Anonymous ID: fd9198 Sept. 13, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.3015945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5984





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Anonymous ID: fd9198 Sept. 13, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.3016036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Biological Warfare Program In The Spotlight Again

This is a scoop to bring the US biological warfare effort back into the spotlight. On Sept. 11, Russian media reported that the Richard Lugar Center for Public Health Research laboratory, a research facility for high-level biohazard agents located near Tbilisi, Georgia, has used human beings for conducting biological experiments.


Former Minister of State Security of Georgia Igor Giorgadze said about it during a news conference in Moscow, urging US President Donald Trump to launch an investigation. He has lists of Georgians who died of hepatitis after undergoing treatment in the facility in 2015 and 2016. Many passed away on the same day. The declassified documents contain neither the indication of the causes of deaths nor real names of the deceased. According to him, the secret lab run by the US military was established during the tenure of former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. The viruses could spread to neighboring countries, including Russia, Igor Giorgadze warned.


The laboratory’s work is tightly under wraps. Only US personnel with security clearance have access to it. These people are accorded diplomatic immunity under the 2002 US-Georgia Agreement on defense cooperation.


Eurasia Review reported that in 2014 the Lugar Center was equipped with a special plant for breeding insects to enable launching the Sand Fly project in Georgia and the Caucasus. In 2014-2015 years, the bites of sand flies such as Phlebotomins caused a fever. According to the source, “today the Pentagon has a great interest to the study of Tularemia, also known as the fever of rabbits, which is also equated with biological weapons. Distributors of such a disease can be mites and rodents”.


It makes remember the statement made by Nikolai Patrushev, Head of Russia's Security Council, in 2015. He warned about the threat stemming from biological weapons laboratories that operate on the territories of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). He specifically mentioned the Richard G. Lugar Center in Georgia.


The US has bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world, including the post-Soviet space. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Foreign inspectors are denied access to them. It should be noted that independent journalist investigations have been made public to confirm the fact that the US military conducts secret research to pose a threat to environment and population. Jeffrey Silverman, an American journalist who has lived in Georgia for many years, is sure the Richard Lugar Center, as well as other labs, is involved in secret activities to create biological weapons. Georgia and Ukraine have been recently hit by mysterious disease outbreaks, with livestock killed and human lives endangered. The US military operates the Central Reference Laboratory in Kazakhstan since 2016. There have public protests against the facility.

Anonymous ID: fd9198 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.3016095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6132 >>6137 >>6197

Status Conference: Someone is about to take a plea deal – another superseding indictment coming – Frank Parlato “terrifying” NXIVM members seeking to bail Raniere


During today’s Status Conference for USA v Raniere et al., in the Federal Courthouse for the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn, a few revelations were made.


The hearing was at 2 pm and lasted more than an hour.


Most significant perhaps is that Assistant US Attorney Moira Penza informed the court that one of the defendants in the case is about to take a plea deal. She did not name which defendant this might be.


The defendants are Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, Allison Mack and [fall girl] Kathy Russell.


Using a process of elimination, common sense and some courtroom observation, it is evident it is not Keith Raniere or Clare Bronfman who have chosen to cut a plea deal and escape further prosecution.


Whoever it is will likely have to testify against Raniere and others.


The other interesting fact – although it does not come as much of a surprise – is that Penza told the court there is likely to be another superseding indictment coming in the near future – which will charge some or all of the present defendants with additional crimes and possibly add new defendants to the group already charged.


Nancy Salzman was the only defendant absent from court – due to – it was said – recent surgery.


A very gaunt Lauren Salzman sat directly across from Keith at the defendant’s table, yet made no eye contact with him. She turned sideways and avoided looking directly at the man who promised her an avatar baby more than a decade ago.


Raniere himself was dressed in his brown prison garb – which was described once by former NXIVM member Barbara Bouchey as a virtual cloak of many colors and by Toni Natalie as a shit brown jumpsuit.


Allison Mack – also in attendance – refused to look at her Slave Master, Raniere. Instead she looked down at the floor or at the judge through most of the hearing. This, despite the fact that she has given collateral to her Vanguard that includes the custody of any future unborn children she may have, and damaging info about her nephews being abused.


Kathy Russell appeared positively emaciated and seems to be losing her hair – a common ailment for women on Raniere’s 800 calorie diet. She sat with her new attorney.

Anonymous ID: fd9198 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:33 p.m. No.3016506   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Part 4