Anonymous ID: 67dee4 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.3017981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7999 >>8078


Ty next-baker, grateful to you.

>until somebody competent comes in

This is how you get competent, fren:

Trial by fire (slow fires best fires)



Ty baker-who-rocks

My plan is to come on 4/5 am ET so BO

can go to bed. I'll just lurk/rest till then.

>inb4 "don't worry 'bout me"

Concernfag gonna concernfag man, I'll be fine.

We need you.



Thank you soon-baker. This is my last week on graveyards/regular-bakering. Knowing we've got replacements like you and next-baker to step up and carry the baton is a big relief.

Lotta how-to info here: >>>/comms/154