Anonymous ID: 49a33b Sept. 13, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.3016005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6085 >>6174 >>6316 >>6519

Some Fun Time gas fagging here.


LEL - Lower Explosive Limit (in % air concentration )

UEL - Upper Explosive Limit (in % air concentration )


When concentrations are withing these limits a gas is considered flammable and therefore explosive.


Your furnace is a nozzle and can be thought of an area controlled continuous explosion


a house filling with gas when ignited will exploded when the LEL is reached within the house. otherwise the gas will not ignite,


Natty Gas Super Funtime Facts (CH(little4)) - also called Methane


LEL - 5.0 %

UEL - 15.0 %


Maximum super fun devastation is the midpoint of 10%


Bonus fun time - concentrations above the UEL will not ignite because there is not enough oxygen for combustion.


Natty gas explodes unless flared off in a burner element within the LEL and UEL