Anonymous ID: daaeca Canadian WTF's Sept. 17, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.3057025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada - OIL - follow money

Catholic + FreeMason

Trudeau + NWO

I do not know how to dig deep but I will leave the things I have found here.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 17, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.3057207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7649 >>0655

FRANK SPRAGINS - first president of SYNCRUDE - Went to Texas University before coming to Alberta. - CAN NOT FIND MUCH ON HIM OTHER THAN THE WIKI/SYNCRUDE OFFICIAL INFO. His career seems very fast and solid - family ties? Skull&Bones?

HOWARD J. PEW - Rich mutha trucka rich family - super tied to the SYNCRUDE start up as well, cant find much on him either.

SYNCRUDE HISTORY - can only find what happened after it started as a research consortium.

SUNCOR is the other oil giant in the same city - both companies will likely have some very interesting big names attached - (again, I am just a stay home mom who isn't a moron, I cant dig I am just hoping someone will.)

Syncrude and Suncor - Massive companies. One small municipality. RED symbols for both.

Masons/Mormons strong in this city too.

Huge immigration hub.

This city is over wrought with money and drugs.

Hospital under reno's regularly ZERO improvement, one hospital for entire 88,000+ population.





2016 wildfire in the city of ft mcmurray (syncrude and Suncor)

Entire town evacuated for a month.




The city was NOT evacuated properly, gov officials cut funding to major gear just prior to fire - shady non answers ever since -


Mayor Melissa Blake retires soon after. New Mayor is a lawyer named Don Scott.


Alice Haxton - HAXTON FAMILY

The JEAN family - Brian Jean and siblings.

The VARGO family - Owned GMC dealership & 3-4 city blocks.


My feeling is that there is some big political tie ins here. There is SOMETHING hiding in this city.

As soon as you try to dig and find theres controlled info on the beginning of these massive oil giants youll feel it to.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 17, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.3057279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5479 >>8221



This city has so many children and babies, there is a catholic school put beside every public school.


I am a survivor from ONE of the old wealth families that adopted me, they adopted ME from a Hungarian woman who was part of satanic shit, she KIDNAPPED SEVERAL BABIES TO COLLECT GOV CHEQUES - no one knows what she did with the babies after.


And the head of that fam LARRY NELSON (Former last name was BRANTLY or BRANDTLEY there is a biographically family book out there for that former last name) was a MORMON BISHOP who is a millionaire. Pedophile family member sheltered through their family business -


I know this all seems random - its all tied somewhere though.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 17, 2018, 8:45 a.m. No.3057324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0723





Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 17, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.3058755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8364


There aren't many Born and raised 80's kids still living here but the ones that are still here and were during the fire ALL felt that there was something really wonky afoot. Right from the fact that the evac notice was given as the fire was eating suburb areas … not hours before not the day before…. with ZERO evidence the fire would slow or not hit town they still waited until it would almost be impossible to avoid human harm … and yet some how 88,000+ safely exited. 2 young people died on the highway in a weird car accident (like blood had to be shed somehow.)

Im telling ya, this city is a hive for some of Canadas BIG dark deep state shit. And I pray a digger will look into it.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 17, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.3058794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0708





Since the fire.

The clouds react and dont hold shape after they touch the trails. I think they evacuated an entire city to get things in and out, shit were the dino bone center too. Theres deeeeeep pits no one accesses unless approved by Syn and Sun, and Masons are bosses. Like c'mon!

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 18, 2018, 2:33 a.m. No.3070643   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I heard from Helicopter Pilots on Fire Patrol they were told to stand down.

That the “City” was in control.


It all stinks.

How many tradgedies on humanity were intended to divide us?


These people are sick.

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 18, 2018, 2:41 a.m. No.3070674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is THIS what Canadians want?

How much dirty money changed hands on these deals?

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 18, 2018, 2:50 a.m. No.3070700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canadian Member of Parliament Leona Alleslev WALKS AWAY from the Liberal Party

“My Oath is to Country not Party”.

Joins Conservatives.



Anonymous ID: 7ae1eb Sept. 18, 2018, 5:04 a.m. No.3071267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8308 >>3084

Like the US Canada as been under Corporate capture for many, many decade.


I can see a strategy that could help "Liberate" Canadians from the Cabal influence peacefully. But we will need some outside help. First thing is to put International sanction on Canada for being one of the Best place to launder dirty money from the worst international criminals.




Once sanction are publicly apply the population will be stun. Our perfect perception of our country will be shattered. This will plant a seed in the consciousness of the mass. As the military trial start in the US it will be important for the rest of the world to know who are the bad actors and who had a hand in the June missile launch against the president, Pic related. Once the US make formal demand to extradite our Canadians bad actors. All hell is going to break loose. Many anon in Canada will RedPill our fellow compatriot. The Canadians military will hand over those fucker on a silver platter no question ask. And since we have the CBC under government control we could use this "well respected" media to help clean out our civil society.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 19, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.3097960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I love all of you!

Q posted tonight verifying that Canada indeed has implications in U.S. Deep state and dirty bawl shits. Digging I shall do … also posted this to my local newspaper –


Wondering when your "news" will report the ridiculous amount of resignations in massive international organizations, the huge amount of indictments filed and being pursued regarding BIG execs and business/government officials & the FISA fiasco that is proving that the Obama administration illegally spied on Trump? How about the incredible treason antics of the Federal Employees within the U.S.? —- We are so close to them and so tied into them that we should have SOME regular reports explaining to the people of our city what this all means.

It seems news worthy, even a mention…. perhaps? The radio station regurgitates the same negative stories over and over like a parrot mimicking the Mainstream networks. But no new questions or new outlooks towards real time issues within that government below us and what it could mean here in our country, like, if Trudeau thought Hillary was going to win, and was in any way implicated in the new details in the unredacted FISA, or if he even is maybe stalling NAFTA because the deals that were promised by the candidate that lost the run for President are now gone, that would be a massive scandal!… these are actual questions journalists need to ask right now. Are ours? Do we have any? Are they not actual journalists but just employee typewriters contracted out through bigger conglomerate media companies? Although we are a small city in a remote area, we (the people YOU are SUPPOSED to inform) are not idiots, we deserve full whole minded and fair reporting done by independent sources and published by YOU. Where did pride in journalism go? Where did finding a clue - then digging into history and asking questions that are directed at finding truth - to INFORM the mass public of the TRUTH - where did that go? How much money did it take, over how many years to replace curiosity and courage with compliance and ignorance? Just wondering. Also, if my main media in town doesn't mention much of this in the year it has been taking place and my mainstream country wide news only reports one half of it…. so I research and inform myself through various nameable and factual sources and then speak up about it - I am a "conspiracy theorist"? So the news gets controlled and if a person is smarter than the system of controlled news, they're name called and labelled? THAT should be the first story you run with, front page.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 19, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.3098069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1833


That is a hard nut to crack, people here are more numbed than I want to describe. Its a weird zombie state of stress and exhaustion many live in and it is easily manipulated by depressing or inflating the industrial zone or agriculture - immediate division of provinces. We have fewer people in a big land mass, ((They)) perfected the SYSTEM of control here. It does really give me hope that anyone at all on the interweb even replied, let alone echoed intelligence and passion for truth! <3 <3

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 20, 2018, 2:24 a.m. No.3101833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3011



You and all NewFags.

God Bless Canadians.


Please find all “crumbs” dropped here:


Read them from the beginning.

Re-read them.

Canada remains with deep ties to UK.

Canada (((politicians))) were part of 22 nations tied to FISA to overthrow a US president.


Sheep no more

Keep digging.


Your here.

You were chosen for a reason.


Trust yourself.

Use logic.

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 20, 2018, 2:27 a.m. No.3101843   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Our good friend Freedland missing from this photo.


Read this and share.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 20, 2018, 5:56 a.m. No.3103011   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I promise one thing about the Northern people up here in Canada, once you wake up the moms and dads you will have a fierce and unrivaled force of strength and selfless courage standing with ALL patriots.





I noticed that the FRANK SPRAGGINS guys career was totally guided and protected - he was put in there on purpose, LONG GAME style. And we have several thngs in town named after HOWARD J. PEW whos fam was Vanderbuilt wealthy and has some family history that just smells fishy. The whole history of these oil giants is murky. I can guarantee if I had time sans my spawn I would be able to dig HARD.


when Trudumb is implicated it will be glorious.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 20, 2018, 6:06 a.m. No.3103084   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I hope what you say is truth.

I cant stand hearing the trump hate here, its a disgusting daily example of how mocking bird and fluoride work so awfully well together. </3

I meditate and send out love but sometimes I get visions of lacing up boots and putting on war paint, ready to move mountains for freedom on Earth.

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Sept. 20, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3105479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5483 >>9014 >>4879



real big uptick in HA and also masonic center just popped up

small town

sounds like our towns mirror



just fucking thought of something, the observatory. got shot down.

you mentioned mormons…

the only church in town with a massive fucking satellite is the mormon church…….


are these connected?

also trudeau is massively connected look at this shit i compiled a while back


"The Bronfman family is a Canadian Jewish family.[1] It owes its initial fame to Samuel Bronfman (1889–1971), who made a fortune in the alcoholic distilled beverage business during the 20th century through the family's Seagram Company.[2]


The family is of Russian Jewish and Romanian Jewish ancestry; "they were originally tobacco farmers from Bessarabia".[3] According to New York Times staff reporter, Nathaniel Popper, the Bronfman family is "perhaps the single largest force in the Jewish charitable world."[4][5] "


"Trudeau taps millionaire Stephen Bronfman to help fill Liberals' war chest"


"Trudeau's chief fundraiser linked to Cayman Islands tax scheme"


"Clare Bronfman, Seagram's liquor heiress, arrested in NXIVM case"




" Clare BRONFMAN Born: 1979.


Charles Rosner BRONFMAN. Married to Barbara BAERWALD. Married to Andrea Brett MORRISON from 1982–2006. (Born: 1945. Died: 2006.) Married to Bonita ROCHE from 2008–2011. Married to Rita MAYO in 2012.


Stephen BRONFMAN "


"Keith Raniere‘s arrests, which took place within weeks of each other in March and April of this year. Mack and Raniere face three charges: sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labour conspiracy. Both have pleaded not guilty."







I have NXVIM research I need help with.


Shit really is hitting the fan.


It starts with…


'''Clare Bronfman"'


Bronfman, the heiress to Seagram's Liquor, was arrested today in connection with sex cult NXVIM.


>Clare Bronfman, 39-year-old daughter of late Seagram CEO Edgar Bronfman, was charged with money laundering and identity theft as part of her support for NXIVM. The group garnered headlines for an initiation ritual that includes branding, its attempts to recruit celebrities and accusations by prosecutors that members were turned into sex slaves for leader Keith Raniere.


>Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a "key logger" virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.


Now for Schneiderman connections


>(ph) Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office had filed a court case in early March asking a judge to order Bronfman and Porter to turn over their records related to brain-activity and other human behavioral studies, which had been conducted without any apparent oversight. The attorney general's decision to suspend the probe followed the March 25 arrest of NXIVM founder Keith Raniere on federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit forced labor.


<(actual charge was forced child sex trafficking)

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Sept. 20, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3105483   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>But as the case against Raniere moves forward, it’s important not to overlook all the other people who enabled him to operate his criminal enterprise for almost 20 years. These people include various governmental officials in the Capital District – and a horde of attorneys all over the country who were willing to undertake unethical (and, in some cases, blatantly illegal) actions on his behalf.


To assist the federal officials in this effort, Frank Report will be posting a series of articles that are focused on these enablers. This first such article will focus on P. David Soares, District Attorney for Albany County – and one of the first law enforcement officials to become – by all appearances – part of the NXIVM criminal operation.


In depth article from 2010


>But there are those who believe that the contents of the 17 boxes could prove something very different. In a court filing, Bouchey’s bankruptcy lawyer has said that the boxes “apparently” contain “information that show the Bronfmans engaged in a conspiracy to forge documents,” although he has not been more specific. Former nxivm insiders hope that the boxes will answer a welter of questions about the finances and tax-related issues regarding the vast array of trusts and corporations set up in the names of various group members. In recent letters to the New York State attorney general, Joe O’Hara, nxivm’s former consultant, alleged that nxivm has been involved in a “variety of illegal activities,” including “tax evasion,” “money laundering,” and “immigration violations,” although he did not provide any supporting evidence.


They had their doctor doing human experiments


>A doctor described as the resident physician to the twisted upstate sex cult Nxivm has been charged by a state oversight board with illegally conducting human experiments.


>The action comes eight months after the state Health Department refused to act on a complaint from a former cult member who alleged that Dr. Brandon Porter, 44, forced her to watch disturbing rape and dismemberment videos for a “fright study” he was conducting.


Schneiderman ended probe after Raniere was arrested


>At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.


Nancy Salzmans home was raided by the FBI


Meantime, the EDNY is putting vast resources into this investigation.


(PARLATO ALSO WROTE THIS - SPOT ON, READ THE WHOLE THING. He wrote this BEFORE Bronfaman was indicted.)


Reportedly, a crack investigative team from Virginia is now on the ground in New York to supplement the FBI and US Attorney teams already assigned to work on the case. It is worth noting that members of the FBI- NYC team are the sames ones who wanted to indict Hillary Clinton – on a raft of crimes – but were overruled [much to their dismay] at the Washington DC headquarters of DOJ.


>The focus is not on Raniere [he is just the show pony – a creepy cult leader, easy to demonize]. The focus is not even on indicting Clare, although for more than 15 years, she abetted Raniere in committing vile and destructive crimes. The real push will be to save or indict Emiliano Salinas – who, if indicted, will be arrested and hauled into the USA from Mexico and jailed here.


>Emiliano’s father, former president of Mexico Carlos Salinas, is probably spending money and purchasing influence like he never has in America and perhaps never has in Mexico since he purchased his brother’s release from prison for murder.





Coleman told us regularly took notes in a journal that he kept .Coleman’s notes from October 4 containedthe following entry:




Anthony Wiener














texting 15 yo


Sexually Explicit




Federal SW




Initial analysis of laptop


thousands emails


Hillary Clinton & Foundation


Crime Against Children



Why is trudeau so important?










its all here









Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Sept. 20, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.3105560   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i'm curious as to why the murders

five eyes totally was surveillance. former mil and without breaking any rules ill say what we can see about each other is insane - the details..

I think somehow in the long run it is connected to that CDC Ebola specialist who was in the service, can't remember what branch.


The CDAN talked about the vatican playing out and bribing countries that were privvy to experiments, so they tried them and first was sucsessful, and second was not as there was family around that the gov didnt know about?

anyway basically the shit got lose and thats ebola.

the cdan guy mentioned something about vatican coming with a cure but that might be too suspicious



Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 20, 2018, 12:49 p.m. No.3109014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3142










I can not wait for my evening to begin in a few hours, I am going to do some anon red pill shit for my hometown. THANK YOU SO MUCH, this is going to be comprised into a well written and double checked document which I will happily be accidently forgetting in fantastic places.

The ELEMENTRY SCHOOL directly behind the only MORMON CHURCH in Ft. McMurray has the masonic symbol as its logo - only pic I can find is the one here, I will take a photo of the signs tomorrow and post. I only noticed yesterday!

Saving the world much, anons & autists?

Info is vital to every countries peoples.

Give yourselves a hug, you da shit

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 23, 2018, 10:57 p.m. No.3162150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3907



WE can have it back anytime we wake up and take it back.


People stand as one.


Together we can get it back tomorrow.


Just wake everyone up?


Are taxes legal?


What if WE ALL quit paying tax until we got our country back.


What if we were all equal?


We and only we can get it back.


Together. Equal as one.

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 23, 2018, 10:59 p.m. No.3162167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3907 >>4058


  1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

  2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.


  1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS].

  2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

They want you DIVIDED.



There was no attempt to DIVIDE.

There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

[Be careful who you follow]

Incorrect message translated [past] autists.

Correction made.

No names mentioned.

They revealed themselves.

Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.

Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.

Do not fall victim to con artists.


Stay on point.

This is NOT about a single person.

This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.


We will not be held hostage.



Where WE go One WE go all.



Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 24, 2018, 3:55 a.m. No.3163071   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Start that phone campaign.

A Foreign TRILLIOAIRE owns the Bank of Canada.

Ask your MP how that is possible and what THEY are doing to change it.

People have the power.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 24, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.3163924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4987


That's the one.


I love Q and every HUMAN whos alive and has soul.


DONT EVER STOP. Thats the message that replays in my mind - I dont even think its my thoughts, but something or someone keeps telling me -


I bet every awakened human is getting the same msg.

Thank you GOD.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Sept. 24, 2018, 7:28 a.m. No.3164058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8976 >>4555


I have one direct Question that will aid greatly to more than myself,

Empaths and Energy Light Workers (RHNegativeHumans)

What is our directive?

Do we stand at the front line in the physical mental sense or are we best utilized in the energetic battle.


Weve all been called upon and are awakening for reasons.

Are some of us supposed to be saving our energy for the healing that will be needed soon?


More than a few patriots are being communicated with by beings we can not see. WE aren't just human are "WE" Some are powerful in much different ways.

Directive pls?

Anonymous ID: d899a9 Sept. 24, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.3168836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3830

Toronto's "Radical Left" censorship: Conservative Mayor candidate Faith Goldy blocked from speaking at first debate.

Anonymous ID: d14730 Sept. 24, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.3168976   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's not a question others can answer for you. You have two missions, an inner and an outer mission. Both are important. My guess is you need to focus on your inner mission and your higher-self should help clue you into what gifts you bring that would be of service for your outer mission. But yes, some are here for post disclosure healing prior to harvest.

Anonymous ID: 6a4f90 Sept. 24, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.3173830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3464


Faith Goldy NEEDS to win this election for Toronto. If it's ever going to be cleaned up. The Canadian MSM has kept her out of the news because she's against the cabal. She's getting negative publicity now. Which is better than none. And with all the info that Q has pointed out, could actually be GOOD.


Same goes for Maxime Bernier for the upcoming fed election.


We need to get behind them and push their names out there for people to see that they're fighting the good fight.


Ford is cleaning up Ontario. Looking forward to seeing libs go to jail for being traitors to the people and stealing all our money and so much more. MSM still trying to brainwash people into leftythink when Ford does well. I wonder what he REALLY went to discuss in DC?


Exciting time to be alive.

Love you fags (no homo)

Thank you Q

God bless you all

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 24, 2018, 8:49 p.m. No.3174296   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The degenerate pedos are scared shitless

To bad WE are taking power back.

They are clearly just limp noodles.


They will not be able to walk in the streets.

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 24, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.3174555   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Take some time to listen to these 3 people who have been “chosen” to disclose.

FULL Disclosure.


Corey Goody

David Wilcox

Emery Smith.


The law of One:

You will know when you are needed.


Your friends, family and Country will need you.


Where we go 1 we go All.


We are Vigilant Not Violent.

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 24, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.3174879   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wonderful digs.

Keep them coming.


Shorter text, one theme and pictures get more attention.

Like MSM does.


God bless you and your work.

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 24, 2018, 10:38 p.m. No.3175151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Having trouble sleeping?

Shamus on you.


$300,000,000 left by PM Harper and you squandered it?


Wait you hired 475 “friends” and you still can’t help our vetrans?


These people will not be able to walk in the streets.


Shamus on you.


Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan is defending leaving hundreds of millions of dollars earmarked for veterans unspent, comparing the decision to prepaying for gas and then getting a credit back.


In an interview with The West Block’s Mercedes Stephenson, O’Regan reacted to a report last week by Global News that found the Liberals have left $372 million set aside in federal fiscal estimates for veterans unspent despite criticizing the Conservatives for doing the same thing in 2015.


The minister was also asked about the controversial case of Christopher Garnier, who was convicted this summer in the brutal murder of a female Halifax police officer.


Garnier claimed committing the murder gave him PTSD.


Veterans Affairs agreed to pay for his treatment, despite him never having served in the Canadian Forces, and Conservatives called last week for the minister to intervene and reverse the decision to pay for his treatments.


So Canada pays Criminals with PTSD but not veterans.


Shamus on you.


Canadians will take power back and YOU should be very afraid.

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 25, 2018, 2:42 a.m. No.3176603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Together WE can stop this madness.


Monsanto again.

Roundup kills bee gut bacteria that fight infection.

Must happen to people to.

Soooo put it in vaccines too!

Anonymous ID: 51c5c6 Sept. 25, 2018, 7:49 a.m. No.3178366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3399

FYI there is a new federal political party in Canada:


Here is their stance on firearms:


Anonymous ID: d98db1 Sept. 25, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.3178617   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Christina Ford….

Pure speculation….

Bloodlines of the illuminati…By Fritz

Ford and Russell…

Look at other thread…see the Ford/Russell link…again…speculation

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 26, 2018, 12:08 a.m. No.3189754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When Italy is a better neighbour than Canada.

This man is an embarrassment.

Anonymous ID: 464716 Sept. 26, 2018, 2:11 a.m. No.3190325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Great Awakening.

Symbolism in the Seal of The US.

A must read.

Anonymous ID: 975b8c Sept. 26, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.3201945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3175151Justin Trudeau's DISGUSTING ANSWER will leave you seeing red….a murderer receives veterans benefit

Anonymous ID: daaeca Oct. 1, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.3287508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2413

Majority of persons of wealth who have been essential in the oilsands hail from Boston areas.

far back as the 1700's

Our cities haven't been ours since someone heard we had black gold in AB. Nothing is coincidence, everything connects, my brain is tired from trying to find something from within the past 6000 yrs that doesn't connect to a lie that's been rolled into a historical fact or a murder that hasn't been hidden/glorified to bring about painful rebellion.

I pray more than ever before now that I am not listening to much other than myself for guidance, I pray for the safety of all living beings, but especially the safety and rescue of the children.

God save the children. Please let this be truly THE awakening, the real true saving grace of a lost peoples, the reuniting of soul and mind and heart. Please let us be the start of ages and ages of kind, compassionate knowledgeable and natural life on this planet. Please god let all future babies be born to a loving, healed and joyous family with their mother and father supported and together, let the future childrens not ever once know harm or hurt as has been done to too many for too long without anyone hearing their screams for help. WE HEAR YOU NOW! We won't ever forget and we wont ever stop. God I pray for the babies. I send love to all living beings and I pray for protection for all.



Anonymous ID: 582053 Oct. 2, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.3296505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4543

AlbertaFag here… I am an OilfieldAnon with 20 years experience who grew up in Fort Mac and worked at an oil sands mine throughout the entire Fort McFire, or The Beast, as it was called. I even worked there for a year after and saw the devastation.


I remember March of 2016 was unseasonably warm and windy, and just prior to the fires we had some crazy winds blowing. The winds brought a plague of spiders. These little fuckers would put their asses in the air, spin some thread and would travel on the wind for hundreds of kilometers. The spiders and high winds gave you a sense of impending doom. I remember the day before the fire, at 6 AM, I saw a large chemtrail plane, then another and another. I’ve heard that chemtrail planes spray an aluminum oxide that’s basically a fire accelerant. Within days, multiple fires emerged and the winds were quite brisk.


While the entire town was evacuated in a matter of hours, we were deemed “essential personnel” at this oil sands mine and were not allowed to leave.


The important thing to understand is that from 1996-2016, Fort Mac was a modern gold rush city, but all that came to an end. An OPEC oil glut, coupled with that fire, took Fort Mac down a few notches.


There is defenitely a conspiracy to keep Alberta in hobbles, because if this province ever gets too uppity, it’s going to pack up and leave Canada.


The conspiracy against Alberta is this: Alberta must be “brought to heel” by preventing it drom selling its oil to customers other than US oil refineries. A strange coalition of old oil money (Rockefellers, Gettys, Pew) funnel money theough the Tides Foundation to fund anti-oil sands activism in Canada. If Alberta can only sell to one customer, its oil will trade at a discount. If China gets in there, Alberta will sell closer to the Brent (global) oil price.


Trudeau is doing the bidding of his Soros masters, and that is to turn Canada into a basket case economy beset with high debt, ageing workforce, slow economic growth and internal strife driven by rapid immigration and identity politics.


Once Canada is sufficiently cucked, the banksters will implement the same IMF playbook of austerity used to cripple countries around the world.


Trudeau just puts a smiley face on the whole process so Canadians don’t clue into how fucked they really are.

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.3300210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0220

here is some info connecting some people


"The Bronfman family is a Canadian Jewish family.[1] It owes its initial fame to Samuel Bronfman (1889–1971), who made a fortune in the alcoholic distilled beverage business during the 20th century through the family's Seagram Company.[2]


The family is of Russian Jewish and Romanian Jewish ancestry; "they were originally tobacco farmers from Bessarabia".[3] According to New York Times staff reporter, Nathaniel Popper, the Bronfman family is "perhaps the single largest force in the Jewish charitable world."[4][5] "


"Trudeau taps millionaire Stephen Bronfman to help fill Liberals' war chest"


"Trudeau's chief fundraiser linked to Cayman Islands tax scheme"


"Clare Bronfman, Seagram's liquor heiress, arrested in NXIVM case"




" Clare BRONFMAN Born: 1979.


Charles Rosner BRONFMAN. Married to Barbara BAERWALD. Married to Andrea Brett MORRISON from 1982–2006. (Born: 1945. Died: 2006.) Married to Bonita ROCHE from 2008–2011. Married to Rita MAYO in 2012.


Stephen BRONFMAN "


"Keith Raniere‘s arrests, which took place within weeks of each other in March and April of this year. Mack and Raniere face three charges: sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labour conspiracy. Both have pleaded not guilty."







I have NXVIM research I need help with.


Shit really is hitting the fan.


It starts with…


'''Clare Bronfman"'


Bronfman, the heiress to Seagram's Liquor, was arrested today in connection with sex cult NXVIM.


>Clare Bronfman, 39-year-old daughter of late Seagram CEO Edgar Bronfman, was charged with money laundering and identity theft as part of her support for NXIVM. The group garnered headlines for an initiation ritual that includes branding, its attempts to recruit celebrities and accusations by prosecutors that members were turned into sex slaves for leader Keith Raniere.


>Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a "key logger" virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.


Now for Schneiderman connections


>(ph) Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office had filed a court case in early March asking a judge to order Bronfman and Porter to turn over their records related to brain-activity and other human behavioral studies, which had been conducted without any apparent oversight. The attorney general's decision to suspend the probe followed the March 25 arrest of NXIVM founder Keith Raniere on federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit forced labor.


<(actual charge was forced child sex trafficking)

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.3300220   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>But as the case against Raniere moves forward, it’s important not to overlook all the other people who enabled him to operate his criminal enterprise for almost 20 years. These people include various governmental officials in the Capital District – and a horde of attorneys all over the country who were willing to undertake unethical (and, in some cases, blatantly illegal) actions on his behalf.


To assist the federal officials in this effort, Frank Report will be posting a series of articles that are focused on these enablers. This first such article will focus on P. David Soares, District Attorney for Albany County – and one of the first law enforcement officials to become – by all appearances – part of the NXIVM criminal operation.


In depth article from 2010


>But there are those who believe that the contents of the 17 boxes could prove something very different. In a court filing, Bouchey’s bankruptcy lawyer has said that the boxes “apparently” contain “information that show the Bronfmans engaged in a conspiracy to forge documents,” although he has not been more specific. Former nxivm insiders hope that the boxes will answer a welter of questions about the finances and tax-related issues regarding the vast array of trusts and corporations set up in the names of various group members. In recent letters to the New York State attorney general, Joe O’Hara, nxivm’s former consultant, alleged that nxivm has been involved in a “variety of illegal activities,” including “tax evasion,” “money laundering,” and “immigration violations,” although he did not provide any supporting evidence.


They had their doctor doing human experiments


>A doctor described as the resident physician to the twisted upstate sex cult Nxivm has been charged by a state oversight board with illegally conducting human experiments.


>The action comes eight months after the state Health Department refused to act on a complaint from a former cult member who alleged that Dr. Brandon Porter, 44, forced her to watch disturbing rape and dismemberment videos for a “fright study” he was conducting.


Schneiderman ended probe after Raniere was arrested


>At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.


Nancy Salzmans home was raided by the FBI


Meantime, the EDNY is putting vast resources into this investigation.


(PARLATO ALSO WROTE THIS - SPOT ON, READ THE WHOLE THING. He wrote this BEFORE Bronfaman was indicted.)


Reportedly, a crack investigative team from Virginia is now on the ground in New York to supplement the FBI and US Attorney teams already assigned to work on the case. It is worth noting that members of the FBI- NYC team are the sames ones who wanted to indict Hillary Clinton – on a raft of crimes – but were overruled [much to their dismay] at the Washington DC headquarters of DOJ.


>The focus is not on Raniere [he is just the show pony – a creepy cult leader, easy to demonize]. The focus is not even on indicting Clare, although for more than 15 years, she abetted Raniere in committing vile and destructive crimes. The real push will be to save or indict Emiliano Salinas – who, if indicted, will be arrested and hauled into the USA from Mexico and jailed here.


>Emiliano’s father, former president of Mexico Carlos Salinas, is probably spending money and purchasing influence like he never has in America and perhaps never has in Mexico since he purchased his brother’s release from prison for murder.





Coleman told us regularly took notes in a journal that he kept .Coleman’s notes from October 4 containedthe following entry:




Anthony Wiener














texting 15 yo


Sexually Explicit




Federal SW




Initial analysis of laptop


thousands emails


Hillary Clinton & Foundation


Crime Against Children



Why is trudeau so important?










its all here









Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.3300233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4543

from another canadian anon considering problems

I sure hope POTUS and Q are paying attention to this….the TV Mind-Programming here has been very effective. Most Canadian men are more concerned with Hockey games than they are with world politics and protecting our country from foreign ideas and principles.


Not sure how on earth the mess can be cleaned up, it would take a full bottle of red pills….Our news media here is 100% bought off by the Cabal and our BIGGEST news network is funded by the Government.


My hunch is that since Pierre Trudeau, everyone of our Prime Ministers has been part of this cult and our media' covers it up. Today I bought 1 package of hamburger, 2 packages of steak meat for stir fry, 12 cans of smoked oysters (individual size), brussel sprouts, carrots, turnip, celery and lettuce, along with a package of hot rods and a bottle of salad dressing….. 115 f'ing DOLLARS …our gas is at 1.30$ per LITRE…that's over 4$ per gallon…but yet our government makes us gas up with Saudi Oil….our education system is teaching our 9 year olds about sex and sex toys….evolution has replaced God and overall, people are asleep…they idolize the Royal Family, and that's no understatement….it all started in 1755, but has just gotten worse and worse….our military answers to the Governor General, the Queen's representative and we can't even vote for our own Prime Minister because the Party picks their leader who has to win his local election to become Prime Minister…we vote for local MPs and if enough MPs from a party form a majority, their leader'' becomes PM.


It feels like we're trapped, and anything short of many of our politicians and members of the Royal Family going to jail, we will be trapped in a vicious cycle of corruption and enslavement.


PLEASE HELP US…we are trying to help you with Red Pilling the world, but we REALLY REALLY need your help waking up Canadians.


There is no reason our two countries can't be each other's principle allies…there's no reason the British Crown should be taking Canadian citizens' money….we have oil, water and trees in ABUNDANCE….not to mention all the wildlife and vast lands for development….why are Canadians suffering daily?


Yesterday was the anniversary of Lionel Desmond's death. Lionel Desmond fought in Afghanistan against Al Qaeda (which is essentially ISIS)…when he returned home, he sought out mental health services and repeatedly warned the system that he was suffering of SEVERE PTSD….well, they did NOTHING to help him…on January 4th 2017, Lionel Desmond killed his wife, his 10 year old daughter, his own mother and himself….and our Prime Minister said NOTHING !! The MP from his own riding recently voted in favor of reintegrating ISIS into the country….you can't make this shit up.


Some folks say that the Canadian Government is loaded with corrupt, sexual deviants who target newbies in Ottawa for blackmail and extortion scenarios (pedo activity, adultery, drunkenness and lewdness etc…), but because our media is STATE RUN, well it never sees the light of day…buried and forgotten, and anyone who speaks out is silenced and their careers ruined (I know, they did it to me)!!


My ancestors moved here from France and lived peacefully with the natives from the early 1600s until 1755….now it's like my people (Acadian Métis) don't even exist…litterally…they litterally deny that the Acadians in Nova Scotia are Métis!!


PLEASE, I BEG YOU and I BEG GOD, to please reveal this darkness!!

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.3300240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4783

Canada is undergoing the fastest White demographic replacement in the world which meets the legal definition of a genocide (replacing a people with another through any means is genocide as per the UN). Canada is now 49% White.


Furthermore, the Government of Canada is actively misleading the public as to its demographics in two ways:


>1. It manipulates the "visible minority" statistic by having a clause that results in visible minorities not being counted as visible minorities if they also claim to be White or some European country (culturally). Essentially any visible minority that grew up in a Western country is NOT considered a visible minority. This allows the government to claim Canada is 73% White, when in fact it was 53% in 2016 and is set to hit 49% in 2019.


>2. Immigration numbers are misconstrued and lied about. The government touts Skilled Immigration is good for Canada, when in fact it does nothing but suppress wages. The Liberals have removed the requirement that a skilled immigrant have a job offer (no job offer needed anymore). The Liberals use immigration as an ideological tool, and Canada's entire immigration system is designed to replace Canada's native White European population with non-White 3rd world unskilled immigrants. Unironically, this immigration plan was designed by none other than George Soros.


To expand on point 1. The Canadian government is cooking the 2016 census to make it appear that visible minorities are smaller than they actually are.


>The government throws around the 22% visible minority #, when in fact visible minorities are 47% and European Whites are at 53%. Trudeau does this as follows.


There are two ways to determine whether someone is White on the Canadian census; one is by ethnicity, of which a respondant can choose one or more (infinite ethnicities) (ie. Canadian, Scottish, Indian, Chinese, Cameroonian). This is problematic for the most part; however there is on reliable indicator from this methodology that excludes almost all non-whites (counting people only with White European ethnicity and excluding any non-White ethnicity as that would make the person non-White).


The other is the Visible Minority statistics always shilled. Census respondants are asked "Is this person:" (White, South Asian, Chinese, Black, Flip, Spic, Arab, Southeast Asia, West Asian, Korean, Japanese, Other - Specify). It works as you'd expect, except for one gigantic mindfuck.


Justified (((based))) on some Employment Equity Act definition, if someone chooses Arab, Latin American or West Asian, and chooses White as well, they are NOT counted as a visible minority. Like wise, if they write in any European country they are NOT counted as a visible minority.


To give you an example,


>Sunni Lebanese Muslim declares himself Arab and White, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.


>Morrocan Muslim Arab says he is Arab and French, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.


>Black "huewhite" Brazilian chose Latin American and Portugese, he would NOT be a visible minority.


So millions of Arabs, West Indians and Latin Americans are excluded from the visible minority statistic because of this kikery. Almost every Arab comes from a Euro-colonized country and a lot hold European passports, same thing for Latin Americans and West Indians.


Straight from the Census guidelines:




>In contrast, in accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population. Likewise, persons who reported ‘Latin American,’ ‘Arab’ or ‘West Asian’ and who provided a European write-in response such as ‘French’ have been excluded from the visible minority population as well. These persons are included in the ‘Not a visible minority’ category.


There is no legitimate reason to be applying this "Employment Equity Guideline" rule in the census other than to reduce the number of visible minority number. Statistics Canada does not publish how many millions of visible minorities are excluded as a result of this hidden, back-door book cooking rule, but based on the fact that only 19.68M Canadians declared themselves only of European ancestry, which would imply approximately 17M visible minorities, it is obvious this rule is used to massage the Visible Minority number down to 8.3M (22.6%).


Late 1990s:

>White European Canadians were a 95%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was

Conservative, no LGBTQ+ propaganda, pro family

>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks EVERYWHERE

>Multiculturalism expands to HYPER levels, every school/university/work place/government agency starts ramming diversity down our throats

>Wages start collapsing

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:34 p.m. No.3300242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fast Forward 2018

>Toronto 20% white

>Vancouver <30% white

>Ottawa 50% White (capital)

>Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news

>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs

>90% of White Canadians homeless if they miss paycheque

>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes and living in million dollar mansions

>All Universities have non-white majorities

>White Europeans down to 49%

>Whites will be <20% by 2040

>Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, government always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year

>nobody has ever heard of a white immigrating in the last 20 years


>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized

>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics

>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every government decision maker including immigration officers to ban straight whites

>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites

>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ government bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year

>Turns out this organization started in the 90s, around the time of the change

>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation

>Gov using M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion to criminalize any criticism of migration policy and install Sharia police

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.3300251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Julie Stewnick - Brett Kavanaugh - Amy Barrett - Martin Stewnick - Canadian Jew Association - Peter Munk - Barry and Honey Sherman - Trudeau - Bronfman Family - Uranium 1 - Kavanugh Accuser Mentions Rape Parties - Underage - Grassley - Q POST GRASSLEY - HOW DO YOU LEGALLY INTRODUCE

Anonymous ID: daaeca Oct. 2, 2018, 6:45 p.m. No.3304543   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Keep faith Fags, this ABFag has been doing some digging, we tie into the mess, which means it really is wWg1Wga.

Now regardless of the political stuff, we have to all mentally keep the goal of WINNING in mind… mind over matter - its super important to stay healthy, happy and mindful of freedom and success for ALL.

Love wins. God Wins. I am so happy to hear there are more waking up.

Thank you.


IT FAWKING SAWKS THAT PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING and yet media keeps telling other places that were all soooo happy and nice, omgosh WERE BROKE AND OVER WORKED AND SUPER FLOURIDATED

S.O.S. !!!

But, also, trust the plan and all..

but for real though… SOS…

Mind you — WE THE PEOPLE.


I am a research fag. If I had a meme fag and a push fag (I am off all social media) we could pill some Nucks!

Anonymous ID: 0427be Oct. 2, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.3306089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0349

Q Anon when will we be free of Justin Trudeau in Canada! He is making horrible changes to our Country and Laws…we are not safe in our own country anymore…we need him gone now before he can ruin Canada like Germany and Sweden and UK and France and Venezuela, etc.

Anonymous ID: 0427be Oct. 3, 2018, 7:39 a.m. No.3311079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks Anon…I am doing that but too many asleep and with Trump derangement syndrome…we need something big…a big red pill to wake them up…I have lost so many friends already.

Anonymous ID: d0750a Oct. 3, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.3311423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5099

is any other anon willing to go to public spaces supporting Q once the storm hits?


i'm willing to go to ottawa or toronto. signs in public places with as many people as we can get.

Anonymous ID: 8b4e45 Oct. 11, 2018, 7:15 a.m. No.3437855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8468 >>8625

Canada Ukraine connection that needs digging. Giant mansion in the middle of no where SK up for auction with NO MINIMUM RESERVE. Getting low on cash deep state fuckers? Phonefag then workfag will follow up tonight


Anonymous ID: daaeca Oct. 11, 2018, 8:17 a.m. No.3438468   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sask is a Fmason strong hold.

The son of the Grand pumba chick is married to a woman who works in alberta. Shes pretty braggy but says that her hubby doesn't get involved no matter how many times mom offers.


Good find anon

Anonymous ID: daaeca Oct. 11, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.3438625   🗄️.is 🔗kun



David Cook.. the cook family that your article states…

AG World Equipment founder

died 2016.

Anonymous ID: feef8b Oct. 12, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.3453399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5136


And the only thing this new political party will accomplish is to take votes from the Conservative Party of Canada. If they take enough, Trudeau wins again. Dick move by Bernier. Probably paid big $$$ by the Liberals.

Anonymous ID: feef8b Oct. 12, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.3453464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3627 >>4916


Fuck Maxime Bernier. He's not going to win anything. The only thing he does is steal votes from the CPC, which is the only party capable of beating Trudeau. Which means Maxime is sabotaging Canadian conservatives.

Anonymous ID: 13f119 Oct. 12, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.3454916   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The problem is that voting for Sheer's conservative party is the same as voting for the Liberal party, their policies are all most the same. If Sheer wins we just get more of the same.


The PPC and Mad Max are Canada's only chance of any real change taking place in Canadian politics. In 2004 I voted for the Marijuana Party and now 14 year's later Cannabis is legal. Did I split my vote then? Or did I use my vote to send a message to Ottawa?>>3453464

Anonymous ID: e33d32 Oct. 12, 2018, 2:37 p.m. No.3455099   🗄️.is 🔗kun


SK anon here. I have printed Q proofs and intend to set up a table and distribute literature at a busy spot if/when the time is right. I was thinking during the 10 days of darkness, when people will need information and when the fake news will have no power to reach them.

Anonymous ID: e33d32 Oct. 12, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.3455136   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I disagree, Anon.


The Conservatives are not conservatives. They're Liberal Party Lite. They won't end uncontrolled influx of "refugees," they won't tell the UN off, they won't end the system of small business subsidizing big business' tax evasion activities, they won't make Canada great again.


The more we spread this message, the more REAL CANADIAN PATRIOTS will realize Libs and CPC are two boots worn by the same oppressor.

Anonymous ID: e33cd9 Oct. 12, 2018, 4:03 p.m. No.3456008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5423 >>3144

Anon, from my connections in Ott I would discourage anyone from doing so much as looking at the CPC. They are full of elitist globalist true believers, backed by MSM, and loaded with Mossad/Pedo elite shills.


Mulroneys (and probably Harpers) are part of the same MK Ultra ring as Trudeaus.


The media tries to paint Bernier as a white supremacist for a reason: "white supremacist"=ANTI PEDO

Anonymous ID: 453547 Oct. 14, 2018, 5:14 a.m. No.3473005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What you guys make of the Deciem shitshow on insta? I read briefly somewheres cant confirm that they were using aborted fetal cells in their beauty products.

Anonymous ID: daaeca Oct. 14, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.3475423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3144 >>3204


your intel has similarities to my own.

RBC and the banking / Oil systems control every person in the country. human trafficking of Natives and kids. Immigrants and the Chinese population (Canada has been sold to China too.)

The health care system is killing people every day.

I cant see any white hats in Canada

Anonymous ID: ab4d8d Oct. 14, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.3481648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hold tight Canadanons. Storm is a ways off, still for sale to the highest bidder (China, US, UK) but at least we make them compete. Populace is mostly passionate about their brainwashing because it allows them to virtue signal their asses off. I wish I knew anyone who knows Q. Until the mass graves at the church-run residential schools make the news, (and the pathetic Truth and Reconciliation Commission) we are surely still in full lock-down.

Anonymous ID: 326b94 Oct. 15, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.3483144   🗄️.is 🔗kun



> your intel has similarities to my own.

> RBC and the banking / Oil systems control every person in the country. human trafficking of Natives and kids. Immigrants and the Chinese population (Canada has been sold to China too.)


> I cant see any white hats in Canada




> The media tries to paint Bernier as a white supremacist for a reason: "white supremacist"=ANTI PEDO


No shit Canada as been under corporate capture for so many decade!!! Once the storm hit the point of no return in the state. That the white hat in the NSA and Mil inteligence are talking to the canadian Mil and intelligence in Canada.

Anonymous ID: 326b94 Oct. 15, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.3483204   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I cant see any white hats in Canada


I can see them at work in Québec. I saw in the last two years a vast awareness program aim at the youth to warn them off of human trafficker and pimp.


I saw that the most influential and corrupted CAQ member decided to drop out of politics right at the beginning of the election campaign! Same for the PLQ.


A lot of member of the old guard have lost theirs protection…..


Trudeau Media support as been in the toilet for more than a years. And now they are trying very hard to make the new CPC leader a popular choice.


Make no mistake the news witch is Mulroney daughter. They are trying to push her into politics. She was groomed for the job. I see a lot of that happening all around. It's like they are changing strategy. Normally those women would control and influence thing behind the scene…… Not anymore.

Anonymous ID: 11e705 Nov. 3, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.3722928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada first?

Vets, seniors, healthcare?


760 Million Unspecified?


Is this too pay for play?


430 Million to Asia?


None for Vets?


Stop this.