the recent influx of newfags, I guess it's time for me to copy/pasta one of my first postings from back in November…


Here’s how to use the same Socratic method Q used on us for β€œRed Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a β€œconspiracy theorist”…


β€’ First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS, not an event! It requires patience and skill!

β€’ Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Arkancides, BHO/birth certificate, 9/11, Building 7, no video of plane hitting Pentagon, missing 2.3 trillion dollars, Halliburton, rigged primary election, MSM biases, Russian collusion, Fox News, CNN, etc.).

β€’ Once common ground discovered, let them tell you everything they have learned about the topic. Even if you disagree, don’t say so.

β€’ Once the topic is fully explored, compliment them on their knowledge and then ask if they think if it also ties to [blank] (another topic/event/lie you want to make them curious about).

β€’ If they agree, do NOT β€œdump” on them with information you’ve already learned; ask them to dig into it and agree to speak about it in a week or so.

β€’ During the second conversation, let them be the expert and teach you (keep playing dumb). Be sure to praise them for their open-mindedness and encourage them to keep learning.

β€’ Ask them to learn about another topic that relates to this one and agree to speak again at a predetermined time. Then, let them teach you again, regardless about how much you already know about the topic.

β€’ Ask a LOT of questions; allow them to β€œsell themselves” on new ideas (people never argue with their own ideas, but they subconsciously β€œpush back” against other people’s ideas).

β€’ Always play dumb; let THEM become the expert.

β€’ Ask for their help β€œsolving a puzzle”; let them BE the expert.

β€’ Understand that the deeper someone is dug into the opposing viewpoint, the farther they will snap into the other direction once they wake up.

β€’ If someone shares an idea that you believe is wrong/ignorant, do NOT push back; ask, β€œhelp me see what you’re seeing”, or β€œhelp me understand that better”. The more someone tries to explain something that has no basis, the higher the likelihood they will eventually change their own mind (which YOU can NOT do for/to them).

β€’ Once someone shows a thirst for new knowledge, invite them to share their ideas with a third person while you are also present (the more they view themselves as a mentor/teacher, the more this reinforces their new beliefs).

β€’ When stuck, offer to β€œswitch sides” and debate the topic from their point of view and have them argue from your point of view. This often helps them talk themselves out of their original viewpoint.

β€’ When you have to make a statement (instead of asking a question), open it with a β€œsoftening statement”: β€œDo you think it may be possible that …”, or, β€œI’m not sure this is right, but I just read that …” This provides possibilities for you and the other person.

β€’ As often as possible, only discuss events that have already happened. When forced to discuss what you think MIGHT happen in the future, use softening statements first (see paragraph immediately above this one).

β€’ Do NOT let the conversation turn into a Red vs. Blue argument. Keep repeating that there’s corruption on both sides of the aisle (point to the huge number of Republican resignations/not running for re-election for both senators and members of congress). Keep the discussion focused on GOOD vs. EVIL!

β€’ Final point: ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IN EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION, YOU ARE THE SECOND-BEST SALESPERSON! Get them talking, keep them talking and encourage their passion for digging!

β€’ SHOW the other person that you’ve embraced the teachings of Jesus through your kindness, patience and lack of judgment of their ideas.

β€’ Happy pilling, and beer at the parade, Patriots!