Anonymous ID: 244c29 Sept. 13, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.3015949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6034


Operating on the assumption this is a False Flag stuxnet Attack, upon which “bad actor” will the Deep State pin the blame?


A) Russia

B) Iranians

C) gas-mad Assad

D) CIA-Mossad operation

E) …

Anonymous ID: 244c29 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.3016165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6306


Stuxnet-type Attack is the most likely scenario, but as with Assad gas attacks, Skripal poisoning, Iraqi yellowcake, post 9/11 anthrax, etc., this too has False Flag written all over it, it will be pinned on Russians or Iranians.