Anonymous ID: 9950e1 Sept. 20, 2018, 3:43 p.m. No.3111461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1469

An excellent example on how zionist Israel first traitors work at deflecting attention from the truth about Israel and Israeli crimes.


In this vídeo you’ll also learn about the treasonous, hypocritical and genocidal nature of zionism.

If you haven’t watched it, watch it now, you're going to be thankful you did.

Anonymous ID: 9950e1 Sept. 20, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.3111469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1477



The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. By Ilan Pappe


“Pappé is one of Israel's "New Historians" who, since the release of pertinent British and Israeli government documents in the early 1980s, have been rewriting the history of Israel's creation in 1948, and the corresponding expulsion or flight of 700,000 Palestinians in the same year. He has written that the expulsions were not decided on an ad hoc basis, as other historians have argued, but constituted the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, in accordance with Plan Dalet, drawn up in 1947 by Israel's future leaders.

He blames the creation of Israel for the lack of peace in the Middle East, arguing that Zionism is more dangerous than Islamic militancy, and has called for an international boycott of Israeli academics.”

Anonymous ID: 9950e1 Sept. 20, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.3111477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1560


Zionists can never be patriots, they are ALWAYS by definition traitors. See the video here in this post to hear it from the horses mouth: >>3021921



Video is the documentary "Marching to Zion", which everyone needs to watch too.


From minute 9 and 45 seconds of the documentary “Marching to Zion”, you can see the book “Jesus in the Talmud”, written by the jewish author Peter Schafer, who was the Head of the Judaic Studies of the Princeton University (until 2013) and is now the director of the Jewish Museum of Berlin.

Check for yourself all the blasphemy present in the talmud and the very real anti-Christian sentiment that jews ALWAYS had in their communities.


You can read and get the book “Jesus in the Talmud”, written by the jewish author Peter Schafer, for free here:


A note regarding the documentary that I think I should make:


I think this documentary is pretty good, but I disagree with the author’s lack of race realism, which he presents at the end. Just like culture and ideology are a factor in human behavior, and shape societies, communities and nations in certain ways, the reality is that ethnicity is also a factor. Does not mean that one does not judge people for their character, race realism is not racism.

I am pretty sure that after we get rid of jewish group power in the West, that will result in the end of censorship in big social platforms, and that will allow people to have peaceful and respectful dialogues about race realism, and most of the people will be ok with the right to freedom of association. How many will choose it, I don't know, but I bet you more that most people think, specially after we show people that it is really for the best to have as little diversity as possible, kinda like Japan. A diverse world, not diverse nations.

We will fix the demographic issue of the US and the rest of the West too, peacefully, and in a way that is fair for all involved.

But first, the swamp needs to be drained and the ZOG needs to be slayed.


If you want some information regarding the very real and dangerous downsides of diversity, read this:

Anonymous ID: 9950e1 Sept. 20, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.3111577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1632 >>1633


This is so good.

I think many people don't understand that even if Trump and team can't officially admit to 60% the truth, when censorship gets done with WE can reveal whatever we know about those 60%.

Anonymous ID: 9950e1 Sept. 20, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.3111755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You don't need the Church to be a Christian.

But a clean and purged Church is a great asset to stabilize the West.

Judaism and islam have to be banned from the West due to being supremacist ideologies thou.

Anonymous ID: 9950e1 Sept. 20, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.3111988   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So I found this very interdasting book, written by a jew that got murdered by the Mossad:


“The Life Of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel” - Jack Bernstein


Some quotes:


"Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews worldwide were filled with Zionist propaganda that Israel

would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a democratic country and the

fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

I am an Ashkenazi Jew who spent the first 25 years of my life in the United States, the country that

has given ALL Jews freedom and the opportunity to prosper – and prosper we Jews did, to the point

that one portion of the Jews (the Zionists) have gained a position of political and economic

dominance in the U.S.

To fully understand the story I am about to tell, it is important that you understand what Zionism

really is. Zionist propaganda has led the American people to believe that Zionism and Judaism are

one and the same and that they are religious in nature. This is a blatant lie.

Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European

(Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind communism/socialism. The

ultimate goal of the Zionists is one-world government under the control of the Zionists and the

Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers. Communism/socialism are merely tools to help them

accomplish their goal."


"After the 1967 War, we Jews were filled with pride that 'our homeland' had become so powerful and

successful. Then too, we had been filled with the false propaganda that Jews in America were being

persecuted. So, between 1967 and 1970 approximately 50.000 American Jews fell for this Zionist

propaganda and migrated to Israel. I was one of those suckers.

After being filled with all this false Zionist propaganda, I felt that I would have a better chance to

succeed in the new Jewish state. There was an added enticement, the spirit and challenge of

pioneering and of helping my fellow Jews."


"I had no emotional conflict with leaving the U.S. because I was still able to keep my U.S. citizenship

and could return to the U.S. at any time. You see, Jews are allowed to be citizens of both Israel and

some countries – U.S. is one of those countries. The U.S. government allows a Jew to be a citizen of

both U.S. and Israel.

German Americans cannot be citizens of both the U.S. and Germany. Italian Americans cannot be

citizen of both U.S. and Italy. Egyptian-Americans cannot be citizens of both the U.S. and Egypt . . .

BUT, a Jewish American can be a citizen of both Israel and the U.S. THIS IS A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THE