Anonymous ID: 74bf30 Sept. 13, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.3015855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5936 >>6316 >>6519

(2016 article re: Jessica Asooh's father)


MANCHESTER — Rich Ashooh is planning to make a formal announcement next week on running for Congress this year.


The announcement will come early next week, the Union Leader has learned.


Ashooh has given a 2016 campaign serious consideration over the past month. In 2010, he narrowly lost a Republican primary in the 1st District to Frank Guinta, who went on to win the seat.


Guinta is running for reelection, despite a campaign finance scandal from the 2010 cycle that led to the Federal Election Commission concluding he broke the law by taking more than $350,000 in illegal contributions from his parents. He paid a $15,000 fine and repaid the loan, per a settlement with the FEC.


State Rep. Pamela Tucker, R-Greenland, launched her congressional campaign last month. Dan Innis, a Portsmouth Republican who ran for the seat in 2014, suspended his campaign last week, citing personal and professional factors.


Democrats Shawn O’Connor of Bedford and former U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter of Rochester are also running for the 1st District.


Ashooh, a father of five from Bedford, served as interim executive director of the Warren. B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership and Public Service at the University of New Hampshire School of Law from September of last year until earlier this month. He previously worked as director of strategy and planning at BAE Systems, one of New Hampshire’s largest employers.


His civic and community service included time on the board of trustees at the University System of New Hampshire.


Ashooh wrapped up his six-month interim appointment at the Rudman Center on March 18.


Earlier this month, UNH School of Law Interim Dean Jordan Budd was named executive director of the center, which is named in honor of the late U.S. Sen. Warren B. Rudman, R-NH. Budd will continue to serve as interim dean, upon completion of his current term, until a national search for a successor is complete.

Anonymous ID: 74bf30 Sept. 13, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.3016048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212


Whoops, Rich Ashooh not Jessica's father. Maybe brother or uncle?

Anonymous ID: 74bf30 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:11 p.m. No.3016212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6316 >>6348 >>6519


Here is Jessica Ashooh's father: Nick Ashooh.


>My wife Brenda, whom many of you know, has been with me every step of my career and even a few before that: we were born in the same hospital and met in high school. But she dumped me this weekend to babysit our granddaughter in Atlanta. And I can’t say I blame her. I also have to acknowledge my wonderful kids. Some of you know what a source of pride they have been to me: my son, Khoury, a Davidson grad and successful management consultant; daughter, Jessica, a Brown grad, Marshall Scholar and Oxford Ph.D. and now a senior policy analyst in the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and daughter Meredith, a Davidson and Emory grad, lifeguard, EMT, Registered Nurse and working on a nurse practitioner at Emory. People sometimes ask me what I did to help them succeed. I answer that it was a team effort: Brenda raised them, and I didn’t screw them up.

Anonymous ID: 74bf30 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:20 p.m. No.3016348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6423


This is pretty big: Jessica Ashooh's father was named Senior VP of AIG. He held some weird bachelor's degree from a Jesuit College.