Anonymous ID: 582053 Oct. 2, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.3296505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4543

AlbertaFag here… I am an OilfieldAnon with 20 years experience who grew up in Fort Mac and worked at an oil sands mine throughout the entire Fort McFire, or The Beast, as it was called. I even worked there for a year after and saw the devastation.


I remember March of 2016 was unseasonably warm and windy, and just prior to the fires we had some crazy winds blowing. The winds brought a plague of spiders. These little fuckers would put their asses in the air, spin some thread and would travel on the wind for hundreds of kilometers. The spiders and high winds gave you a sense of impending doom. I remember the day before the fire, at 6 AM, I saw a large chemtrail plane, then another and another. I’ve heard that chemtrail planes spray an aluminum oxide that’s basically a fire accelerant. Within days, multiple fires emerged and the winds were quite brisk.


While the entire town was evacuated in a matter of hours, we were deemed “essential personnel” at this oil sands mine and were not allowed to leave.


The important thing to understand is that from 1996-2016, Fort Mac was a modern gold rush city, but all that came to an end. An OPEC oil glut, coupled with that fire, took Fort Mac down a few notches.


There is defenitely a conspiracy to keep Alberta in hobbles, because if this province ever gets too uppity, it’s going to pack up and leave Canada.


The conspiracy against Alberta is this: Alberta must be “brought to heel” by preventing it drom selling its oil to customers other than US oil refineries. A strange coalition of old oil money (Rockefellers, Gettys, Pew) funnel money theough the Tides Foundation to fund anti-oil sands activism in Canada. If Alberta can only sell to one customer, its oil will trade at a discount. If China gets in there, Alberta will sell closer to the Brent (global) oil price.


Trudeau is doing the bidding of his Soros masters, and that is to turn Canada into a basket case economy beset with high debt, ageing workforce, slow economic growth and internal strife driven by rapid immigration and identity politics.


Once Canada is sufficiently cucked, the banksters will implement the same IMF playbook of austerity used to cripple countries around the world.


Trudeau just puts a smiley face on the whole process so Canadians don’t clue into how fucked they really are.