Anonymous ID: 7ae1eb Sept. 18, 2018, 5:04 a.m. No.3071267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8308 >>3084

Like the US Canada as been under Corporate capture for many, many decade.


I can see a strategy that could help "Liberate" Canadians from the Cabal influence peacefully. But we will need some outside help. First thing is to put International sanction on Canada for being one of the Best place to launder dirty money from the worst international criminals.




Once sanction are publicly apply the population will be stun. Our perfect perception of our country will be shattered. This will plant a seed in the consciousness of the mass. As the military trial start in the US it will be important for the rest of the world to know who are the bad actors and who had a hand in the June missile launch against the president, Pic related. Once the US make formal demand to extradite our Canadians bad actors. All hell is going to break loose. Many anon in Canada will RedPill our fellow compatriot. The Canadians military will hand over those fucker on a silver platter no question ask. And since we have the CBC under government control we could use this "well respected" media to help clean out our civil society.