Anonymous ID: 4aff42 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.3007516   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is how they operate. It is totally accurate. The media is just shocked an really annoyed this President tells to truth on too much. They are scared he could tweet out "Jews did 9/11" anytime he wants and the idea drives them insane.

Anonymous ID: 4aff42 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.3007614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did the Jews create the Rosicrucians as an elaborate hoax to basically trick honest and ernest men who yearned for another way to live than the Right of Kings into giving all their energy into a fraud? Like the way they infiltrate all large organisations of power and get their people to the top by blackmail and bribe?


But better if you create a new religion…almost like a new cult. A pattern like the Scientologist, the Mormons, the hundreds of CIA/Jesuit/Jew cults like Nexium?


But the Rosicrucians being one of the first?


And the whole idea of secret societies of revealed information? Genius from some ancient person(?) in how to get others to work for you for free.

Anonymous ID: 4aff42 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3007855   🗄️.is 🔗kun

With our new understanding that the Jesuit Priest that gave small pox blankets to the Indians intentionally to kill them as a historical example. Basically a genocide.


With our understanding the original Jesuits were started by converted Jews in Spain and Portugal. We can see perhaps a pattern.


When the crypto Jew Attaturk took over Turkey the first thing they did was kill millions of Christians.


When the Jews took over the Russias and Ukraine they killed tens of millions of white christians within ten years.


It seems Jews/Jesuits knew about disease vectors even pre modern science.


Is is a stretch to imagine that some clever Jew hundreds or even thousands of yeas ago discovered the Black Rat of Asia….in fact the homeland of the Khazars… where the rats are from. If a population lives in towns among rats that can give them the plague do such populations develop a resistance? Some an immunity?


Would it appear magick if some smart merchant from the east brought a wagon of wooden cages filled with rats to the west and in some dark night released them? Would the hated Goy Christians who started dying like flies catch on?


Some did. Research it. Research tales that your Professors and school books tell you is "antisemitism"


Its magick. The ability to memory hole the truth.