Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Sept. 20, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3105479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5483 >>9014 >>4879



real big uptick in HA and also masonic center just popped up

small town

sounds like our towns mirror



just fucking thought of something, the observatory. got shot down.

you mentioned mormons…

the only church in town with a massive fucking satellite is the mormon church…….


are these connected?

also trudeau is massively connected look at this shit i compiled a while back


"The Bronfman family is a Canadian Jewish family.[1] It owes its initial fame to Samuel Bronfman (1889–1971), who made a fortune in the alcoholic distilled beverage business during the 20th century through the family's Seagram Company.[2]


The family is of Russian Jewish and Romanian Jewish ancestry; "they were originally tobacco farmers from Bessarabia".[3] According to New York Times staff reporter, Nathaniel Popper, the Bronfman family is "perhaps the single largest force in the Jewish charitable world."[4][5] "


"Trudeau taps millionaire Stephen Bronfman to help fill Liberals' war chest"


"Trudeau's chief fundraiser linked to Cayman Islands tax scheme"


"Clare Bronfman, Seagram's liquor heiress, arrested in NXIVM case"




" Clare BRONFMAN Born: 1979.


Charles Rosner BRONFMAN. Married to Barbara BAERWALD. Married to Andrea Brett MORRISON from 1982–2006. (Born: 1945. Died: 2006.) Married to Bonita ROCHE from 2008–2011. Married to Rita MAYO in 2012.


Stephen BRONFMAN "


"Keith Raniere‘s arrests, which took place within weeks of each other in March and April of this year. Mack and Raniere face three charges: sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labour conspiracy. Both have pleaded not guilty."







I have NXVIM research I need help with.


Shit really is hitting the fan.


It starts with…


'''Clare Bronfman"'


Bronfman, the heiress to Seagram's Liquor, was arrested today in connection with sex cult NXVIM.


>Clare Bronfman, 39-year-old daughter of late Seagram CEO Edgar Bronfman, was charged with money laundering and identity theft as part of her support for NXIVM. The group garnered headlines for an initiation ritual that includes branding, its attempts to recruit celebrities and accusations by prosecutors that members were turned into sex slaves for leader Keith Raniere.


>Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a "key logger" virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.


Now for Schneiderman connections


>(ph) Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office had filed a court case in early March asking a judge to order Bronfman and Porter to turn over their records related to brain-activity and other human behavioral studies, which had been conducted without any apparent oversight. The attorney general's decision to suspend the probe followed the March 25 arrest of NXIVM founder Keith Raniere on federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit forced labor.


<(actual charge was forced child sex trafficking)

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Sept. 20, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3105483   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>But as the case against Raniere moves forward, it’s important not to overlook all the other people who enabled him to operate his criminal enterprise for almost 20 years. These people include various governmental officials in the Capital District – and a horde of attorneys all over the country who were willing to undertake unethical (and, in some cases, blatantly illegal) actions on his behalf.


To assist the federal officials in this effort, Frank Report will be posting a series of articles that are focused on these enablers. This first such article will focus on P. David Soares, District Attorney for Albany County – and one of the first law enforcement officials to become – by all appearances – part of the NXIVM criminal operation.


In depth article from 2010


>But there are those who believe that the contents of the 17 boxes could prove something very different. In a court filing, Bouchey’s bankruptcy lawyer has said that the boxes “apparently” contain “information that show the Bronfmans engaged in a conspiracy to forge documents,” although he has not been more specific. Former nxivm insiders hope that the boxes will answer a welter of questions about the finances and tax-related issues regarding the vast array of trusts and corporations set up in the names of various group members. In recent letters to the New York State attorney general, Joe O’Hara, nxivm’s former consultant, alleged that nxivm has been involved in a “variety of illegal activities,” including “tax evasion,” “money laundering,” and “immigration violations,” although he did not provide any supporting evidence.


They had their doctor doing human experiments


>A doctor described as the resident physician to the twisted upstate sex cult Nxivm has been charged by a state oversight board with illegally conducting human experiments.


>The action comes eight months after the state Health Department refused to act on a complaint from a former cult member who alleged that Dr. Brandon Porter, 44, forced her to watch disturbing rape and dismemberment videos for a “fright study” he was conducting.


Schneiderman ended probe after Raniere was arrested


>At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.


Nancy Salzmans home was raided by the FBI


Meantime, the EDNY is putting vast resources into this investigation.


(PARLATO ALSO WROTE THIS - SPOT ON, READ THE WHOLE THING. He wrote this BEFORE Bronfaman was indicted.)


Reportedly, a crack investigative team from Virginia is now on the ground in New York to supplement the FBI and US Attorney teams already assigned to work on the case. It is worth noting that members of the FBI- NYC team are the sames ones who wanted to indict Hillary Clinton – on a raft of crimes – but were overruled [much to their dismay] at the Washington DC headquarters of DOJ.


>The focus is not on Raniere [he is just the show pony – a creepy cult leader, easy to demonize]. The focus is not even on indicting Clare, although for more than 15 years, she abetted Raniere in committing vile and destructive crimes. The real push will be to save or indict Emiliano Salinas – who, if indicted, will be arrested and hauled into the USA from Mexico and jailed here.


>Emiliano’s father, former president of Mexico Carlos Salinas, is probably spending money and purchasing influence like he never has in America and perhaps never has in Mexico since he purchased his brother’s release from prison for murder.





Coleman told us regularly took notes in a journal that he kept .Coleman’s notes from October 4 containedthe following entry:




Anthony Wiener














texting 15 yo


Sexually Explicit




Federal SW




Initial analysis of laptop


thousands emails


Hillary Clinton & Foundation


Crime Against Children



Why is trudeau so important?










its all here









Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Sept. 20, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.3105560   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i'm curious as to why the murders

five eyes totally was surveillance. former mil and without breaking any rules ill say what we can see about each other is insane - the details..

I think somehow in the long run it is connected to that CDC Ebola specialist who was in the service, can't remember what branch.


The CDAN talked about the vatican playing out and bribing countries that were privvy to experiments, so they tried them and first was sucsessful, and second was not as there was family around that the gov didnt know about?

anyway basically the shit got lose and thats ebola.

the cdan guy mentioned something about vatican coming with a cure but that might be too suspicious



Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.3300210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0220

here is some info connecting some people


"The Bronfman family is a Canadian Jewish family.[1] It owes its initial fame to Samuel Bronfman (1889–1971), who made a fortune in the alcoholic distilled beverage business during the 20th century through the family's Seagram Company.[2]


The family is of Russian Jewish and Romanian Jewish ancestry; "they were originally tobacco farmers from Bessarabia".[3] According to New York Times staff reporter, Nathaniel Popper, the Bronfman family is "perhaps the single largest force in the Jewish charitable world."[4][5] "


"Trudeau taps millionaire Stephen Bronfman to help fill Liberals' war chest"


"Trudeau's chief fundraiser linked to Cayman Islands tax scheme"


"Clare Bronfman, Seagram's liquor heiress, arrested in NXIVM case"




" Clare BRONFMAN Born: 1979.


Charles Rosner BRONFMAN. Married to Barbara BAERWALD. Married to Andrea Brett MORRISON from 1982–2006. (Born: 1945. Died: 2006.) Married to Bonita ROCHE from 2008–2011. Married to Rita MAYO in 2012.


Stephen BRONFMAN "


"Keith Raniere‘s arrests, which took place within weeks of each other in March and April of this year. Mack and Raniere face three charges: sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labour conspiracy. Both have pleaded not guilty."







I have NXVIM research I need help with.


Shit really is hitting the fan.


It starts with…


'''Clare Bronfman"'


Bronfman, the heiress to Seagram's Liquor, was arrested today in connection with sex cult NXVIM.


>Clare Bronfman, 39-year-old daughter of late Seagram CEO Edgar Bronfman, was charged with money laundering and identity theft as part of her support for NXIVM. The group garnered headlines for an initiation ritual that includes branding, its attempts to recruit celebrities and accusations by prosecutors that members were turned into sex slaves for leader Keith Raniere.


>Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a "key logger" virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.


Now for Schneiderman connections


>(ph) Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office had filed a court case in early March asking a judge to order Bronfman and Porter to turn over their records related to brain-activity and other human behavioral studies, which had been conducted without any apparent oversight. The attorney general's decision to suspend the probe followed the March 25 arrest of NXIVM founder Keith Raniere on federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit forced labor.


<(actual charge was forced child sex trafficking)

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.3300220   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>But as the case against Raniere moves forward, it’s important not to overlook all the other people who enabled him to operate his criminal enterprise for almost 20 years. These people include various governmental officials in the Capital District – and a horde of attorneys all over the country who were willing to undertake unethical (and, in some cases, blatantly illegal) actions on his behalf.


To assist the federal officials in this effort, Frank Report will be posting a series of articles that are focused on these enablers. This first such article will focus on P. David Soares, District Attorney for Albany County – and one of the first law enforcement officials to become – by all appearances – part of the NXIVM criminal operation.


In depth article from 2010


>But there are those who believe that the contents of the 17 boxes could prove something very different. In a court filing, Bouchey’s bankruptcy lawyer has said that the boxes “apparently” contain “information that show the Bronfmans engaged in a conspiracy to forge documents,” although he has not been more specific. Former nxivm insiders hope that the boxes will answer a welter of questions about the finances and tax-related issues regarding the vast array of trusts and corporations set up in the names of various group members. In recent letters to the New York State attorney general, Joe O’Hara, nxivm’s former consultant, alleged that nxivm has been involved in a “variety of illegal activities,” including “tax evasion,” “money laundering,” and “immigration violations,” although he did not provide any supporting evidence.


They had their doctor doing human experiments


>A doctor described as the resident physician to the twisted upstate sex cult Nxivm has been charged by a state oversight board with illegally conducting human experiments.


>The action comes eight months after the state Health Department refused to act on a complaint from a former cult member who alleged that Dr. Brandon Porter, 44, forced her to watch disturbing rape and dismemberment videos for a “fright study” he was conducting.


Schneiderman ended probe after Raniere was arrested


>At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.


Nancy Salzmans home was raided by the FBI


Meantime, the EDNY is putting vast resources into this investigation.


(PARLATO ALSO WROTE THIS - SPOT ON, READ THE WHOLE THING. He wrote this BEFORE Bronfaman was indicted.)


Reportedly, a crack investigative team from Virginia is now on the ground in New York to supplement the FBI and US Attorney teams already assigned to work on the case. It is worth noting that members of the FBI- NYC team are the sames ones who wanted to indict Hillary Clinton – on a raft of crimes – but were overruled [much to their dismay] at the Washington DC headquarters of DOJ.


>The focus is not on Raniere [he is just the show pony – a creepy cult leader, easy to demonize]. The focus is not even on indicting Clare, although for more than 15 years, she abetted Raniere in committing vile and destructive crimes. The real push will be to save or indict Emiliano Salinas – who, if indicted, will be arrested and hauled into the USA from Mexico and jailed here.


>Emiliano’s father, former president of Mexico Carlos Salinas, is probably spending money and purchasing influence like he never has in America and perhaps never has in Mexico since he purchased his brother’s release from prison for murder.





Coleman told us regularly took notes in a journal that he kept .Coleman’s notes from October 4 containedthe following entry:




Anthony Wiener














texting 15 yo


Sexually Explicit




Federal SW




Initial analysis of laptop


thousands emails


Hillary Clinton & Foundation


Crime Against Children



Why is trudeau so important?










its all here









Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.3300233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4543

from another canadian anon considering problems

I sure hope POTUS and Q are paying attention to this….the TV Mind-Programming here has been very effective. Most Canadian men are more concerned with Hockey games than they are with world politics and protecting our country from foreign ideas and principles.


Not sure how on earth the mess can be cleaned up, it would take a full bottle of red pills….Our news media here is 100% bought off by the Cabal and our BIGGEST news network is funded by the Government.


My hunch is that since Pierre Trudeau, everyone of our Prime Ministers has been part of this cult and our media' covers it up. Today I bought 1 package of hamburger, 2 packages of steak meat for stir fry, 12 cans of smoked oysters (individual size), brussel sprouts, carrots, turnip, celery and lettuce, along with a package of hot rods and a bottle of salad dressing….. 115 f'ing DOLLARS …our gas is at 1.30$ per LITRE…that's over 4$ per gallon…but yet our government makes us gas up with Saudi Oil….our education system is teaching our 9 year olds about sex and sex toys….evolution has replaced God and overall, people are asleep…they idolize the Royal Family, and that's no understatement….it all started in 1755, but has just gotten worse and worse….our military answers to the Governor General, the Queen's representative and we can't even vote for our own Prime Minister because the Party picks their leader who has to win his local election to become Prime Minister…we vote for local MPs and if enough MPs from a party form a majority, their leader'' becomes PM.


It feels like we're trapped, and anything short of many of our politicians and members of the Royal Family going to jail, we will be trapped in a vicious cycle of corruption and enslavement.


PLEASE HELP US…we are trying to help you with Red Pilling the world, but we REALLY REALLY need your help waking up Canadians.


There is no reason our two countries can't be each other's principle allies…there's no reason the British Crown should be taking Canadian citizens' money….we have oil, water and trees in ABUNDANCE….not to mention all the wildlife and vast lands for development….why are Canadians suffering daily?


Yesterday was the anniversary of Lionel Desmond's death. Lionel Desmond fought in Afghanistan against Al Qaeda (which is essentially ISIS)…when he returned home, he sought out mental health services and repeatedly warned the system that he was suffering of SEVERE PTSD….well, they did NOTHING to help him…on January 4th 2017, Lionel Desmond killed his wife, his 10 year old daughter, his own mother and himself….and our Prime Minister said NOTHING !! The MP from his own riding recently voted in favor of reintegrating ISIS into the country….you can't make this shit up.


Some folks say that the Canadian Government is loaded with corrupt, sexual deviants who target newbies in Ottawa for blackmail and extortion scenarios (pedo activity, adultery, drunkenness and lewdness etc…), but because our media is STATE RUN, well it never sees the light of day…buried and forgotten, and anyone who speaks out is silenced and their careers ruined (I know, they did it to me)!!


My ancestors moved here from France and lived peacefully with the natives from the early 1600s until 1755….now it's like my people (Acadian Métis) don't even exist…litterally…they litterally deny that the Acadians in Nova Scotia are Métis!!


PLEASE, I BEG YOU and I BEG GOD, to please reveal this darkness!!

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.3300240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4783

Canada is undergoing the fastest White demographic replacement in the world which meets the legal definition of a genocide (replacing a people with another through any means is genocide as per the UN). Canada is now 49% White.


Furthermore, the Government of Canada is actively misleading the public as to its demographics in two ways:


>1. It manipulates the "visible minority" statistic by having a clause that results in visible minorities not being counted as visible minorities if they also claim to be White or some European country (culturally). Essentially any visible minority that grew up in a Western country is NOT considered a visible minority. This allows the government to claim Canada is 73% White, when in fact it was 53% in 2016 and is set to hit 49% in 2019.


>2. Immigration numbers are misconstrued and lied about. The government touts Skilled Immigration is good for Canada, when in fact it does nothing but suppress wages. The Liberals have removed the requirement that a skilled immigrant have a job offer (no job offer needed anymore). The Liberals use immigration as an ideological tool, and Canada's entire immigration system is designed to replace Canada's native White European population with non-White 3rd world unskilled immigrants. Unironically, this immigration plan was designed by none other than George Soros.


To expand on point 1. The Canadian government is cooking the 2016 census to make it appear that visible minorities are smaller than they actually are.


>The government throws around the 22% visible minority #, when in fact visible minorities are 47% and European Whites are at 53%. Trudeau does this as follows.


There are two ways to determine whether someone is White on the Canadian census; one is by ethnicity, of which a respondant can choose one or more (infinite ethnicities) (ie. Canadian, Scottish, Indian, Chinese, Cameroonian). This is problematic for the most part; however there is on reliable indicator from this methodology that excludes almost all non-whites (counting people only with White European ethnicity and excluding any non-White ethnicity as that would make the person non-White).


The other is the Visible Minority statistics always shilled. Census respondants are asked "Is this person:" (White, South Asian, Chinese, Black, Flip, Spic, Arab, Southeast Asia, West Asian, Korean, Japanese, Other - Specify). It works as you'd expect, except for one gigantic mindfuck.


Justified (((based))) on some Employment Equity Act definition, if someone chooses Arab, Latin American or West Asian, and chooses White as well, they are NOT counted as a visible minority. Like wise, if they write in any European country they are NOT counted as a visible minority.


To give you an example,


>Sunni Lebanese Muslim declares himself Arab and White, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.


>Morrocan Muslim Arab says he is Arab and French, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.


>Black "huewhite" Brazilian chose Latin American and Portugese, he would NOT be a visible minority.


So millions of Arabs, West Indians and Latin Americans are excluded from the visible minority statistic because of this kikery. Almost every Arab comes from a Euro-colonized country and a lot hold European passports, same thing for Latin Americans and West Indians.


Straight from the Census guidelines:




>In contrast, in accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population. Likewise, persons who reported ‘Latin American,’ ‘Arab’ or ‘West Asian’ and who provided a European write-in response such as ‘French’ have been excluded from the visible minority population as well. These persons are included in the ‘Not a visible minority’ category.


There is no legitimate reason to be applying this "Employment Equity Guideline" rule in the census other than to reduce the number of visible minority number. Statistics Canada does not publish how many millions of visible minorities are excluded as a result of this hidden, back-door book cooking rule, but based on the fact that only 19.68M Canadians declared themselves only of European ancestry, which would imply approximately 17M visible minorities, it is obvious this rule is used to massage the Visible Minority number down to 8.3M (22.6%).


Late 1990s:

>White European Canadians were a 95%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was

Conservative, no LGBTQ+ propaganda, pro family

>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks EVERYWHERE

>Multiculturalism expands to HYPER levels, every school/university/work place/government agency starts ramming diversity down our throats

>Wages start collapsing

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:34 p.m. No.3300242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fast Forward 2018

>Toronto 20% white

>Vancouver <30% white

>Ottawa 50% White (capital)

>Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news

>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs

>90% of White Canadians homeless if they miss paycheque

>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes and living in million dollar mansions

>All Universities have non-white majorities

>White Europeans down to 49%

>Whites will be <20% by 2040

>Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, government always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year

>nobody has ever heard of a white immigrating in the last 20 years


>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized

>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics

>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every government decision maker including immigration officers to ban straight whites

>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites

>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ government bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year

>Turns out this organization started in the 90s, around the time of the change

>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation

>Gov using M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion to criminalize any criticism of migration policy and install Sharia police

Anonymous ID: 6d01d3 Oct. 2, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.3300251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Julie Stewnick - Brett Kavanaugh - Amy Barrett - Martin Stewnick - Canadian Jew Association - Peter Munk - Barry and Honey Sherman - Trudeau - Bronfman Family - Uranium 1 - Kavanugh Accuser Mentions Rape Parties - Underage - Grassley - Q POST GRASSLEY - HOW DO YOU LEGALLY INTRODUCE